Submissions from 2012
Teaching Journalism students how to tell indigenous stories in an informed way: a work integrated learning approach, Heather Stewart, Michael Williams, Trevor Cullen, Michelle Johnston, Gail Phillips, Pauline Mulligan, Leo Bowman, and Michael Meadows
Landscapes of the Scottish Dead: Headstones and Identity in Colonial Tasmania, Leigh Straw
Wisdom in Words: Robert Kennedy's Search for Meaning, 1963-1968, Leigh Straw
The Lady in the Carriage: Trauma, Embodiment, and the Drive for Resolution, Josephine Taylor
A comparison of police processing reports for juvenile graffiti offenders: Societal implications, Myra Taylor and Umneea Khan
Graffiti Offenders' Patterns of Desistance from, and Persistence in, Crime: New Insights into Reducing Recidivist Offending, Myra Taylor and Umneea Khan
The "symbolic protest" behind women's reporting of sexual assault crime to police, Shannon Taylor and C Norma
The ties that bind: Family barriers for adult women seeking to report childhood sexual assault in Australia, Shannon Taylor and Caroline Norma
Concluding comments: The ongoing challenges of policing crime in a global village, Shannon Taylor, Stephen Perrott, and Daniel Torpy
Using CCTV footage as a communication training and safety resource, Carole Teague and Lelia Green
Reducing risk and injury to transit officers, Christine Teague
A struggle for recognition: the War Widows' Guild in Western Australia 1946-1975 ; and, Exegesis: Researching and writing an organisational history, Melinda Tognini
A Moderator's Dilemma: Munchausen Syndrome By Internet, Lynsey Uridge, Debbie Rodan, and Lelia Green
Cultural Diplomacy as Public Relations in an Indonesian Consulate in Australia, Titi Nur Vidyarini and Danielle Brady
Uncertain surrenders: The coexistence of beauty and menace in the maternal bond and photography, Toni Wilkinson
Building An Online Community In The Context Of An Existing Social Network Site, Cynthia Witney, Lelia Green, Leesa N. Costello, and Vanessa Bradshaw
Submissions from 2011
Death's laughter (novel) and crafting a novel (exegesis), Fémi A. Adédínà
The Development of a Code for Australian Psychologists, Alfred Allan
Safe Spectatorship? Photography, Space, Terrorism and the London Bombings, Panizza Allmark
Motor Neurone Disease family carers' experiences of caring, palliative care and bereavement: An exploratory qualitative study, Samar M Aoun, Sianne Lee Connors, Lynn Priddis, Lauren J. Breen, and Sue Colyer
Body Image in Older Adulthood: Development and Validation of a New Integrative Model and Quantitative Measure, Lucie Baker and Eyal Gringart
Parental separation and the right of the child to have their views listened to and considered: Reality or wishful thinking?, Vicki Banham, Andrew M. Guilfoyle, Rosa Napolitano-Lincoln, and Tara Cavazzi
Culturally and linguistically diverse carers’ experience of caring for a family member with dementia: An Italian Australian perspective, Renée Benedetti
Expertise modulates the neural basis of context dependent recognition of objects and their relations, Merim Bilalic, Luca Turella, Guillermo Campitelli, Michael Erb, and Wolfgang Grodd
Swimsuit Issues: Promoting Positive Body Image in Young Women's Magazines, Elizabeth Reid Boyd and Jessica Moncrieff-Boyd
Professionals' experience of grief counselling: implications for bridging the gap between research and practice, Lauren J. Breen
Family and social networks after bereavement: Experiences of support, change and isolation, Lauren J. Breen and Moira O'Connor
Challenges in implementing wellness approaches in childhood disability services: Views from the field, Lauren Breen, Helen Wildy, and Sherry Saggers
In search of wellness: Allied health professionals' understandings of wellness in childhood disability services, Lauren Breen, Helen Wildy, Sherry Saggers, Jeannine Millsteed, and P Raghavendra
Art and consciousness in light of Maharishi Vedic science, Natalie Brown
The trappings of home: young homeless people's transitions towards independent living, Martin Brueckner, Meredith Green, and Sherry Saggers
Selling the Dream: Are we Offering Employability or Making a Vocational Offer? , Ruth Callaghan
The experiences of Indigenous Australian psychologists and higher education, Shaun Cameron
Deliberate practice: Necessary but not sufficient, Guillermo Campitelli and Fernand Gobet
All roads lead to common factors rather than turning points in couple and family therapy, Cathryn J. Cassisi
A Phenomenological Study of Foster Caregivers' Experiences of Formal and Informal Support, Tara Cavazzi, Andrew Guilfoyle, and Margaret Sims
Shared Assessment: a Strategy for Managing Multidisciplinary Projects, Barnard Clarkson, Joo Jung, and Martin Masek
Family systems and mental health issues: A resilience approach, Lynne Cohen, Catherine Ferguson, Craig Harms, Julie Ann Pooley, and Stuart Tomlinson
Psychologists' understanding of resilience: Implications for the discipline of psychology and psychology practice, Lynne Cohen, Julie Ann Pooley, Catherine A. Ferguson, and Craig A. Harms
Expertise in Complex Decision Making: The Role of Search in Chess 70 Years After de Groot, Michael Connors, Bruce Burns, and Guillermo Campitelli
Normative influence on retirement savings decisions: Do people care what employers and the government want?, Peter G. Croy, Paul A. Gerrans, and Craig P. Speelman
