Australian Digital Forensics Conference
Submissions from 2018
Is working with what we have enough?, Brian Cusack and Bryce Antony
Digital forensics investigative framework for control rooms in critical infrastructure, Brian Cusack and Amr Mahmoud
Automatic log parser to support forensic analysis, Hudan Studiawan, Ferdous Sohel, and Christian Payne
Submissions from 2017
ISEEK, a tool for high speed, concurrent, distributed forensic data acquisition, Richard Adams, Graham Mann, and Valerie Hobbs
A centralised platform for digital forensic investigations in cloud-based environments, Shaunak Mody and Alastair Nisbet
A framework for forensic reconstruction of spontaneous ad hoc networks, Alastair Nisbet
Analysis of attempted intrusions: intelligence gathered from SSH Honeypots, Priya Rabadia, Craig Valli, Ahmed Ibrahim, and Zubair A. Baig
Building a dataset for image steganography, Chris Woolley, Ahmed Ibrahim, and Peter Hannay
Submissions from 2016
Improving forensic software tool performance in detecting fraud for financial statements, Brian Cusack and Tau’aho Ahokov
Google earth forensics on IOS 10’s location service, Brian Cusack and Raymond Lutui
Establishing effective and economical traffic surveillance in Tonga, Brian Cusack and George Maeakafa
Detecting and tracing slow attacks on mobile phone user service, Brian Cusack and Zhuang Tian
Memory forensic data recovery utilising RAM cooling methods, Kedar Gupta and Alastair Nisbet
Survey on remnant data research: the artefacts recovered and the implications in a cyber security conscious world, Michael James and Patryk Szewczyk
An exploration of artefacts of remote desktop applications on Windows, Paresh Kerai and Vimal Murji Vekariya
A forensic examination of several mobile device Faraday bags & materials to test their effectiveness, Ashleigh Lennox-Steele and Alastair Nisbet
Submissions from 2015
Mobile device damage and the challenges to the modern investigator, Dan Blackman
The challenges of seizing and searching the contents of Wi-Fi devices for the modern investigator, Dan Blackman and Patryk Szewczyk
An overview of bluetooth device discovery and fingerprinting techniques – assessing the local context, Maxim Chernyshev
Security assessment of IoT devices: The case of two smart TVs, Maxim Chernyshev and Peter Hannay
Steganography as a threat – fairytale or fact?, Tom Cleary
Mining social networking sites for digital evidence, Brian Cusack and Saud Alshaifi
Improving the detection and validation of inland revenue numbers, Henry Gee, Thomas Laurenson, and Hank Wolfe
Comparison of Live Response, Linux Memory Extractor (LiME) and Mem tool for acquiring android’s volatile memory in the malware incident, Andri Heriyanto, Craig Valli, and Peter Hannay
Image similarity using dynamic time warping of fractal features, Ahmed Ibrahim and Craig Valli
Cyber Black Box: Network intrusion forensics system for collecting and preserving evidence of attack, Jong-Hyun Kim, Joo-Young Lee, Yangseo Choi, Sunoh Choi, and Ik-kyun Kim
Towards a standardised strategy to collect and distribute application software artifacts, Thomas Laurenson, Stephen MacDonell, and Hank Wolfe
Cyber Blackbox for collecting network evidence, Jooyoung Lee, Sunoh Choi, Yangseo Choi, Jonghyun Kim, Ikkyun Kim, and Youngseok Lee
Analysis into developing accurate and efficient intrusion detection approaches, Priya Rabadia and Craig Valli
File system modelling for digital triage: An inductive profiling approach, Benjamin Rice and Benjamin Turnbull
The spy in your pocket: Smartphones and geo-location data, Krishnun Sansurooah and Bradley Keane
Mapping the laws which apply to intercepting wireless communications in a Western Australian legal context, Tim Thomas and Craig Valli
