Submissions from 2015
Respect and courtesy in psychological practice: An ethical examination, Alfred Allan and Graham Davidson
Apologies following an adverse medical event: The importance of focusing on the consumer's needs, Alfred Allan, Dianne McKillop, Julian Dooley, Maria M. Allan, and David A. Preece
Editorial: Finding meaning for countering violent extremism, Anne Aly
The media and international relations, Anne Aly
Fowl feathered fox: Monsters, pipers, families and flocks, Michelle Aslett
Building the mental health of infants and young children in WA: Workforce competency based training project, Australian Association for Infant Mental Health West Australian Branch (AAIMHI WA), Lynn Priddis, and Rochelle Matacz
Red dirt writing: Journalism, Foucault and the transformation of Onslow, Karma Louise Barndon
Giving yesterday a tomorrow: New jigsaws of social construction, Clive Barstow
The requirement to be fit and proper: What does it mean to Australian psychologists?, Francesca A. Bell
The rise and fall of Gunns Ltd, Quentin Beresford
Editorial: Neural implementation of expertise, Merim Bilalic, Robert Langner, Guillermo J. Campitelli, Luca Turella, and Wolfgang Grodd
Frontiers Research Topics: Neural implementations of expertise, Merim Bilalic, Robert Langner, Guillermo Campitelli, Luca Turella, and Wolfgang Grodd
I’m Losing the ‘Me’: Partners’ Experiences of Engagement with Parkinson's Health Professionals, M. Bolland, Andrew Guilfoyle, and R.S. Bucks
Validating critical avoidance: Professional social work, mental health service users/survivors, and the academy, Kathy Boxall and Peter Beresford
Arthur Wellington Clah, an individualist who became a Christian, Peggy Brock
Jealous Missionaries on the Pacific Northwest Coast of Canada, Peggy Brock
Indigenous evangelists and questions of authority in the British Empire 1750-1940, Peggy Brock, Norman Etherington, Gareth Griffiths, and Jacqueline Van Gent
Focusing and art as ways to explore the implicit and non-verbal aspects of women’s abortion experiences, Miriam Brooker
Cognitive fatigue: Exploring the relationship between the fatigue effect and action video-game experience, James Brooks
A comparative acoustic examination of infant cries: Children at high risk versus low risk for autism spectrum disorder development, Ildiko Eva Bruz
Risk assessment and Western Australian male aboriginal sexual and violent offenders, Deborah Burner-Fernie
Psychological Perspectives on Expertise, Guillermo Campitelli, Michael H. Connors, Merim Bilalić, and David Z. Hambrick
Frontiers Research Topics: Psychological perspectives on expertise, Guillermo Campitelli, Michael H. Connors, Merim Bilalic, and David Zachary Hambrick
Answering research questions without calculating the mean, Guillermo J. Campitelli
Memory behaviour requires knowledge structures, not memory stores, Guillermo J. Campitelli
Accidental opioid overdose fatalities in Western Australia, 2008-2012: A case for more targeted intervention, Natalie J. Castalanelli
Eye movement patterns as an indicator of task automaticity, Olga Clarke
Identifying customer evangelists, Nat Collins, Hanna Glabe, Dick Mizerski, and Jamie Murphy
Differences between Mothers' and Fathers' Ratings of Family Functioning with the Family Assessment Device: The Validity of Combined Parent Scores, Dawson Cooke, Ida Marais, Robert Cavanagh, Garth Kendall, and Lynn Priddis
Deviance and moral panics, Trudi Cooper and Jen Couch
A Capstone Unit for Tertiary Journalism Programmes That Aims to Facilitate the Demonstration of Graduate Capabilities, Trevor A. Cullen
Nullius, Amanda Curtin
Academic Expectations of Australian Students from Aboriginal, Asian and Anglo Backgrounds: Perspectives of Teachers, Trainee-teachers and Students, Justine Dandy, Kevin Durkin, Bonnie L. Barber, and Stephen Houghton
The Refugee Experience of Social Cohesion in Australia: Exploring the Roles of Racism, Intercultural Contact, and the Media, Justine Dandy and Rogelia Pe-Pua
