Effect and mechanism of electroshock treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of (TiB+TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Title

Advanced Engineering Materials




Centre for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing / School of Engineering


National Natural Science Foundation of China / Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province / National Engineeringand Research Center for Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing / Overseas Expertise Introduction Projectfor Discipline Innovation / Ministry of Education of China / Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

Grant Number

92266102, 52271135, 2022CFB492, COMAC-SFGS-2022-1871, B17034, IRT_17R83, 2023-vb-019


Wu, Y., Miao, R., Huang, C., Wen, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, L., ... & Hua, L. Effect and mechanism of electroshock treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of (TiB+ TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V composite. Advanced Engineering Materials. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202400791


Herein, electroshock treatment (EST) is used to tailor the microstructure and mechanical properties of (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V titanium matrix composite (TMC). Microstructural characterization results indicate that short-time EST can promote β phase transition, thereby refining the α phase in the matrix. EST with 0.06 s leads to significant change in morphology of TMC; the matrix is transformed to basketweave structure and the acicular secondary α and martensite phase are precipitated. The yield strength and hardness of TMC are improved by fine grain strengthening. Under EST, the distribution of texture becomes uniform and the texture intensity of α phase is reduced. The microstructural changes are mainly attributed to the thermal and athermal effects of EST, which facilitates phase transformation and grain refinement. This work indicates that EST is an efficient way to manipulate the microstructure and mechanical properties for strengthening TMCs.



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