Australian Information Security Management Conference
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
SRI Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia
A lack of information security awareness within some parts of society as well as some organisations continues to exist today. Whilst we have emerged from the threats of late 1990s of viruses such as Code Red and Melissa, through to the phishing emails of the mid 2000’s and the financial damage some such as the Nigerian scam caused, we continue to react poorly to new threats such as demanding money via SMS with a promise of death to those who won’t pay. So is this lack of awareness translating into problems within the workforce? There is often a lack of knowledge as to what is an appropriate level of awareness for information security controls across an organisation. This paper presents the development of a theoretical framework and model that combines aspects of information security best practice standards as presented in ISO/IEC 27002 with theories of Situation Awareness. The resultant model is an information security awareness capability model (ISACM). A preliminary survey is being used to develop the Awareness Importance element of the model and will leverage the opinions of information security professionals. A subsequent survey is also being developed to measure the Awareness Capability element of the model. This will present scenarios that test Level 1 situation awareness (perception), Level 2 situation awareness (comprehension) and finally Level 3 situation awareness (projection). Is it time for awareness of information security to now hit the mainstream of society, governments and organisations?
10th Australian Information Security Management Conference, Novotel Langley Hotel, Perth, Western Australia, 3rd-5th December, 2012