Mayakeniny: Restoring on-Country performance: Noongar performance and language resources
Clint Bracknell, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Pierre Horwitz, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Daniel McAullay, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Linda Barwick, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Aaron Allen
Bobbi Henry, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Kyle Morrison, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Trevor Ryan, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Amy Budrikis, Edith Cowan UniversityFollow
Document Type
Maya Keniny
Kurongkurl Katitjin / School of Science / Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)
Australian Research Council
Grant Number
ARC Number : IN170100022
mayakeniny means ‘sound dancing’. This website showcases the Noongar music, song, dance, and language outputs of the project, including teaching resources such as the songs from Hecate (the all-Noongar language adaptation of Macbeth performed at the Perth Festival in 2020), Koorlangka Karaoke (Noongar children’s songs with Nan Roma Yibiyung Winmar), Noongar language webisodes, and a Noongar-English wordlist that brings together historical variations of Noongar words.
This project also draws on the creative skill and expertise of three Masters of Performing Arts candidates (Bobbi Henry, Kyle Morrison, and Trevor Ryan) at the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), who are researching unique components of restoring on-Country performance.
The project and the creative work on this website would also not be possible without the input and support of Dr Roma Yibiyung Winmar, Kylie Bracknell, Rubeun Yorkshire, Cath Trimboli and Rich Seale at L’uncia Productions, and Cassandra Edwards.
Access Rights
Bracknell, C., Horwitz, P., McAullay, Barwick, L., Allen, A., Henry, B., Morrison, K., Ryan, T., & Budrikis, A. (2020). Mayakeniny: Restoring on-Country performance: Noongar performance and language resources. Retrieved from