Partnerships of learning for planning education Who is learning what from whom? The beautiful messiness of learning partnerships: Experiential learning partnerships in Australian and New Zealand higher education planning programmes: Res non verba? rediscovering the social purpose of planning (and the university): The Westfield Action Research Project: At the coalface, Take 2: Lessons from students' critical reflections: Education for “cubed change”: Unsettling planning education through community-engaged teaching and learning: Reflections on the Indigenous Planning Studio
Libby Porter
Christine Slade
Andrew Butt
Jo Rosier
Tim Perkins, Edith Cowan University
Lee Cookes
Andy Inch
Jason Slade
Faravaaz Bassa
Brett Petzer
Tanya Winker
Laura Saija
Janice Barry
Document Type
Journal Article
School of Business and Law
Access Rights
Porter, L., Slade, C., Butt, A., Rosier, J., Perkins, T., Crookes, L., Inch, A., Slade, J., Bassa, F., Petzer, B., Winkler, T., Saija, L., Barry, J. (2015). Partnerships of learning for planning education Who is learning what from whom? The beautiful messiness of learning partnerships: Experiential learning partnerships in Australian and New Zealand higher education planning programmes: Res non verba? rediscovering the social purpose of planning (and the university): The Westfield Action Research Project: At the coalface, Take 2: Lessons from students' critical reflections: Education for “cubed change”: Unsettling planning education through community-engaged teaching and learning: Reflections on the Indigenous Planning Studio in Planning Theory and Practice, 16(3), 409-434. Available here.