Building high caliber VET research capability through more effective higher degree by research supervision
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Place of Publication
School of Business and Law
The radically realigned VET institutional landscape is now confronted by the impact of digital disruption, redefining what businesses, workplaces, work, and skills will be required. VET practitioners have to determine what learning content, processes, and infrastructure will be required for this future. At such critical periods of renovation and rebuilding, examining the available research evidence should be at the core of rational decision making and challenge inevitable ideological responses. However, this requires a new generation of highly capable VET researchers with a sound research apprenticeship and the confidence to assert rational research perspectives. Developing a strong cohort of VET higher degree by research (HDR) students is therefore an imperative for strong VET sector decision-making, and this paper makes a contribution to this goal. This paper reviews the experiences of such students and supervisors from three recent studies conducted by the author, and examines the key emerging issues, and proposes strategies that can add value to VET HDR supervision. The paper provides a framework for constructing appropriate strategies for specific student cohorts in order to maximise resource impact and VET research capability for the future.
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Barratt-Pugh, L. (2017). Building high caliber VET research capability through more effective higher degree by research supervision. In AVETRA 20th Annual Conference.