International Cyber Resilience conference
Submissions from 2011
A Threat to Cyber Resilience: A Malware Rebirthing Botnet, Murray Brand, Craig Valli, and Andrew Woodward
On the detection of hidden terrorist cells immersed in peer to peer networks, Belinda A. Chiera
Securing the Elderly: A Developmental Approach to Hypermedia Based Online Information Security for Senior Novice Computer Users, David M. Cook, Patryk Szewczyk, and Krishnun Sansurooah
GeoIntelligence: Data Mining Locational Social Media Content for Profiling and Information Gathering, Peter Hannay and Greg Baatard
Gap analysis of intrusion detection in smart grids, Nishchal Kush, Ernest Foo, Ejaz Ahmed, Irfan Ahmed, and Andrew Clark
Empowering protest through social media, Simon O'Rourke
k Anonymous Private Query Based on Blind Signature and Oblivious Transfer, Russell Paulet, Golam Kaosar, and Xun Yi
A phishing model and its applications to evaluating phishing attacks, Narasimha Shashidhar and Lei Chen
A comparative analysis of the security of internet banking in Australia:a customer perspective, Panida Subsorn and Sunsern Limwiriyakul
Facebook jihad: A case study of recruitment discourses and strategies targeting a Western female , Robyn Torok
Why Australia's e-health system will be a vulnerable national asset , Patricia A. Williams
Novel pseudo random number generation using variant logic framework, Jeffrey Zheng
Submissions from 2010
Malware Detection Based on Structural and Behavioural Features of API Calls, Manoun Alazab, Robert Layton, Sitalakshmi Venkataraman, and Paul Watters
Group-Based Social Network Characterisation of Hidden Terrorist Networks, Belinda A. Chiera
Mitigating Cyber-Threats Through Public-Private Partnerships: Low Cost Governance with High-Impact Returns , David M. Cook
The Use of Governance to Identify Cyber Threats Through Social Media, David M. Cook
Detecting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Activity in Second Life and World of Warcraft, Angela S M Irwin and Jill Slay
Making Information Security Acceptable to the User , Andrew Jones and Thomas Martin
Tracing VNC And RDP Protocol Artefacts on Windows Mobile and Windows Smartphone for Forensic Purpose, Paresh Kerai
Security Analysis of Session Initiation Protocol - A Methodology Based on Coloured Petri Nets, Lin Liu
Magneto-Optical Visualisation for High-Resolution Forensic Data Recovery Using Advanced Thin Film Nano-Materials, M Nur-E-Alam, Mikhail Vasiliev, Kamal Alameh, and Craig Valli
What are you Looking for: Identification of Remnant Communication Artefacts in Physical Memory, Matthew Simon and Jill Slay
Developing Robust VoIP Router Honeypots Using Device Fingerprints , Craig Valli and Mohammed Al-Lawati
Object discrimination using a multi-wavelength photonic sensor, Kavitha Venkataraayan, Sreten Askraba, Kamal E. Alameh, and Clifton L. Smith
Is Cyber Resilience in Medical Practice Security Achievable? , Patricia A H Williams
Small Business - A Cyber Resilience Vulnerability , Patricia A H Williams and Rachel J. Manheke
Which Organisational Model Meets Best Practice Criterion for Critical Infrastructure Providers: An Examination of The Australian Perspective Based on Case Studies, Andrew Woodward and Craig Valli
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments: A Professional Approach, Konstantinos Xynos, Iain Sutherland, Huw Read, Emlyn Everitt, and Andrew J C Blyth