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Edith Cowan University / ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child


School of Arts and Humanities




Stevenson, K., Jayakumar, E., See, H., Ryu, Y., & Das, S. (2022). Children’s perspectives of digital citizenship in India, Korea and Australia: Report of findings from children’s digital citizenship and safety roundtables. ECU / Centre for the Digital Child.


This report presents data and findings from Phase Two of the research project Digital Safety and Citizenship Roundtables. In this phase, which focuses on children’s perspectives of digital safety and digital citizenship, three child-focused, play-based roundtables were held in Seoul (Korea), Delhi (India) and Perth (Australia) respectively in the months of June and July 2022, with 48 children in total contributing their perspectives. Qualitative data was collected from these child participants through 90-minute play-based roundtables featuring three sections: a short introductory drawing activity using prompt cards; a discussion regarding the children’s understanding of digital citizenship; and a LEGO play activity in which participants were asked to reflect upon the discussion points and respond to this by building a LEGO creation...



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