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Edith Cowan University / ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child


School of Arts and Humanities




Stevenson, K., Jayakumar, E., Le-Viet, T., Ryu, Y., & See, H. (2022). Contexts for children’s digital citizenship in India, Korea and Australia: A literature review. ECU / Centre for the Digital Child.


Children’s digital citizenship today: In an increasingly digitised and technically mediated world, an individual’s digital citizenship, or “ability to use digital technology and media in safe, responsible and ethical ways” (DQ Institute, 2019) has never been more relevant, particularly when it concerns our youngest digital citizens. Navigating online spaces safely and confidently are skills fundamental to a modern individual’s social and emotional development, education, work and play. A digital citizen’s abilities, however, are greatly impacted by notions of access; not just physical access, but also access mediated culturally and socio-economically. Less is known about very young children’s experiences of digital citizenship, and with recent pandemic related events accelerating a move to even greater online engagement, challenges posed to children’s digital citizenship development require thoughtful, child-led, culturally nuanced, and research-based solutions.



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