ECU acknowledges the significance that language, cultural expression and cultural practice hold in sharing knowledge and defining community. These publications discuss a range of artforms, including cinema, performance, music, visual art, and poetry. ECU researchers are at the forefront of the movement to revitalise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages that are in danger of being lost.
The Emotional Business of Noongar Song
Rebuilding as Research: Noongar song, language and ways of knowing
Mayakeniny: Restoring on-Country performance: Noongar performance and language resources
Maya Waabiny: Mobilising song archives to nourish an endangered language
Identity, language and collaboration in Indigenous music
Ever-widening circles: Consolidating and enhancing Wirlomin Noongar archival material in the community
Aboriginal Australia’s smash hit that went viral
Blakflip and beyond: Aboriginal performers and contemporary circus in Australia
A day in the park: Emerging genre for readers of Aboriginal English
A stirring of cultures: The contest for place, belonging and identity in Australia
Shifting representations of Aboriginality in Australian cinema : Re-presenting from an anti-colonial perspective