Author Identifier

Sayed Qudrat E Khuda

Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Master of Engineering Science


School of Engineering

First Supervisor

Stefan Iglauer

Second Supervisor

Alireza Keshavarz

Third Supervisor

Bashirul Haq


Processes for separating oxygen are crucial to many other processes, primarily due to the relevance of its component gases in many industrial processes. Nitrogen is used in the petrochemical industry, while argon is used as an inert gas mixture in welding and other electrical gadgets such as the light bulb. Argon, Oxygen (O2) and Nitrogen (N2) are all used in medical and industrial processes, including integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), oxyfuel combustion, ammonia, glass, and metal. This thesis has summed up all the stages of the ultra-high purity oxygen separation process in detail.

The comprehensive review determines that nitrogen or commercial-quality oxygen products may be produced using cryogenic air separation procedures. Removing a portion of the distillation section’s liquid as it passes near where the oxygen-containing side-draw stream will be withdrawn is one way this innovation improves upon prior technology. Ultra-high purity oxygen (99.99%) separation from air is economically viable and highly demandable in health care and resources industry. However, there is no information available in the current literature.

The primary objective of this study is to develop and optimize an ultra-high purity oxygen separation process that ensures the production of oxygen with a purity level exceeding 99.999% for critical industrial applications medical and resource industries. The focus will be on employing innovative technologies and advanced separation techniques to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of the oxygen separation process. The research aims to address current challenges in conventional oxygen production methods, minimize impurities in the final product, and meet the stringent quality requirements of industries such as electronics, medical, aerospace, and high-tech manufacturing. Through process optimization, the goal is to achieve a robust and scalable ultra-high purity oxygen separation process that can contribute significantly to improving the overall industrial gas production landscape. The results of this study offer significant insights for optimizing the design and function of oxygen separation units, fostering technological progress in delivering exceptionally pure oxygen to industries with stringent gas quality requirements.

The study finds that, through optimization and fine tuning of various process parameters, oxygen can be separated from air with an impressive purity of 99.5%, all achieved without the need for the development of an adsorption medium. However, the research underscores the critical need for laboratory-based experiments to explore and develop such an adsorption material, indicating potential room for improvement in the current separation process.

Notably, one promising avenue for enhancing the separation process involves the exploration of zeolite-based adsorption materials. Zeolites are crystalline, microporous aluminosilicate minerals with well-defined structures, and they exhibit a high surface area and tuneable pore sizes. These characteristics make zeolites excellent candidates for adsorption applications.

Integrating zeolite-based adsorption materials into the separation process could offer several advantages. Zeolites are known for their selectivity in capturing specific gases or molecules, which can contribute to a more efficient separation of oxygen from air. The tenable properties of zeolites also allow researchers to tailor their structures to enhance oxygen adsorption and improve overall separation performance. By incorporating zeolite-based adsorption materials, the study suggests a pathway to address the current limitations and potentially optimize the oxygen separation process further. The use of zeolites in this context aligns with the broader trend in materials science, where advanced materials are continuously explored and tailored for specific applications, in this case, improving gas separation processes. Consequently, the investigation of zeolite-based adsorption materials holds promise for advancing the field and ultimately refining the production of high-purity oxygen.



Access Note

Access to this thesis is embargoed until 28 September 2025

Available for download on Sunday, September 28, 2025