Health reporting: The missing links, Trevor A. Cullen
Journalism and HRECs: From Square Pegs to Squeaky Wheels, Kayt Davies
Journalism as Research within the Framework of Academic Ethics, Kayt Davies
Resilience: The role of optimism, perceived parental autonomy support and perceived social support, Michelle Dawson
A stabbing in Chawton, Jane Austen, and Emma, Jill Durey
The Opening and the Ending of Paul Valéry's "Fragments of the 'Narcissus'": A Case Study for Translators, David Elder
Creating HoPE: Mental Health in Western Australian Maximum Security Prisons, Jennifer Fleming, Natalie Gately, and Sharan Kraemer
An examination of the relationship between positive psychological functioning and depression, John Forbes
Exploring the Use of Audio-Visual Feedback within 3D Virtual Environments to Provide Complex Sensory Cues for Scenario-Based Learning, Michael Garrett and Mark Mcmahon
The SUPL Approach: A Conceptual Framework for the Design of 3D E-Simulations Based on Gaming Technology within a Problem-Based Learning Pedagogy, Michael Garrett and Mark McMahon
On fate and fatalism : photography and fatal theories, Catherine Gomersall
Risks and safety for Australian children on the internet: full findings from the AU Kids Online survey of 9-16 year olds and their parents, Leila Green, Danielle Brady, Kjartan Olafsson, John Hartley, and Catharine Lumby
How Australian Muslims Construct Western Fear of the Muslim Other, Lelia Green and Anne Ally
Australian children’s experiences of parents’ online mediation, Lelia Green, John Hartley, Catharine Lumby, and Danielle Brady
Resilience in families with same-sex parents [journal article], Natasha Griffiths and Julie Ann Pooley
Development of a measure of stereotypical attitudes towards older workers, Eyal Gringart, Edward Helmes, and Craig Speelman
Cortisol Changes and the Quality of Child Care in Australian Preschool and Kindergarten Children, Andrew Guilfoyle and Margaret Sims
The role of counselling in FDR: Re-drawing professional boundaries, Karine Hamilton and Pamela J. Henry
A Quantitative Study of Women in Sri Lanka's Export Processing Zones: Capital accumulation and Social Investment, Peter Hancock, Jamie C. Moore, and Sharon Middleton
Staff perspectives on the role of English proficiency in providing support services, Sophia Harryba, Andrew Guilfoyle, and Shirlee-ann Knight
FDR practitioners working in the FRC system: issues and challenges, Pamela J. Henry and Karine Hamilton
Speaking in Thai, dreaming in Isan: Popular Thai television and emerging identities of Lao Isan youth living in northeast Thailand, Catherine Hesse-Swain
Asian migrant writers in Australia and the negotiation of the third space, Jacqueline M. Highland
The Intratourist Gaze: Grey Nomads and 'Other Tourists', Donell J. Holloway, Lelia Green, and David Holloway
Everyday Life in the Tourist Zone, Donell J. Holloway and David Holloway
Structure strategy use in children's comprehension of expository texts, John V. Holsgrove
Light Among the Ugly in Burma, Nancy Hudson-Rodd
The Engineering of Detentional Landscapes: Australia's Asylum Seeker Island Prisons, Nancy Hudson-Rodd
Predictive and adaptive game development a practical application of development models to the independent video game industry, Liam A. Hunt
The "100 patient stories" project: Patient and family member views on how clinicians (should) enact Open Disclosure - a qualitative study, Rick Iedema, Suellen Allen, Kate Britton, Donella Piper, Andrew Baker, Carol Grbich, Alfred Allan, Liz Jones, Anthony Tuckett, Allison Williams, Elizabeth Manias, and Thomas H Gallagher
Re-presenting gender fluid identity in a contemporary arts practice, Matthew Jackson
An Exceptional Man: Reginald Pole Carew of Antony, Ed Jaggard
From Bondi to Bude: Allan Kennedy and the exportation of Australian surf lifesaving to Britain in the 1950s, Ed Jaggard
Australia - Committed to Investigative Journalism, Beate Josephi
Reporting from Down Under: Foreign Correspondents in Australia, Beate Josephi
Supporting Democracy: How Well do the Australian Media Perform?, Beate Josephi
Thinking Outside the"I am the user" box: a Trial of Social-Emotional Design in HCI Education, Jo Jung, Barnard Clarkson, and Martin Masek
Broome culture' and its historical links to the Japanese in the pearling industry, Lorna Kaino
Learning Through Standard English: Cognitive Implications for Post-Pidgin/-Creole Speakers, Ian Malcolm
Issues in English Language Assessment of Indigenous Australians, Ian G. Malcolm
Prescription drug use among detainees: Prevalence, sources and links to crime, Catherine McGregor, Natalie Gately, and Jennifer Fleming
Policy and Indigenous languages in Australia, Graham Mckay
Triggering Time's Trapdoor, Keira McKenzie
The Mutated Spirit: The Hollywood Zombie as Psychopomp, Keira J. Mckenzie
Agent Provocateur, Vahri G. McKenzie
Mark-UP: Promoting Self-Monitoring of Reading Comprehension through Online Environment, Mark McMahon
The Mechanics of Caricature and Their Application in the Classroom Through Software, Stuart Medley and Hanadi Haddad
The Realism Continuum, Representation and Perception, Stuart Medley and Hanadi Haddad
Saphira, the snake priestess : a novel, and; Minoan is not Greek : an essay, Patricia Moffett
Philosophy for teenagers: Finding new relevence in old concepts, Andrea Monteath
Blood donor motivation: A phenomenological study of young male donors, Aleeza Morris