Value chain analysis in the Thai sugar cane industry: Preliminary research

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

10th Asia Academy of Management and 10th Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference


Asia Academy of Management and Taiwan Academy of Management


School of Business and Law / Centre for Innovative Practice




Wannaree, P., Jie, F., & Goh, M. (2017, June). Value chain analysis in the Thai sugar cane industry: Preliminary research. Paper presented at the 10th Asia Academy of Management and 10th Taiwan Academy of Management Joint Conference, University of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan.


Thailand’s competitive capability, in the sugar cane sector, has recently been declining. The value chain of the important sugar cane sector has not been clearly mapped and the key players have not been identified. Therefore, the value chain performance of the Thai sugar cane industry is not well understood. Using value chain analysis, our findings suggest that the development of Thai sugar cane industry is hindered by a number of factors. First, there is poor information sharing between all the key actors. Second, farmers receive lack of support from the sugar mill on knowledge and technical skills. Third, staff at the sugar mill are unaware of the wastages during production. Implications and some future research are discussed.

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