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School of Business and Law


Pearce, P. (2023). Special Issue “Energy Transition and Environmental Sustainability”. Energies, 16(6), Article 2675.


This Special Issue on “Energy Transition and Environmental Sustainability” includes thirteen papers on policies including: the challenges of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals regarding energy transition and legal reforms in Taiwan and Japan [1] successful energy transition toward solar PV in South Korea [2]; transition from diesel buses to hybrid-driven (HEV) and electricity-driven buses (BEV) for public transport in Central Europe [3]; vehicle transition and the development of electric car production in three regions, the United States, the European Union and Japan [4]; affordable and environmentally friendly cooling solutions for buildings in Pakistan [5]; development of projects to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies, mainly hydropower in Ecuador [6]; the Role of Electrification in the Decarbonization of Central-Western Europe [7]; energy technology innovation through the application of new technologies in oil resource development [8]; the cost of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Poland and the Impact of Atmospheric Precipitation [9]; analysis of the design of new buildings respecting the “zero-energy and low carbon emission” concept in tropical climatic regions [10]; climate change litigation risks for Australian energy companies and investors from a policy and governance perspective [11]; a demand and supply management study of a Childcare Facility in Tokyo and the need to shift from conventional power generation to renewable energy sources [12]; implementation of new policies supporting renewable natural gas production from organic wastes in Canada [13].



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