Theses from 2012
Harnessing social capital : an exploratory investigation of stakeholder disposition in boundary spanning networks, Brett Martin-Smith
A death in custody story: critical reflexivity in journalism and writing, Bonita Mason
Strategies for the intelligent selection of components, Valerie Maxville
Wet, wild and convivial : past, present and future contributions of Australia’s ocean pools to surf, beach, pool and body cultures and recreational coasts, Marie-Louise McDermott
Linear-cavity tunable fibre lasers employing an Opto-VLSI processor and a MEMS-based device, David Daniel Michel
Self-reported stress and posttraumatic growth following the transition to motherhood : investigating the role of social support and self-efficacy, Jillian M. Millar
Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed retirees: Developing and testing a clinical treatment manual, Sue G. Miller
Paediatric nursing : an investigation of the effect of specialist paediatric nurse education on the quality of children’s nursing care in Western Australia, Jonathan Mark Mould
Principals' strategies for improving the academic achievement of students of disadvantaged rural junior high schools in Ghana, Erasmus Kormla Norviewu-Mortty
The profitability of technical analysis and stock returns from a traditional and bootstrap perspective : evidence from Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand, Thomas A. O'Grady
Enhancing teachers' knowledge for using multiple representations in teaching chemistry in Nigerian senior secondary schools, Bolanle Omotoke Olaleye
Individual adaptation to discontinuous employment for Australian workers : a longitudinal mixed method study, Terry Olesen
The nature of the association between male violent offending and alexithymia, Catherine Louisa Parry
Scale and justice in water allocation, Marian J. Patrick
The rise of regionalisation in the East Asian television industry: a case study of trendy drama 2000-2012, Hsin-Pey Peng
The experiences of cancer survivors as they transition from chemotherapy treatment to life after cancer, Violet Platt
Application framework for wireless sensor networks [thesis], Amro Qandour
Coevolutionary algorithms for the optimization of strategies for red teaming applications, Tirtha Ranjeet
Producing the moon : an account of the Festival of Perth, 1953-1999, Anne M. Rennie
Practical precooling strategies and cycling time trial performance, Megan L. Ross
No place for a white woman? An exploration of the interplay of gender, race and class on power relations experienced by white western women in cross-cultural settings, Suzanne Jane Rumney
The construction of wellbeing for solo mothers: An exploration of the relationship between work, welfare, social justice and wellbeing for solo mothers, Kathryn M. Russell
Swamp : walking the wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain ; and with the exegesis, A walk in the anthropocene: homesickness and the walker-writer, Anandashila Saraswati
Teacher professional development in an online learning community : a case study in Indonesia, Eunice R. Sari
Geostatistical methods for estimating iron, silica and alumina grades within the hardcap of the section seven iron deposit, Tom Price, Philip John Savory
Efficient medium access control protocol for vehicular ad-hoc networks, Niravkumar Shah
An investigation into remote transactions, David Shaw
Alignment of intended learning outcomes, curriculum and assessment in a middle school science program, Reid J. Smith
A qualitative analysis of small business owner-managers' participation and learning in an online discussion forum : not quite paradise found, Tara Laureen Smith
Empirical market microstructure studies of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), Josephine Sudiman
Principles for designing an effective, post-compulsory music curriculum suitable for Western Australia, Andrew T. Sutherland
Monitoring neuromuscular fatigue in high performance athletes, Kristie-Lee Taylor
Reducing risk and injury to transit officers, Christine Teague
A struggle for recognition: the War Widows' Guild in Western Australia 1946-1975 ; and, Exegesis: Researching and writing an organisational history, Melinda Tognini
Measuring and filtering microwave radiations using frequency selective surface through energy saving glass, Irfan Ullah
Security awareness by online banking users in Western Australian of phishing attacks, Nattakant Utakrit
Multi-wavelength, multi-beam, photonic based sensor for object discrimination and positioning, Kavitha Venkataraayan
Role of testosterone in prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, Eka J. Wahjoepramono
Uncertain surrenders: The coexistence of beauty and menace in the maternal bond and photography, Toni Wilkinson
