Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title





School of Engineering




Karabük University, grant number FDT-2020-2340


Demirsöz, R., Yaşar, N., Korkmaz, M. E., Günay, M., Giasin, K., Pimenov, D. Y., ... & Unal, H. (2022). Evaluation of the mechanical properties and drilling of glass bead/fiber-reinforced polyamide 66 (PA66)-based hybrid polymer composites. Materials, 15(8), 2765.


In this study, mechanical testing of glass bead (GB), glass fiber (GF), and hybrid (GB/GF) composites was carried out. Following that, drilling tests were undertaken on glass bead/fiber-reinforced hybrid Polyamide 66 (PA66) polymer composites. The purpose of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of the cutting elements and the effect of cutting parameters (spindle speed and feed rate) and reinforcement ratios on thrust force and surface roughness (Ra). The contribution of the cutting parameters to the investigated outcomes was determined using statistical analysis. Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to inspect the hole quality and damage mechanisms. The results revealed that the feed rate was the most contributing factor to thrust force (96.94 %) and surface roughness (63.59%). Furthermore, in comparison to other hybrid composites, the lowest Ra value was obtained as 0.95 µm in samples containing 30% GB, while the Ra value was 1.04 µm in samples containing 10% GF + 20% GB. Polymer PA reinforced with 30% GF had the highest strength, modulus of elasticity, impact strength, and hardness



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