Better Beginnings: Making a difference: The evaluation of the Better Beginnings Birth to Three Family Literacy Program 14 years on 2017

Document Type



State Library of Western Australia


School of Education




Barratt-Pugh, C., Sparrow, H., Rohl, M., & Allen, N. (2017). Better Beginnings: Making a difference: The evaluation of the Better Beginnings Birth to Three Family Literacy Program 14 years on 2017. State Library of Western Australia.


Better Beginnings is an award-winning1 initiative of the State Library of Western Australia (SLWA), designed to ensure every child in WA has the best opportunity to enjoy the kinds of resources and experiences recognised worldwide as promoting early literacy learning. The Better Beginnings Birth to Three program2 focuses attention on families with babies from birth to three years. Its primary goals are to: • Ensure every family in WA receives a Better Beginnings Birth to Three Reading Pack, that includes developmentally appropriate books and information to guide parents3 in how to provide their baby with positive and nurturing experiences through book sharing; • Provide ongoing support to families in understanding the importance of language rich interactions in their baby’s development, and in developing the attitudes, skills and knowledge needed to help parents to bond with their child and become their first teacher; and • Encourage strong links between families, health services and local libraries to ensure babies have access to literacy orientated resources and opportunities available through community services.

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