Documenting music performance in the Western Australian new music archive

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Documenting performance: The context and processes of digital curation and archiving


Bloomsbury Publishing

Place of Publication

London, United Kingdom


Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)




Australian Research Council

Grant Number

ARC Number : LP120100685


Hope, C., Trainer, A., & Green, L. (2017). Archiving Western Australian new music performance. In Sant, T. (Ed.), Documenting performance: The context and processes of digital curation and archiving (pp. 215-226). Bloomsbury Publishing. Available here


Art music has become more complex over the course of the last century. The advent of sound recording means the iteration of a work is now more complicated than a score on paper, and the advent of computing means that the work may no longer exist solely on paper, or even on paper at any stage, but rather exists in a number of other forms. How do we navigate the process of remembering and archiving music, and the documents associated with it, particularly when the work may be more closely tied to process and performance than to a score? In addition to existing as a set of rules and expectations, performance as a process is also a means of storing and transmitting knowledge (Taylor 2003). As Reason (2006), Auslander (2008) and Blank (2012) identify, when musical works are transferred into the digital realm, there is a significant need to document them in a way that ensures they remain connected to those elements (cultural, historical and performative) that allow us to make meaning from them.

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