An approach to the generation of real-time notation via audio analysis: The semantics of redaction

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Proceedings of the 41st International Computer Music Conference 2015 September 25


International Computer Music Association


Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)




Vickery, L. (2015). An approach to the generation of real-time notation via audio analysis: The semantics of redaction. In Proceedings of the 41st International Computer Music Conference 2015 September 25 — October 1, 2015 (pp. 360-363). San Francisco, California, United States: International Computer Music Association. Available here


This paper discusses approach mechanically and conceptually to generation notation in real-time in MaxMSP in the work The Semantics of Redaction. The work uses analysis data to generate scrolling, but conventional looking notation. The issues discussed include scaling and mapping of audio data to visual representation, the formal structure of the work and its relation to the generative processes, semantic principles guiding the notational concept and the development of a performance practice for the work. The intention of the work is to provide a flexible vehicle for a performer to explore audio from the media-world in a near-real-time manner using a recent, topical speech recording as the generative artifact for each performance.

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