Author Identifier

Felicity Moore

Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - ECU Access Only


Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Master of Education


School of Education

First Supervisor

Mandie Shean

Second Supervisor

Matt Byrne


Good quality student-teacher relationships (STR) have been associated with positive behavioural, social/emotional, and academic outcomes for students, and poor quality STR have been associated with negative outcomes. The aim of this research was to explore the role of good quality student-teacher relationships in working with students with challenging behaviours in mainstream primary schools in Western Australia and determine which factors may enhance or constrain these relationships. A constructivist, qualitative approach was utilised to frame semi-structured interviews with twelve classroom teachers in mainstream primary schools. Thematic analysis commenced during data collection to inform subsequent interviews and indicate saturation of information. Findings suggest that while teachers recognise and value the role of good quality STR, broader school and system factors may have a stronger and sometimes conflicting influence on classroom practice. These results provide insight into the ways in which STR can effectively support students, and inform future directions for research, policy and practice regarding the promotion, development, and support of good quality STR in schools.


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