
Submissions from 2014


Employability of Philippine college and university graduates in the United States, Ruby Absuelo


inConversation, Lyndall Adams, Claire Alexander, Emily Alexander, Frances Barbe, Majella Barbe, Megan Moe Beitiks, Gemma Ben-Ary, Anna Bowen, Heather Boyd, Melisa Charenko, Danna Checksfield, Nandi Chinna, Katie Chown, Lucinda Coleman, Hannah Conda, Samantha Crameri-Miller, Paddi Creevey, Wayne Cristaudo, Cornelius Delaney, Leonie Dunlop, Mace Francis, Rusty Geller, Sue Girak, Miik Green, Louise Helfgott, Catherine Higham, Rebecca Ingram, Teresa Izzard, Marija Jukic, Christopher Kueh, Jacob Lehrer, Carolyne Lewis, Johannes Luebbers, J Scott MacIvor, Alex McKee, Vahri McKenzie, Gabrielle Metcalf, Nick Mortime, Astrida Neimanis, Renée Newman-Storen, Charity Ng, Finn Pedersen, Perdita Phillips, Marcella Polain, Sarah Robinson, Nien Schwarz, Liz Stops, Rochelle Summerfield, Sharon Thompson, Paul Uhlmann, Mats Undén, George Walley, and Min Zhu


Capturing creative practice, Lyndall Adams, Christopher Kueh, Renee Newman-Storen, and Neil Ferguson


Messy never-endings: Curating inConversation as interdisciplinary collaborative dialogue, Lyndall Adams, Renee Newman-Storen, Neil Ferguson, and Christopher Kueh


mHealth: Its Implications Within The Biomedical And Social Models Of Health - A Critical Review, Hossein Adibi


The role of strangers in Victorian novels: A psychoanalytical study of their repressions, functions and aspirations, Mohammad Ahmed Al-Abdulrazaq

The definition and nature of domestic violence, Alfred Allan and Maria M. Allan


Ethical Principles and the Communication of Forensic Mental Health Assessments, Alfred Allan and Thomas Grisso


Statues, subversive actions and surveillance, Panizza Allmark


Memory, truth and justice: A contextualisation of the uses of photographs of the victims of state terrorism in Argentina, 1972-2012: Communicating an intersection of art, politics and history, Richard Askam


Emotion coherence: Are there discrepancies between self-report and psychophysiological responses to emotional stimuli?, Clinton D. Barnes


Tasha: A practice-based problematisation of Australian comedy cinema’s representation of gender, family and nationhood, Vanessa Barnett


Embodied learning: towards new models for engaging with art within the university, Clive Barstow and Paul Uhlmann


Learning from the experts: Qualitative study of the lived experience of mental illness, Zdenka Bartova


In the name of national interest? Assessing the shift of Australian foreign policy regarding West Papua during 2006, Jaymin Beck


The effectiveness of advergames compared to television commercials and interactive commercials featuring advergames, Steven Bellman, Anna Kemp, Hanadi Haddad, and Duane Varan


Illegitimate, Helen V. Bonavita and Lelia Green


Using census data in the management of religious diversity: An Australian case study, Gary D. Bouma and Philip J. Hughes


Parkinson's diagnosis from the caregiver's perspective, Helen Maree Bradley


Parental Experiences Of Early Pulmonary Surveillance For Children With Cystic Fibrosis: A Research Proposal For Improved Family Psychosocial Outcomes, Cindy A. Branch-Smith, Tonia Douglas, Linda Shields, Stephen Stick, John Massie, and Julie Ann Pooley


Young African Female Refugees' Sense Of Acculturation And Community Connection In Western Australia, Rachael C. Brand, Min Ing Loh, and Andrew Guilfoyle


The "specter" of cancer: Exploring secondary trauma for health professionals providing cancer support and counseling, Lauren J. Breen, Moira O'Connor, Lauren Y. Hewitt, and Elizabeth A. Lobb


Peggy Brock: Remembering 1969, Peggy Brock


Terrorism, trauma and psychology: A multilevel victim perspective of the Bali bombings, Gwen Brookes, Julie Ann Pooley, and Jaya Earnest


The experiences of indigenous Australian psychologists at university, Shaun Cameron and Ken Robinson

Cognitive Processes and Development of Chess Genius: An Integrative Approach, Guillermo J. Campitelli, Fernand Gobet, and Merim Bilalic


