Navigating parenthood as two women; The positive aspects and strengths of female same-sex parenting

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Journal of GLBT Family Studies


Taylor and Francis Inc.


School of Arts and Humanities




Titlestad, A., & Robinson, K. (2018). Navigating Parenthood as Two Women; The Positive Aspects and Strengths of Female Same-sex Parenting. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 15(2) 186 -209. Available here


This study investigated the positive aspects of female same-sex parenting, and the strengths that these couples may exhibit. We recruited 13 female same-sex couples (n = 26) who participated in in-depth interviews, framed by a hermeneutic approach. Participants described a number of positive factors, which included negotiating a coparenting relationship in the absence of socially prescribed roles, characterized by shared, collaborative parenting. They also described their varying reactions to a heteronormative context, at times advocating for social change in their communities and at other times accepting the social difficulties they face while managing the emotional impact of these for themselves and their children. Their resilience was promoted by the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and queer (GLBTQ) community and by the efforts of organizations such as schools and hospitals to promote inclusion. The findings are helpful for clinicians working to facilitate positive coping in same-sex parents as well as institutions looking to provide sensitive, relevant and inclusive practice to same-sex parents and their children.



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