Entrepreneurial continuance among small businesses during COVID-19: The role of relational embeddedness and institutional support

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

34th Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference


Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management / Edith Cowan University


School of Business and Law


Zhang, T., Seet P. S., Redmond, J., & Sharafizad, J. (2021, December). Entrepreneurial continuance among small businesses during COVID-19: The role of relational embeddedness and institutional support [Paper presentation]. 34th Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Virtual Format. http://anzamconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/8038ANZAM-Papers-and-Abstracts-Conference-Solutions_DEC-2021_V3.pdf


This study investigates how relational embeddedness and perceived institutional support influence entrepreneurs’ intention to keep ventures going during the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e., intention for entrepreneurial continuance, IEC). We surveyed 295 small business owners in China in late 2020, and analyzed the data using structural equation modeling. Relational embeddedness and perceived institutional support both significantly influenced IEC through the mediating effects of the three Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) determinants (attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control). The study contributes to organizational resilience theory by corroborating the explanatory power of TPB in predicting entrepreneurial continuance intentions in the context of disruptions. It also reinforces the roles of relational embeddedness and institutional support in facilitating small business survival.

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