Australian Information Security Management Conference
Submissions from 2011
Evaluation of users’ perspective on VOIP’s security vulnerabilities, Alireza Heravi and Sameera Mubarak
A preliminary investigation of distributed and cooperative user authentication, C G. Hocking, S M. Furnell, N L. Clarke, and P L. Reynolds
An agile IT security model for project risk assessment, Damien Hutchinson, Heath Maddern, and Jason Wells
A longitudinal study of wi-fi access point security inthe Perth central business district, Emil Jacobson and Andrew Woodward
Are existing security models suitable for teleworking?, Peter James
Modelling misuse cases as a means of capturing security requirements, Michael N. Johnstone
Security aspects of sensor-based defence systems, Michael N. Johnstone
Privacy-preserving PKI design based on group signature, Sokjoon Lee, Hyeok Chan Kwon, and Dong-il Seo
Australian primary care health check: who is accountable for information security?, Rachel J. Mahncke and Patricia A H Williams
An empirical study of challenges in managing the security in cloud computing, Bupesh Mansukhani and Tanveer A. Zia
Stakeholders in security policy development, S B. Maynard, A B. Ruighaver, and A Ahmad
Trusted interoperability and the patient safety issues of parasitic health care software, Vincent B. McCauley and Patricia A H Williams
Cloud computing concerns in developing economies, Mathias Mujinga and Baldreck Chipangura
Analysis of BGP security vulnerabilities, Muhammad Mujtaba and Priyadarsi Nanda
An exploratory study of ERM perception in Oman and proposing a maturity model for risk optimization, Arun N. Shivashankarappa, D Ramalingam, Leonid Smalov, and N Anbazhagan
Experimental study of DNS performance, Ananya Tripathi, Farhat Khan, and Akhilesh Sisodia
Out-of-band wormhole attack detection in MANETS, Sana ul Haq and Faisal B. Hussain
Attack vectors against social networking systems: the Facebook example, Matthew Warren, Shona Leitch, and Ian Rosewall
Help or hindrance: the practicality of applying security standards in healthcare, Patricia A H Williams
Using checklists to make better best, Craig S. Wright and Tanveer A. Zia
Efficient and expressive fully secure attribute-based signature in the standard model, Piyi Yang, Tanveer A. Zia, Zhenfu Cao, and Xiaolei Dong
Source code embedded (SCEM) security framework, Tanveer A. Zia and Aftab Rizvi
Submissions from 2010
Detect and Sanitise Encoded Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Attack Strings Using a Hash Map, Erwin Adi and Irene Salomo
Yet Another Symbian Vulnerability Update, Nizam Uddin Bhuiyan
Mahalanobis Distance Map Approach for Anomaly Detection, Aruna Jamdagnil, Zhiyuan Tan, Priyadarsi Nanda, Xiangjian He, and Ren Ping Liu
Threat Modelling with Stride and UML, Michael N. Johnstone
A Proposed Policy-Based Management Architecture for Wireless Clients Operating in a Heterogeneous Mobile Environment, Mayank Keshariya and Ray Hunt
Micro-Blogging in the Workplace, Chia Yao Lee and Matthew Warren
A Novel Design and Implementation of Dos-Resistant Authentication and Seamless Handoff Scheme for Enterprise WLANs, Isaac Lee and Ray Hunt
An Information Security Governance Framework for Australian Primary Care Health Providers, Donald C. McDermid, Rachel J. Mahncke, and Patricia A H Williams
Information Leakage through Online Social Networking: Opening the Doorway for Advanced Persistence Threats, Nurul Nuha Abdul Molok, Shanton Chang, and Atif Ahmad
Anomaly Detection over User Profiles for Intrusion Detection, Grant Pannell and Helen Ashman
The Complexity of Security Studies in NFC Payment System, Marc Pasquet and Sylvie Gerbaix
Development and Evaluation of a Secure Web Gateway Using Existing ICAP Open Source Tools, Michael Pearce and Ray Hunt
Information Security Disclosure: A Victorian Case Study, Ian Rosewall and Matthew Warren
Organisational Learning and Incident Response: Promoting Effective Learning Through The Incident Response Process, Piya Shedden, Atif Ahmad, and A B. Ruighaver
Information Security Risk Assessment: Towards a Business Practice Perspective, Piya Shedden, Wally Smith, and Atif Ahmad
Security Information Supplied by Australian Internet Service Providers, Patryk Szewczyk
The Economics of Developing Security Embedded Software, Craig S. Wright and Tanveer A. Zia
New Approaches to Mitigation of Malicious Traffic in VoIP Networks, Tobi Wulff and Ray Hunt
An Analytical Study of It Security Governance and its Adoption on Australian Organisations, Tanveer A. Zia
Submissions from 2009
Proposed Framework for Understanding Information Security Culture and Practices in the Saudi Context, Mohammed Alnatheer and Karen Nelson
Development of a Critical Factors Model for the Knowledge Economy in Saudi Arabia, Fahad A. Alothman and Peter Busch
A Spoofing Attack Against an EPC Class One RFID System, Christopher Bolan
Electronic-Supply Chain Information Security: A Framework for Information, Alizera Bolhari
Assessment of Internationalised Domain Name Homograph Attack Mitigation, Peter Hannay and Christopher Bolan
Security Requirements Engineering-The Reluctant Oxymoron, Michael N. Johnstone
Security Issues Challenging Facebook, S Leitch and M Warren
Exploring the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Information Security Culture, Joo S. Lim, Shanton Chang, Sean Maynard, and Atif Ahmad
