Australian Digital Forensics Conference
Submissions from 2010
Does the use of MIMO Technology used by 802.11n Reduce or Increase the Impact of Denial of Service Attacks?, William Pung and Andrew Woodward
Towards an Automated Digital Data Forensic Model with specific reference to Investigation Processes, Johan Scholtz and Ajit Narayanan
Zombie Hard disks - Data from the Living Dead, Iain Sutherland, Gareth Davies, Andy Jones, and Andrew J. C. Blyth
An Analysis of Malfeasant Activity Directed at a VoIP Honeypot, Craig Valli
Development, Delivery and Dynamics of a Digital Forensics Subject, Tanveer A. Zia
Submissions from 2009
Theory and practice of flash memory mobile forensics, Salvatore Fiorillo
Secure State Deletion: Testing the efficacy and integrity of secure deletion tools onSolid State Drives, Michael Freeman and Andrew Woodward
SmartPot: Creating a 1st Generation Smartphone Honeypot, Michael Freeman and Andrew Woodward
Satellite Navigation Forensics Techniques, Peter Hannay
Zubulake: The Catalyst for Change in eDiscovery, Penny Herickhoff and Vicki M. Luoma
The 2009 Analysis of Information Remaining on USB Storage Devices Offered forSale on the Second Hand Market, Andy Jones, Craig Valli, and G. Dabibi
Qualcomm v. Broadcom: Implications for Electronic Discovery, Milton H. Luoma and Vicki M. Luoma
Cybercrime Attribution: An Eastern European Case Study, Stephen McCombie, Josef Pieprzyk, and Paul Watters
A forensics overview and analysis of USB flash memory devices, Krishnun Sansurooah
ADSL Router Forensics Part 2: Acquiring Evidence, Patryk Szewczyk
Automatic detection of child pornography, Glen Thompson
The not so smart, smart grid: Potential security risks associated with thedeployment of smart grid technologies, Craig Valli
Submissions from 2008
iPhone Forensics Methodology and Tools, Haitham AL-Hajri and Krishnun Sansurooah
Digital forensics and the legal system: A dilemma of our times, James Tetteh Ami-Narh and Patricia A.H. Williams
Validating digital evidence for legal argument, Richard Boddington, Valerie Hobbs, and Graham Mann
Survey and future trends of efficient cryptographic function implementations on GPGPUs, Adrian Boeing
Forensic Acquisition and Analysis of the TomTom One Satellite Navigation Unit, Peter Hannay
Preventing the Acquisition of Data from Virtual Machine based Secure PortableExecution Environments, Peter James
Extraction of User Activity through Comparison of Windows Restore Points, Damir Kahvedžić and Tahar Kechadi
Trouble in Florida: The Genesis of Phishing attacks on Australian Banks, Stephen McCombie
Data recovery from PalmmsgV001, Satheesaan Pasupatheeswaran
Email 'Message-IDs' helpful for forensic analysis?, Satheesaan Pasupatheeswaran
Data Hiding in Windows Executable Files, DaeMin Shin, Yeog Kim, KeunDuck Byun, and SangJin Lee
Subverting National Internet Censorship - An Investigation into existing Tools and Techniques, Jason Smart, Kyle Tedeschi, Daniel Meakins, Peter Hannay, and Christopher Bolan
Industrial Espionage from Residual Data: Risks and Countermeasures, Iain Sutherland
Malware, Viruses and Log Visualisation, Iain Swanson
Virtual Environments Support Insider Security Violations, Iain Swanson and Patricia A.H. Williams
Malware Detection and Removal: An examination of personal anti-virus software, Patryk Szewczyk and Murray Brand
The Impact of U3 Devices on Forensic Analysis, R. Tank and Patricia A.H. Williams
The Malware Analysis Body of Knowledge (MABOK), Craig Valli
The 2008 Australian study of remnant data contained on 2nd hand hard disks: the saga continues, Craig Valli and Andrew Woodward
Submissions from 2007
The effectiveness of investigative tools for Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card forensics, Haitham Al-Hajri and Patricia Williams
