Guludo beach lodge and the Nema Foundation, Mozambique

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Social entrepreneurship and tourism: Philosophy and practice


Springer, Cham

Place of Publication

Cham, Switzerland


Sheldon, P.J. & Daniele, R.


School of Business and Law




Carter-James, A., & Dowling, R. (2017). Guludo beach lodge and the Nema Foundation, Mozambique. In P. J. Sheldon & Daniele, R. (Eds.), Social Entrepreneurship and Tourism (pp. 221-235). Springer, Cham.

Available here.


Mozambique in south east Africa is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped countries in the world. It ranks amongst the lowest in GDP per capita, human development, measures of inequality, and average life expectancy. The country has a host of social, cultural and/or environmental problems. However, one venture has been established which is making a huge contribution to the welfare of many people in the north eastern part of the country. Guludo Beach Lodge was founded in 2002 and is located in Quirimbas National Park in the Cabo Delgado Province of Mozambique. The lodge is a community based eco-resort which is used as the basis for funding the Nema Foundation which in turn supports a raft of social projects in surrounding local communities. Nema is a UK registered charity working in the district of Macomia, Mozambique, with 16 communities to improve access to education, safe drinking water, healthcare, food security and SMEs. It has a diverse range of grass-root projects tailored to each community with donations going directly to these projects bringing opportunities and hope to a new generation.



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