Expertise and the Illusion of Expertise in Gambling, Guillermo J. Campitelli and Craig P. Speelman


Hierarchical graphical bayesian models in psychology, Guillermo Campitelli and Guillermo Macbeth


Psychophysiological research of borderline personality disorder: Review and implications for biosocial theory, Tara Cavazzi and Rodrigo Becerra

Resilience Across the Lifespan data collection, Lynne Cohen and Julie Ann Pooley


“Keeping It Together, Keeping Their Heads Above Water”: Western Australian Child Health Nurses’ Understanding Of Resilience In Postpartum Mothers, Rachael O. Collins, Julie Ann Pooley, and Myra F. Taylor


Expertise and the representation of space, Michael H. Connors and Guillermo Campitelli


Australian youth work education: Curriculum renewal and a model for sustainability for niche professions, Trudi Cooper, Judith Bessant, Robyn Broadbent, Jen Couch, Kathy Edwards, Jayne Jarvis, and Cath Ferguson


Evaluation of Indigenous justice programs Project D. Safe Aboriginal Youth Patrol programs in New South Wales and Northbridge policy and Juvenile Aid Group in Western Australia, Trudi Cooper, Margaret Sims, John Scott, Pamela Henry, Elaine Barclay, and Terence Love

The womb artist – a novel: Translating late discovery adoptee pre-verbal trauma into narrative, Kim Coull


The International Protection of Journalists in Times of Armed Conflict: The Campaign for a Press Emblem, Emily Crawford and Kayt H. Davies


Media reports of HIV can be part of the problem – or the solution, Trevor A. Cullen


A tale of two epidemics: Media reporting on Ebola, Trevor A. Cullen


News editors evaluate journalism courses and graduate employability, Trevor A. Cullen


Industry needs and tertiary journalism education: Views from news editors, Trevor A. Cullen, Stephen Tanner, Marcus O'Donnell, and Kerry Green


HRECs and journalism research: The uneven playing field, Kayt Davies


Industrial relations, Kayt Davies


Saving the Solomons' cloud forest, Kayt Davies

Citizen Journalism in Indonesia's Disputed Territories: Life on the New Media Frontline, Kayt H. Davies


Evaluating An Online Numeracy Tutorial Program For Use With Journalism Students, Kayt H. Davies


Tracking Onslow: Taking Journalism Out Of The Classroom And The Newsroom, Kayt H. Davies


Examining Tacit Exchange, Embedded Within Socially Shared Hand-Stitching Practices, With The Shipibo Artists Of Peru, Nicolle Anne Desmarchelier


Best Interests Of The Child Principle In The Context Of Parent Separation Or Divorce : As Conceptualised By The Community, Nadia Dias


Game of Thrones is the Holy Grail of TV production, Franco Di Chiera


The Australian Football League and the closet, Andrew Douglas


Feeling the fleshed body: The aftermath of childhood rape [thesis], Brenda Downing


Aurora Leigh And Elizabeth Barrett-Browning's Most Convenient Cousin, Jill F. Durey

Degrees of Intimacy: Cousin Marriage and the Nineteenth-Century Novel, Jill F. Durey


George Chapman's all fools, Charles Edelman


Factors associated with battered Filipino women's decision to stay in or leave an abusive relationship, Alicia Estrellado and Min Ing Loh


The use and potential problems of neuropsychological evidence in Australian tort litigation, Anna Fagence


Renegotiating identities: Experiences of loss and recovery for women with bipolar disorder, Maria E. Fernandez, Lauren J. Breen, and Terry A. Simpson


Influence of yoga on body image satisfaction in men, Mary Flaherty


Meaningful Encounters: Creating a multi-method site for interacting with nonhuman life through bioarts praxis, Donna Franklin

Sex, death and desperation: Infanticide, neonaticide and concealment of birth in colonial Western Australia, Amanda Gardiner


The 'Oldest Tricks In The Book' Do Not Work! Reports Of Burglary By DUMA Detainees In Western Australia, Natalie J. Gately, Jennifer Fleming, Nathalie McGinty, and Anthony M. Scott


Exploring maternal grief: A mixed-methods investigation of mothers’ responses to the death of a child from cancer, Nick J. Gerrish, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Sue Bailey


