Voice For The Mute

Document Type

Conference Proceeding




Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science


School of Computer and Security Science




Tripathy, A. K., Jadhav, D., Barreto, S. A., Rasquinha, D., & Mathew, S. S. (2015). Voice for the mute. In Technologies for Sustainable Development (ICTSD), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Available here


Many ways of communications are used between human and computer, one of them includes using gesture which is considered to be one of the most natural ways in a virtual reality system. Because of its intuitiveness and its capability of helping the hearing impaired and speaking impaired. Hand gestures enable deaf people to communication during their daily lives rather than by speaking. A sign language is a language which, instead of using sound, uses visually transmitted gesture signs which simultaneously combine hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms, lip-patterns, body movements and facial expressions to express the speaker's thoughts. in order to bridge this gap of sign to speech, Voice fOr the Mute (VOM) aims to develop a system that will take real time images and convert them to speech with text as an intermediate taking into considerations all the limitations observed by a 2D system we will be considering only fingering spelling in our system i.e. Take input in the form of finger-spelling of alphabetic signs and providing the resultant voice output. The system will be using a webcam for the input and processing of the signs will be done using Microsoft Visual Studio as an IDE and OpenCv modules. With this proposed system we aims to help the speech impaired community.



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