Submissions from 2014
A forensically-enabled IAAS cloud computing architecture, Saad Alqahtany, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, and Christoph Reich
Rapid forensic crime scene analysis using inexpensive sensors, Dan Blackman
Locational wireless and social media-based surveillance, Maxim Chernyshev
The zombies strike back: Towards client-side BeEF detection, Maxim Chernyshev and Peter Hannay
Listening to botnet communication channels to protect information systems, Brian Cusack and Sultan Almutairi
Up-dating investigation models for smart phone procedures, Brian Cusack and Raymond Lutui
Forensic examination and analysis of the Prefetch files on the banking Trojan malware incidents, Andri P. Heriyanto
The impact of custom ROM backups on android external storage erasure, Haydon Hope and Peter Hannay
Suitability of lacunarity measure for blind steganalysis, Ahmed Ibrahim
A user-oriented network forensic analyser: The design of a high-level protocol analyser, D Joy, F Li, N L. Clarke, and S M. Furnell
Finding evidence of wordlists being deployed against SSH honeypots – implications and impacts, Priya Rabadia and Craig Valli
12th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, 2014, Edith Cowan University: conference details, Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University
A forensic overview of the LG Smart TV, Iain Sutherland, Konstantino Xynos, Huw Read, Andy Jones, and Tom Drange
Towards a set of metrics to guide the generation of fake computer file systems, Ben Whitham
Submissions from 2013
Towards An Automated Forensic Examiner (AFE) Based Upon Criminal Profiling & Artificial Intelligence, M Al Fahdi, N L. Clarke, and S M. Furnell
Security Of Internet Protocol Cameras – A Case Example, William Campbell
Volatile Memory Acquisition Tools – A Comparison Across Taint And Correctness, William Campbell
Verification Of Primitive Sub Ghz Rf Replay Attack Techniques Based On Visual Signal Analysis, Maxim Chernyshev
Acquisition Of Evidence From Network Intrusion Detection Systems, Brian Cusack and Muteb Alqahtani
Steganographic Checks In Digital Forensic Investigation: A Social Networking Case, Brian Cusack and Aimie Chee
Identifying Bugs In Digital Forensic Tools, Brian Cusack and Alain Homewood
Including Network Routers In Forensic Investigation, Brian Cusack and Raymond Lutui
Forensic Memory Dump Analysis And Recovery Of The Artefacts Of Using Tor Bundle Browser – The Need, Divya Dayalamurthy
Procedures And Tools For Acquisition And Analysis Of Volatile Memory On Android Smartphones, Andri P. Heriyanto
Security Analysis And Forensic Investigation Of Home & Commercial Alarm Systemsin New Zealand: Current Research Findings, Alastair Nisbet and Maria Kim
A Forensic Analysis And Comparison Of Solid State Drive Data Retention With Trim Enabled File Systems, Alastair Nisbet, Scott Lawrence, and Matthew Ruff
Robust Watermarking Method By Systematic Block Diffusion Using Discrete Cosine Transform, Kazuo Ohzeki, Kazutaka Bannai, Yutaka Hirakawa, and Kiyotsugu Sato
An Investigation Into The Efficiency Of Forensic Data Erasure Tools For Removable Usb Flash Memory Storage Devices, Krishnun Sansurooah, Haydon Hope, Hani Almutairi, Fayadh Alnazawi, and Yunhan Jiang
Sellers Continue to Give Away Confidential Information on Second Hand Memory Cards Sold in Australia, Patryk Szewczyk, Nikki Robins, and Krishnun Sansurooah
Patterns and Patter - An Investigation into SSH Activity Using Kippo Honeypots, Craig Valli, Priya Rabadia, and Andrew Woodward
Submissions from 2012
Forensic Readiness for Wireless Medical Systems, Brian Cusack and Ar Kar Kyaw