Reimagining Perth's lost wetlands: Artistic impression of Perth as it may have appeared in 1827: Looking west from the Claise Brook entry to the Swan River across the lakes of central Perth, Rod Gibblett, John Ryan, Anandashila Saraswati, J. Murray, Danielle Brady, and Chris Kueh


With nature: nature philosophy as poetics through Schelling, Heidegger, Benjamin and Nancy, R Giblett

Canadian Wetlands: Places and People, Rodney James Giblett

The unknown eye: Physiology, phenomenology and photography, Michael Gray

AU Kids Online dataset, Lelia Green, Danielle Brady, and Donell Holloway


Zero to eight: Very young children and the domestication of touch screen technologies in Australia, Lelia Green and Donell Holloway


How do parents and peers negotiate troubling peer-based digital interactions?, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, and Leslie Haddon


Publishing an archive: A meta-narrative of (be)longing, Lelia Green, Tos Mahoney, Catherine Hope, and Lisa MacKinney


Using digital interventions to engage in the everyday, Lelia Green and Sarah Pink


Childrens' Digital Literacies: A Contested Space, Lelia R. Green


No Taste For Health: How Tastes Are Being Manipulated To Favour Foods That Are Not Conducive To Health And Wellbeing, Lelia R. Green


Bastard immigrants: Asylum seekers who arrive by boat and the illegitimate fear of the other, Lelia R. Green and Anne Aly


Contextualizing Children’s Problematic Situations Online, Lelia Green, David Smahel, and Monica Barbovschi


Exploring family resilience through the experiences of mothers raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Esther Gribble


Indigenous Parenting Support in the Dampier Peninsula: July – December 2013 Participatory Action Research Evaluation Report, Andrew Guilfoyle and Sasha Botsis


Perinatal mental health, ecological systems, and social support: Refugee women and facilitated playgroup, Andrew Guilfoyle, Annmarie C. La Rosa, Alexandra Botsis, and Belinda Butler-O'Halloran


Geo-spatial simplicity: Designing map interfaces for bushfire planning, Paul Haimes, Stuart Medley, and Barnard Clarkson


Cordy and the house with a view, Jemimah Rose Halbert


Cracks in the ANC monolith: Numsa, Cosatu and resistance to the neoliberal order, Benjamin Hale


The ANC victorious: winning the election, losing the masses, Benjamin Hale


Accounting for expert performance: The devil is in the details, David Z. Hambrick, Erik M. Altmann, Frederick L. Oswald, Elizabeth J. Meinz, Fernand Gobet, and Guillermo Campitelli


Women's economic empowerment and formal income: Sri Lankan Export Processing Zones (EPZs) and their impact on gender perceptions of empowerment, Peter Hancock, Geoff Carastathis, Jonathan Georgiou, and Max Oliveira


Why mothers attend playgroup, Bronwyn Harman, Andrew Guilfoyle, and Moira O'Connor


Constantly connected - The effects of smart-devices on mental health, Joshua Harwood, Julian J. Dooley, Adrian J. Scott, and Richard Joiner


Stability and accuracy of long-term memory for musical pitch [journal article], Alyce K. Hay and Craig P. Speelman


A stirring of cultures: The contest for place, belonging and identity in Australia, Garry Stewart Henderson


Student motivations for studying online: A qualitative study, Melanie K. Henry, Julie Ann Pooley, and Maryam Omari


Grounded theory in speech-language pathology, Deborah Hersh and Elizabeth Armstrong


Examining the appeal and ascribed meanings of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use by males: An interpretative phenomenological analysis, Kathryn V. Hogan


Digital Play: The challenge of researching young children's Internet use, Donell Holloway


Digital Play: The Challenge of Researching Young Children’s Internet Use, Donell Holloway


'It's All About The Apps': Parental Mediation Of Pre-schoolers' Digital Lives, Donell Holloway, Lelia Green, and Carlie Love


Politics of fire in northern savanna lands: Communication, Donell J. Holloway, Lelia R. Green, and David Holloway


Digital Arts: An Introduction to New Media, Catherine A. Hope and John Charles Ryan


Australian psychologists' perceptions and experiences of client threats, Penny Hyde

The Acquisition Of Verbal Morphology In Japanese As A Second Language (JSL) By A Child: Emergence And Accuracy, Junko Iwasaki and Rhonda Oliver


Lord Falmouth and the parallel political worlds of ultra-toryism, 1826-32, Edwin Jaggard

A Moving Faith: An Introduction, Jonathan D. James