Mid West–Gascoyne District police officers’ experience with the Cannabis Infringement Notice Scheme, Kara Wright
Theses from 2011
Magnetic micro-confinement of quantum degenerate gases, Ahmed M. Abdelrahman
Death's laughter (novel) and crafting a novel (exegesis), Fémi A. Adédínà
Internal auditor and internal whistleblowing intentions : a study of organisational, individual, situational and demographic factors, Syahrul A. Ahmad
Toward a better understanding of motivations for a geotourism experience: A self-determination theory perspective, Mamoon Allan
Development of a long range wireless sensor platform, Daryoush Bayat
Yeast as a Model for Studying Aβ Aggregation, Toxicity and Clearance, Prashant R. Bharadwaj
The characterisation of Pax3 expressant cells in adult peripheral nerve, Judith A. Blake
Developing a common understanding of a teacher competency framework through video analysis : experiences of Victorian regional independent middle school teachers, Christopher J. Brown
The impact of student created Slowmation on the teaching and learning of primary science, Jeffrey Brown
Art and consciousness in light of Maharishi Vedic science, Natalie Brown
The response of Banksia roots to change in water table level in a Mediterranean-type environment, Caroline Canham
Shall we play a game?, Craig Caulfield
An investigation into the use of neural networks for the prediction of the stock exchange of Thailand, Suchira Chaigusin
The influence of set-repetition configuration in eccentric exercise on muscle damage and repeated bout effect, Roy Y.H. Chan
The role of PAX3/PAX7-FKHR in mesenchymal stem cell myogenic differentiation and rhabdomyosarcomagenesis, Elizabeth Charytonowicz
Occupational respiratory health surveillance at Minara Resources, Murrin Murrin mine site, Martyn Cross
Time Motion Analysis and Hip Abductor Strength Changes in Netball, Melissa de Klerk
Plurigaussian Simulation of rocktypes using data from a gold mine in Western Australia, Robin Dunn
Model based test suite minimization using metaheuristics, Usman Farooq
An examination of the relationship between positive psychological functioning and depression, John Forbes
Creating persuasive messages to promote abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy, Kathryn France
Steering in the same direction? : an examination of the mission and structure of the governance of providers of pathway programs, Rodney A. Gillett
On fate and fatalism : photography and fatal theories, Catherine Gomersall
Speaking in Thai, dreaming in Isan: Popular Thai television and emerging identities of Lao Isan youth living in northeast Thailand, Catherine Hesse-Swain
Asian migrant writers in Australia and the negotiation of the third space, Jacqueline M. Highland
Structure strategy use in children's comprehension of expository texts, John V. Holsgrove
Stability analysis of anchored rock slopes against plane failure subjected to surcharge and seismic loads, Md M. Hossain
Re-presenting gender fluid identity in a contemporary arts practice, Matthew Jackson
Acoustic wireless sensing for environmental monitoring, Ivo Jacquemai
You don't know what you don't know: Investigating the information needs of clients of web based public sector information services, Julie Ann Johnson
The impact of assessment on repeat deliberate self-harm, Kellie Jones
Alarm management: Mining for groups of co-occuring alarm tags, Savo Kordic
A critical ethnography of crisis management dealing with a mudflow crisis in Sidoarjo, Indonesia [thesis], Rachmat Kriyantono
Determinants of knowledge mapping adoption in software maintenance, Joseph K. Lee
An investigation into internetworking education, Woratat Makasiranondh
Scald burn admissions to Princess Margaret Hospital in 1998 and 2008: A comparative analysis, Lisa Martin
New perspectives on melanoma: The role of PAX3, Sandra Medic
Enhancing the teaching and learning of computational estimation in year 6, Paula Mildenhall
Saphira, the snake priestess : a novel, and; Minoan is not Greek : an essay, Patricia Moffett
The effect of ownership concentration, board of directors, audit committee and ethnicity on conservative accounting : Malaysian evidence, Rahimah Mohamed Yunos
Auditor Stress: Antecedents and Relationships to Audit Quality, Mohd Nazli Mohd Nor
Philosophy for teenagers: Finding new relevence in old concepts, Andrea Monteath
Stimulus parameters influencing cortical responses by transcranial magnetic stimulation targeting I-wave dynamics : duration, intensity and interval between interventions, Lynda Marie Murray
Auditor change in Malaysia: the influence of ethnicity, audit, client firm and auditor characteristics, Sharifah Nazatul Faiza Syed Mustapha Nazri
A high data capacity barcode for mobile phones, Siong Khai Ong