Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

The British Journal of Social Work


Oxford University Press


School of Arts and Humanities




Jury, R. (2022). Service user involvement in social work education: Enhancing student learning about intimate partner violence. The British Journal of Social Work, article bcac087.


Men who use intimate partner violence (IPV) are often excluded from service user involvement approaches, including those provided in social work education. This article outlines Australian research in which men who use IPV developed a learning resource, the resource was shown to social work students and student feedback sought through pre- and post-test questionnaires and group discussion. Students reported increased knowledge regarding interpersonal violence, greater awareness of the skills required to engage service users who use IPV and willingness to work alongside service users who are involuntary and/or have multiple issues in future social work placements and practice. The findings suggest, when risks are well managed, it may be possible to incorporate the lived experiences of men who use IPV in social work education with positive benefit for student learning. The ramifications of these findings for social work education and practice internationally are discussed.



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