Journalism research in academia: The door is already open, Kayt Davies
Tracking Onslow: Journalists recording impact over time, Kayt Davies
Cloud forest, court battles and competing narratives a pacific research journalism case study, Kayt. Davies
Work-related exposure to child exploitation material: The experiences of Western Australian digital forensic officers and their spouses, Emma E. DeCicco
Reframed : A Collection of Photographs, and, Capturing the Real : Reframing Visual Pleasure in the Photographed Female Nude, an Exegesis, Larry Defelippi
Towards an online ethnography of children's virtual worlds: A review of current literature and research methods, Ashley Donkin, Donell Holloway, and Lelia Green
Perceived harms and benefits of parental cannabis use, and parents’ reports regarding harm-reduction strategies, Kathleen J. Donoghue
Quelles approches didactiques pour le FLE en Australie occidentale?, Celine Doucet
Caractéristiques des enseignants de FLE : quels paramètres attrayants dans un processus d'apprentissage en Australie occidentale?, Celine M. Doucet
Protocol for a study of the psychosocial determinants of health in early childhood among children with cystic fibrosis, T. Douglas, B. Jordan, L. Priddis, V. Anderson, J. Sheehan, R.T. Kane, J. Massie, C. Branch-Smith, and L. Shields
Picturing irony: Making a visual case-study from the work of Camus, Emma-Kate Dowdell
Ways of coming to knowing through embodied methodologies, Brenda Downing
The stigmatisation of the provision of services for alcohol and other drug users: A systematic literature review, K. Eaton, J.L. Ohan, and Greg Dear
A Heifer's Horns in Chapman's ALL FOOLS, Charles Edelman
John Payne Collier, Thomas J. Wise, and Chapman's All Fools, Charles Edelman
Permissible transgressions: Feminized same-sex practice as middle-class fantasy, Jude Elund
Subversion, sexuality and the virtual self, Jude Elund
Using collaborative review to deepen conceptual engagement?, Jude Elund, Lelia Green, and Carmen Guinery
Parole in Western Australia: An analysis of parole cancellations of female offenders, Catherine A. Ferguson
A legal and social analysis of 'one punch' cases in Western Australia, Catherine A. Ferguson and Rachel Robson
What We Can Learn from Hearing Parents of Deaf Children, Mary Flaherty
People with learning disabilities and 'active ageing', Liam Foster and Kathy Boxall
Competence, capabilities and ethical practice, Alison Garton
Exploring the benefits of attracting, recruiting and retaining mature age employees up to and beyond the traditional age of retirement: Perspectives from Western Australia, Jonathan Georgiou
Theology of wetlands: Tolkien and beowulf on marshes and their monsters, Rod Giblett
Social capital in metropolitan playgroups: A qualitative analysis of early parental interactions, Hebba Gibson, Bronwyn Harman, and Andrew Guilfoyle
Ageing Intensifies the Care Needs of Adults Living with Parkinson ’s Disease and their Carers, Margaret Giles, Meghan Thomas, and Gill Lewin
Novel Psychoactive Substance and Other Drug Use by Young Adults in Western Australia, Leigh S. Goggin, Natalie Gately, and Russell I. Bridle
Maps for the lost: A collection of short fiction And Human / nature ecotones: Climate change and the ecological imagination: A critical essay, Susan Heather Greenhill
Unravelling, Susie Greenhill
"People Have To Find Their Own Way Of Making A Living": The Sale Of Food In An Informal Ha Noi Street Market, Lelia Green
Parents’ reflections upon mediating older teens’ online gaming practices, Lelia Green and Leslie Haddon
Archiving the new, now, for future users yet unknown, Lelia Green, Cat Hope, Kylie J. Stevenson, and Tos Mahoney
Reporting mass random shootings: The copycat effect?, Glynn Greensmith and Lelia Green
Rethinking the reporting of the mass random shooting – or is it an autogenic massacre?, Glynn Greensmith and Lelia Green
Employers need more than money to hire older workers, Eyal Gringart
A smile on my face: Women’s descriptions of sexual satisfaction, Madelena Grobbelaar and Eyal Gringart
