Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


School of Education


Faculty of Education and Arts

First Supervisor

Associate Professor Carmel Maloney

Second Supervisor

Dr Graeme Lock


The changing nature of teaching has led to an increased focus on the retention and productive engagement of teachers in the classrooms. The ongoing implementation of educational change, accompanied by an ageing trend amongst teachers and rising incidences of teacher attrition, stress and burnout, highlights the importance of teachers being sustained in their profession. Furthermore, recognition of the value of early childhood education has drawn attention to early childhood teachers' abilities to be sustained in their teaching practice, effectively engaging students in the learning process. Acknowledging these issues, this study examined factors that influence early childhood classroom teachers' sustainment in the profession and in teaching. Conducted in the northern metropolitan teaching districts of Perth, Western Australia, this study utilized qualitative methodology in two phases of data collection: open-ended surveys and focus group discussions with 57 early childhood teachers, and case studies, compiled from in-depth interviews with six experienced early childhood teachers who had taught more than 20 years in the classroom. Data was analysed to identify key factors impacting on early childhood teachers staying committed and productively engaged in the profession and in the craft of teaching.


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