Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing



PubMed ID





School of Nursing and Midwifery




Ababneh, A., Moosa, S., Aljarrah, Q., Alsoufi, Y., Abu Qamar, M. Z., Saleh, M., . . . Younes, N. A. (2023). Factors associated with foot self-care in patients with diabetes-related high-risk feet: A cross-sectional design. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 60, 1-9.


Foot self-care has been commonly studied among people with diabetes. Previous research on foot self-care among those with diabetes-related high-risk feet is almost unavailable or very limited. The current study aims to fill this gap and provide a contemporary unprecedented analysis of this area of specialization. To assess the levels of, and factors associated with foot self-care among people with diabetes-related high-risk feet. A multi-center cross-sectional study from Jordan assessed the foot self-care of 107 participants with diabetes-related high-risk feet. Multiple socio-demographic, physiological, and psychosocial factors were collected, and the Arabic version of the diabetes foot self-care behavior scale was used to estimate the foot self-care of the study population. A multiple linear regression model was employed to identify factors associated with foot self-care. The mean score of foot self-care was 25.4 ± 7.1 (35 is the highest) indicating ~73% of adherence to foot self-care. Factors associated with higher foot self-care were being treated at the King Abdullah University Hospital ( =.30, P < .01) and reporting higher scores of patients’ interpretations about neuropathy physical causes of foot ulcers ( = “.22,” P =.02). People with diabetes-related high-risk feet reported a relatively adequate foot self-care practice. However, clinicians are still required to enhance foot self-care among this population. Health promotion programs may benefit from engaging people in understanding the pathophysiology of diabetes-related foot ulcers to improve foot self-care practices.



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