Secure Key Deployment and Exchange Protocol for Manet Information Management, Brian Cusack and Alastair Nisbet
Evidence Examination Tools for Social Networks, Brian Cusack and Jung Son
What is the Proper Forensics Approach on Trojan Banking Malware Incidents?, Andri P. Heriyanto
The 2012 Analysis of Information Remaining on Computer Hard Disks Offered for Sale on the Second Hand Market in the UAE, Andy Jones, Thomas Martin, and Mohammed Alzaabi
The 2012 Investigation into Remnant Data on Second Hand Memory Cards Sold in Australia, Patryk Szewczyk and Krishnun Sansurooah
Eavesdropping on the Smart Grid, Craig Valli, Andrew Woodward, Clinton Carpene, Peter Hannay, Murray Brand, Reino Karvinen, and Christopher Holme
Submissions from 2011
Guidelines for the digital forensic processing of smartphones, Khawla Abdulla Alghafli, Andrew Jones, and Thomas Anthony Martin
Forensic recovery and analysis of the artefacts of crimeware toolkits, Murray Brand
Looking to iPhone backup files for evidence extraction, Clinton Carpene
Information leakage through second hand USB flash drives within the United Kingdom, Widya Chaerani, Nathan Clarke, and Christopher Bolan
Tracing sources of DOS and DDOS attack: evidential recovery, Brian Cusack and Cary Ho
Systems architecture for the acquisition and preservation of wireless network traffic, Brian Cusack and Thomas Laurenson
Acquisition of digital evidence in android smartphones, Andre Morum de L. Simao, Fabio Caus Sicoli, Laerte Peotta de Melo, and Rafael Timoteo de Sousa Junior
Visualising forensic data: investigation to court, Ken Fowle and Damian Schofield
Organisational preparedness for hosted virtual desktops in the context of digital forensics, Nirbhay Jawale and Ajit Narayanan
Component technologies for e-discovery and prototyping of suit-coping system, Youngsoo Kim and Dowon Hong
An evaluation of data erasing tools, Thomas Martin and Andrew Jones
Can current packet analysis software detect BitTorrent activity or extract files from BTP and μTP traffic streams?, William Pung and Andrew Woodward
Forensic analysis of the android file system YAFFS2, Darren Quick and Mohammed Alzaabi
Data remanence in New Zealand: 2011, Dax Roberts and H B. Wolfe
Forensic investigation method and tool based on the user behaviour analysis, Namheun Son and Sangjin Lee
A 2011 investigation into remnant data on second hand memory cards sold in Australia, Patryk Szewczyk and Krishnun Sansurooah
Submissions from 2010
Forensic Analysis of the Windows 7 Registry, Khawla Abdulla Alghafli, Andrew Jones, and Thomas Anthony Martin
The 2010 Personal Firewall Robustness Evaluation, Satnam Singh Bhamra
Lessons Learned from an Investigation into the Analysis Avoidance Techniques of Malicious Software, Murray Brand, Craig Valli, and Andrew Woodward
Malware Forensics: Discovery of the Intent of Deception, Murray Brand, Craig Valli, and Andrew Woodward
An Investigation into the Efficacy of Three Erasure Tools under Windows 7, Cheng Toy Chiang, Kelvin Triton, and Andrew Woodward
Evidential Recovery in a RFID Business System, Brian Cusack and Ar Kar Ayaw
Cyber Forensics Assurance, Glenn S. Dardick
The Science, The Technology, The Law, Ken Fowle
Fireguard - A Secure Browser with Reduced Forensic Footprint, Don Griffiths and Peter James
The 2009 Analysis of Information Remaining on Disks Offered for Sale on the Second Hand Market, Andy Jones, Craig Valli, Glenn S. Dardick, Iain Sutherland, G. Dabibi, and Gareth Davies
Remote Access Forensics for VNC and RDP on Windows Platform, Paresh Kerai
Avoiding Sanctions at the E-Discovery Meet-And-Confer in Common Law Countries, Milton Luoma and Vicki Luoma
Digital Forensics Analysis of Spectral Estimation Methods, Tolga Mataracioglu and Unal Tatar