The Social Life of Big Data Symposium | Conferences, Symposia and Campus Events | Edith Cowan University

The Social Life of Big Data 2015 Symposium

The Social Life of Big Data 2015 Symposium was held in Perth, Western Australia at the Perth Zoo Convention Centre on Tuesday, 2 June, 2015.

Whether you already know about big data in everyday life, or whether you want to gain some specific information about a term you've only heard in the media, this full-day symposium is for you. Designed primarily for academics and postgraduate students, this WA-based event brings together key arts, humanities and social science researchers from around Australia and internationally.

The Social Life of Big Data symposium was organised by Professor Lelia Green, School of Communications and Arts, sponsored by the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, supported by CREATEC and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation.


Submissions from 2015


The Social Life of Big Data - Pawsey resources, Luke Edwards

Assessing the moving human, Luke Hopper

TrISMA & instagrammatics: Framing and balancing big data for humanities research, Tama Leaver


Self-tracking Modes: Reflexive self-monitoring and data practices, Deborah Lupton


Interpersonal surveillance and user-led policing on social platforms, Daniel Trottier