Extracting inter-arrival time based behaviour from honeypot traffic using cliques, Saleh Almotairi, Andrew Clark, Marc Dacier, Corrado Leita, George Mohay, Van Hau Pham, Olivier Thonnard, and Jacob Zimmermann
Introduction to Mobile Phone Flasher Devices and Considerations for their Use in Mobile Phone Forensics, Marwan Al-Zarouni
A Proof-of-Concept Project for Utilizing U3 Technology in Incident Response, Marwan Al-Zarouni and Haitham Al-Hajri
ID Theft: A computer forensics' investigation framework, Olga Angelopoulou
Managing digital forensic knowledge an applied approach, David P. Biros, Mark Weiser, and John Witfield
Forensic analysis avoidance techniques of malware, Murray Brand
BLOGS: ANTI-FORENSICS and COUNTER ANTI-FORENSICS, Glenn S. Dardick, Claire R. La Roche, and Mary A. Flanigan
A methodology for the forensic acquisition of the TomTom One satellite navigation System - A research in progress, Peter Hannay
Pocket SDV with SDGuardian: A Secure & Forensically Safe Portable Execution Environment, Peter Hannay and Peter James
A forensically tested tool for identification of notebook computers to aid recovery: LIARS phase I proof of concept, Peter Hannay, Andrew Woodward, and Nic Cope
Mood 300 IPTV decoder forensics, An Hilven
Steganalysis in computer forensics, Ahmed Ibrahim
Can SDV technology be utilised in a smartphone to prevent forensic analysis?, Peter James
Anti-Forensics and the Digital Investigator, Gary C. Kessler
Tracing USB Device artefacts on Windows XP operating system for forensic purpose, Victor Chileshe Luo
Multi-step scenario matching based on unification, Soroto Panichprecha, George Mohay, and Andrew Clark
An approach in identifying and tracing back spoofed IP packets to their sources, Krishnun Sansurooah
An overview and examination of digital PDA devices under forensics toolkits, Krishnun Sansurooah
ADSL Router Forensics Part 1: An introduction to a new source of electronic evidence, Patryk Szewczyk
An examination of the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 as a Nepenthes malware collector, Patryk Szewczyk
Oops they did it again: The 2007 Australian study of remnant data contained on 2nd hand hard disks, Craig Valli and Andrew Woodward
An overview of ADSL Homed Nepenthes Honeypots In Western Australia, Craig Valli and Aaron Wooten
Profiling through a digital mobile device, Lee Fueng Yap and Andy Jones
Submissions from 2006
Mobile Handset Forensic Evidence: a challenge for Law Enforcement, Marwan Al-Zarouni
A Methodology for the Examination of the Effectiveness of Secure Erasure Tools Running On Windows XP - Research in Progress, Anthony Hadfield, Michael Ahern, Leo Sell, and Andrew Woodward
Freeware Live Forensics tools evaluation and operation tips, Ricci Ieong
Enterprise Computer Forensics: A defensive and offensive strategy to fight computer crime, Fahmid Imtiaz
Honeypots: How do you know when you are inside one?, Simon Innes and Craig Valli
A Fuzzy approach for detecting anomalous behaviour in e-mail traffic, Mark JynHuey Lim, Michael Negnevitsky, and Jacky Hartnett
Enhancing the Forensic ICQ Logfile Extraction Tool, Kim Morfitt
Structural Analysis of the Log Files of the ICQ Client Version 2003b, Kim Morfitt
Taxonomy of computer forensics methodologies and procedures for digital evidence seizure, Krishnun Sansurooah
A digital forensic practitioner's guide to giving evidence in a court of law, Shayne Sherman
Voice over IP: Forensic Computing Implications, Matthew Simon and Jill Slay
Personal Firewalls - Testing Robustness, Patryk Szewczyk and Craig Valli
Forensic Analysis of the Contents of Nokia Mobile Phones, B. Williamson, P. Apeldoorn, B. Cheam, and M. McDonald
Validation of forensic computing software utilizing Black Box testing techniques, Tom Wilsdon and Jill Slay
BitLocker - the end of digital forensics?, Andrew Woodward
LIARS - Laptop Inspector and Recovery System, Andrew Woodward
Leading hackers down the garden path, Suen Yek