Grandparents raising grandchildren in Western Australia: A fair go?

Document Type



School of Medical and Health Sciences




Marquis, R., Coall, D., Taylor, M., & Werner, W. (2016). Grandparents raising grandchildren in Western Australia: A fair go? Joondalup, Australia: Community Vision


The 2014 Senate Inquiry into grandparents (grandcarers) who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren highlighted the challenges grandcarers face when taking on the work of full-time parenting responsibilities for their grandchildren. The inquiry called for research to quantify these challenges and the review of supports for grandcarer families.

In response, a pioneering study was conducted in Western Australia between June 2014 and May 2016 and funded through the Edith Cowan University (ECU), Industry Collaborative Grant Scheme, in partnership with Community Vision Inc., Joondalup who had identified that the support needs of grandparents raising grandchildren was an area of concern. The research both fulfilled a community need in identifying gaps in service provision and in furthering ECU’s values of community engagement and contribution. To guide the research process a critical reference group was established with representation from Grandparent Raising Grandchildren groups...

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