"Breaking the silence: Insights from WA services working with Aborigina" by Braden Hill, Bep Uink et al.

Document Type



Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University


Kurongkurl Katitjin




Hill, B., Uink, B., Dodd, J., Bonson, D., Eades, A. & Bennett, S. (2021). Breaking the silence: Insights from WA services working with Aboriginal/ LGBTIQ+ people: Organisations summary report 2021. Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University. Perth. WA. https://www.ecu.edu.au/centres/kurongkurl-katitjin/research/current-projects-and-past-projects/breaking-the-silence


The ‘Breaking the Silence’ research project is one of the first to focus on the unique experiences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ+ people living in Western Australia. The report presents the first phase of a twopart research project that explores how a range of health, social support and education organisations respond to the needs of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, living in Western Australia and identifying as LGBTIQ+. This report presents the findings of focus groups, interviews and surveys with staff employed within a range of organisations that work closely with Aboriginal and/or LGBTIQ+ individuals. The discussion explores the extent to which diverse health, social and emotional wellbeing, education and community services meet the needs of participants, how staff working in these organisations are supported and what else is needed to provide effective and responsive services for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients who also identify as LGBTIQ+. Please see the ’Breaking the Silence: Insights into the Lived Experiences of WA Aboriginal/LGBTIQ+ People, Community Summary Report’ on findings from a survey distributed to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ+ in the community of Western Australia.