Mobile map applications and the democratisation of hazard information, Paul Haimes, Tetsuaki Baba, and Stuart Medley
Designing for communities in bushfire-prone situations: Redesigning the FireWatch website interface, Paul William Haimes
Influences of education on gender and status: a study of Sri Lankan export processing zone workers, Peter Hancock, Geoffrey Carastathis, Jonathan Georgiou, and Hossein Adibi
Female workers in textile and garment sectors in Sri Lankan Export Processing Zones (EPZs): gender dimensions and working conditions, Peter Hancock, Geoffrey Carastathis, Jonathan Georgiou, and Max Oliveira
Global measures of gender empowerment: A case study of Sri Lankan Export Processing Zone (EPZ) workers, Peter Hancock and Sharon Middleton
Australian journalism students' professional views and news consumption: results from a representative study, Folker Hanusch, Katrina Clifford, Kayt Davies, Peter English, Janet Fulton, Mia Lindgren, Penny O'Donnell, Jenna Price, Ian Richards, and Lawrie Zion
The role of a newspaper in an advocacy campaign to save Dhaka’s rivers in Bangladesh, Ashfara Haque
Leaving ideological social groups behind: A Grounded theory of psychological disengagement, Kira Jade Harris
An examination of social desirability confounds in a new ipsative measure of Murray's Psychogenic Needs, Lisa Harris
“Hopeless, Sorry, Hopeless”: Co-constructing Narratives of Care With People Who Have Aphasia Post-stroke, Deborah Hersh
Children and young people's emotional literacy in a networked world, Donell Holloway
Digitods: Toddlers, touch screens and Australian family life, Donell J. Holloway, Lelia Green, and Kylie J. Stevenson
Geo-based technologies, tourists and bushfires in northern Australia, Donnell Holloway, David Holloway, and Lelia Green
The Western Australian New Music Archive: Performing as remembering, Cat Hope, Lisa MacKinney, Lelia Green, Meghan Travers, and Tos Mahoney
The 'Poor Child': The Cultural Politics of Education, Development and Childhood, L, Hopkins and A. Sriprakash
Unsettling the global child: Rethinking child subjectivity in education and international development, L. Hopkins and A. Sriprakash
Picturing education, poverty and childhood from the perspectives of yak herder children in Bhutan, Lucy Hopkins
Aboriginal perspectives about child sexual abuse: Informing the cultural dimension in sex offending theories for use with Aboriginal offenders, Victoria Elizabeth Hovane
A mentalizing-based approach to family mediation: harnessing our fundamental capacity to resolve conflict and building an evidence-based practice for the field, Jill Howieson and Lynn E. Priddis
Reducing the psychological distress of family caregivers of home based palliative care patients: Longer term effects from a randomised controlled trial, Peter Hudson, Tom Trauer, Brian Kelly, Moira O'Connor, Kristina Thomas, Micheal Summers, Rachel Zordan, and Vicki White
The process and rate of acquisition by second language (L2) and bilingual first language (L1) child learners: A case study of Japanese morphology, Junko Iwasaki and Yuki Itani-Adams
The light, Jackson
Early maladaptive schemas in an Australian adult alcohol dependent clinical sample: Differences between men and women, Diana Lanie Janson
Follow the Huai River: Investigative environmental reporting with Chinese characters, Beate U. Josephi and Pan Junchen
The Nature Of Attachment Relationships And Grief Responses In Older Adults: An Attachment Path Model Of Grief, Yan Kho, Robert T. Kane, Lynn E. Priddis, and Josephine Hudson
Enhancing maternal sensitivity and emotional wellbeing through a preventative parent-child relationship intervention in a community setting, K L. King, Lynn E. Priddis, and R T. Kane
Women’s experiences of pregnancy loss: An interpretative phenomenological analysis, Esther Lea Kint
For love: The mediating role of self efficacy on workaholism, job satisfaction and burnout, Aleksandra Kosevic and Min Ing Loh