Method for Securing Online Community Service: A Study of Selected Western Australian Councils, Sunsern Limwiriyakul
Measuring Information Security Governance Within General Medical Practice, Rachel J. Mahncke, Donald C. McDermid, and Patricia A. Williams
Challenges in Improving Information Security Practice in Australian General Practice, Donald C. McDermid, Rachel J. Mahncke, and Patricia A. Williams
Case Study on an Investigation of Information Security Management among Law Firms, Sameera Mubarak and Elena Sitnikova
Playing Safe: A Prototype Game For Raising Awareness of Social Engineering, Michael Newbould and Stephen Furnell
The 2009 Personal Firewall Robustness Evaluation, Ken Pydayya, Peter Hannay, and Patryk Szewczyk
Information Security Disclosure: A Case Study, I Rosewall and M J. Warren
Strong Authentication for Web Services using Smartcards, D S. Stienne, Nathan Clarke, and Paul Reynolds
Improving an organisations existing information technology policy to increase security, Shane Talbot and Andrew Woodward
Review of Browser Extensions, a Man-in-the-Browser Phishing Techniques Targeting Bank Customers, Nattakant Utakrit
What Does Security Culture Look Like For Small Organizations?, Patricia A. Williams
Submissions from 2008
Information security governance and Boards of directors: Are they compatible?, Endre Bihari
RFID Communications - Who is listening?, Christopher Bolan
Deployment of Keystroke Analysis on a Smartphone, A Buchoux and N L. Clarke
Framework for Anomaly Detection in OKL4-Linux Based Smartphones, Geh W. Chow and Andy Jones
Evaluating the usability impacts of security interface adjustments in Word 2007, M Helala, S M. Furnell, and M Papadaki
Secure Portable Execution Environments: A Review of Available Technologies, Peter James
Dealing with the Malicious Insider, Andy Jones and Carl Colwill
Risk Mitigation Strategies for the Prepaid Card Issuer in Australia, M A. Khairuddin, P Zhang, and A Rao
Organisational security requirements:An agile approach to Ubiquitous Information Security, A B. Ruighaver
Identifying DOS Attacks Using Data Pattern Analysis, Mohammed Salem and Helen Armstrong
Network security isn’t all fun and games: An analysis of information transmitted while playing Team Fortress 2, Brett Turner and Andrew Woodward
Securing a wireless network with EAP-TLS: perception and realities of its implementation, Brett Turner and Andrew Woodward
Enhanced Security for Preventing Man-in-the-Middle Attacks in Authentication, DataEntry and Transaction Verification, Jason Wells, Damien Hutchinson, and Justin Pierce
Can intrusion detection implementation be adapted to end-user capabilities?, Patricia A. Williams and Renji J. Mathew
Trust me. I am a Doctor. Your records are safe…, Patricia A. Williams and Craig Valli
Assessing and Mitigating VIP Vulnerabilities in the Corporate Environment, Hoi Z. Wong
Submissions from 2007
Taxonomy of iPhone Activation and SIM Unlocking Methods, Marwan Al-Zarouni and Haitham Al-Hajri
The need for a security/privacy model for the health sector in Ghana, James Tetteh Ami-Narh and Patricia A. Williams
Teaching PHP with security in mind, Greg Baatard
A Single Channel Attack on 915MHz Radio Frequency Identification Systems, Christopher Bolan
A Comprehensive Firewall Testing Methodology, Murray Brand
Evolution of a Database Security course: using non-enterprise teaching tools, Justin Brown
Improving Information Security Management in Nonprofit Organisations with Action, Mark Carey-Smith, Karen Nelson, and Lauren May
The Importance of Human Factors when Assessing Outsourcing Security Risks, Carl Colwill and Andy Jones
Increasing security in the physical layer of wireless communication, Luke Golygowski
Information Security Surveys: A Review of the Methodologies, the Critics and a Pragmatic Approach to their Purposes and Usage, Alexis Guillot and Sue Kennedy
Network Security – Is IP Telephony Helping The Cause?, Paul Hansen and Andrew Woodward
The Need for an Investigation into Possible Security Threats Associated with SQL Based EMR software, Lee Heinke
How safe is Azeroth, or, are MMORPGs a security risk?, An Hilven and Andrew Woodward
Securing VoIP: A Framework to Mitigate or Manage Risks, Peter James and Andrew Woodward
Device- versus Network-Centric Authentication Paradigms for Mobile Devices: Operational and Perceptual Trade-Offs, S. Karatzouni, N. L. Clarke, and S. M. Furnell
Analysis of PKI as a means of securing ODF documents, Gautham Kasinath and Leisa Armstrong
Importance of Verification and Validation of Data Sources in Attaining Information Superiority, Gautham Kasinath and Leisa Armstrong
Security Issues within Virtual Worlds such as Second Life, Chia Yao Lee and Matthew Warren
An investigation into the usability of graphical authentication using AuthentiGraph, Paul Minne, Jason Wells, Damien Hutchinson, and Justin Pierce
Network Security Devices and Protocols Using State Model Diagrams, C. Nuangjamnong, D. Veal, and S. P. Maj
A Conceptual model for Security Outsourcing, K. Samarasinghe, M. Warren, and G. Pye
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Techniques and Responses for Mobile Wireless Networks, Krishnun Sansurooah
The Phantasm of ATM Withdrawal, Nattakant Utakrit
The Impact of Security Surveys within Australia and New Zealand, Matthew J. Warren and Shona Leitch