For Reviewers
Information for Reviewers
Reviewers like you form the core of the journal's peer review process, and we provide you with an online system that is simple and easy to use. If you are interested in reviewing for the Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, please contact the editorial team at: . If you are approved and receive an invitation to review, please follow the steps below.
Step One: Commit to Review
If an editor sends an email to you, requesting review of a submission:
- Click on the link in the email
- Follow the prompts to create an account, if you do not yet have one. Make sure to use the same email address that the editor used to contact you.
- Scan the webpage for the due date of the review. You may also download a PDF of the submission, if desired, before committing to review.
- Click on either "I will review it" or "I will not review it" to indicate whether you will return a review by the date requested.
- Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet authors expect detailed responses that motivate revision and improve the quality of the manuscript. Please do not commit to reviewing an article unless you can spend sufficient time on the manuscript.
Step Two: Conduct Your Review
- Download the PDF from the webpage in Step One
- Write your review. Reviewers can submit their comments directly in the space provided or the review can be added as an attachment. Take care not to include references that may reveal your identity, as editors may choose to share your review with the authors.
- Write your letter to the editor (optional). If you have additional comments that are "editors-only," prepare them in a separate file from your review. Note that you may receive reminders from the system to help you keep track of deadlines. If you will be unable to make your review deadline, please let the editors know by using the link in the email, and click on the sidebar link "Email editors."
Step Three: Submit Your Review
- Click on the link in the request email
- Click on the link "Submit Review"
- Complete the review. You may upload your review and your cover letter in either Microsoft Word or RTF format, or add your comments into the field provided.
- Click Submit to complete your review.
Thank you for reviewing for the Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. The system will automatically notify the editors that you have completed your review.
For Further Assistance
For assistance with the content of your review, please contact the editors.
For technical assistance with your account or submitting your review, please contact the editorial team.