"Travel in the digital age" by Paul Longley Arthur and Tom Van Nuenen

Travel in the digital age

Document Type

Book Chapter


Cambridge University Press


School of Arts and Humanities / Centre for Research in Entertainment, Arts, Technology, Education and Communications




Arthur, P. L., & Van Nuenen, T. (2019). Travel in the digital age. In N. Das, & T. Young (Eds.), The Cambridge history of travel writing (pp. 504-18). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Available here


The ubiquity of digital media and communications in daily life since the development of the World Wide Web has influenced every aspect of con­temporary travel. While in the early W eh era of the 1990s the digital environment was frequently depicted as a separate realm to be entered through a computer screen, it now acts as an extension of our bodies. Our world is saturated with competing ways of communicating information and experiences and has embraced constant surveillance - by states, satellites, by the openness of the private sphere, and by citizen journalism. This chapter examines how the digital era is influencing the way we travel, where we go, and what we see, experience, and report as travel writing...

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