Operational Cost reduction of PV-PHS systems in farmhouses: Modelling, design, and experimental validation

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


School of Engineering / Centre for Communications and Electronics Research




Mousavi, N., Kothapalli, G., Habibi, D. & Das, C. K. (2019, April). Operational cost reduction of PV-PHS systems in farmhouses: Modelling, design, and experimental validation. Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.


This paper proposes a PV-PHS system designed for farmhouses to reduce electricity costs. This study uses existing irrigation systems to store surplus energy coming from PVs in the form of gravitation potential energy. The storage is a type of pumped hydro storage (PHS) system using a water well as the lower reservoir. A comprehensive PHS model is presented and tested with the experiment setup to accurately estimate the stored water. An energy management system (EMS) is designed to manage the stored water to reduce electricity costs without disturbing irrigation functionality. The proposed system is tested in an experimental setup to validate the performance of the system. Then the PV-PHS system is simulated in MATLAB to show the results with a high efficiency pump and turbine. The proposed PHS system reduced the operational cost of the farmhouse by 71.5%.



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