Endorse your brand: Self development tool for agile employment

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

2017 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA)


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc

Place of Publication

Piscataway, NJ


School of Science




Kinny, S. L., Wagaskar, K. A., & Tripathy, A. K. (2017). Endorse your brand: Self development tool for agile employment. In 2017 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA) (pp. 195-200). IEEE. Available here.


In today's high paced world where time management stands next to God, it becomes very essential to manage all our roles as well as goals, in order to complete the given task on time. The inability of an individual to do so might lead to serious consequences. At times one might feel extreme pressure and cannot stop worrying about tomorrow's job and pending deadlines. Along with this one has to also acquire skills that make him stand out from the rest of the crowd, which means he has to learn new technologies and keep himself abreast and up-to-date. In order to keep moving on and continue to live in this competitive world, one has to nurture themselves in the right way so that they can cope up with the ever increasing work pressure and at the same time keep oneself ready for competition. In this paper we are proposing a solution to manage all the activities by creating a goal oriented approach to scheduling activities at hand. This dynamic timetable will provide reminders on regular basis, and ensure that you complete each and every task on time without pressure and chaos.



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