Submissions from 2013
Bury me deep in isolation: A cultural examination of a peripheral music industry and scene, Christina Ballico
Psychological resilience of Western Australian police officers: relationship between resilience, coping style, psychological functioning and demographics, Gemma M. Balmer, Julie Ann Pooley, and Lynne Cohen
Secondary victims' perceptions of justice : implications for forensic psychology, Benjamin Bannister
Innovative approaches for investigating how children understand risk in new media: dealing with methodological and ethical challenges, Monica Barbovschi, Lelia Green, and Sofie Vandoninck
Emotional reactivity: Critical analysis and proposal of a new scale, Rodrigo Becerra and Guillermo Campitelli
Emotion regulation in bipolar disorder: Are emotion regulation abilities less compromised in euthymic bipolar disorder than unipolar depressive or anxiety disorders?, Rodrigo Becerra, Kate Cruise, Greg Murray, Darryl Bassett, Craig Harms, Alfred Allan, and Sean Hood
There's really no other option: Italian Australians' experiences of caring for a family member with dementia, Renee Benedetti, Lynne Cohen, and Myra F. Taylor
Psychology: an international discipline in context: Australian and New Zealand Edition, Douglas A. Bernstein, Julie Ann Pooley, Lynne Cohen, Bethanie Goldthorpe, Stephen Provost, Jacquelyn Cranney, Loius A. Penner, Alison Clarke-Stewart, and Edward J. Roy
Women who Study: Balancing the Dual Roles of Postgraduate Student and Mother, Bailey Bosch
A comparison of Australian and German literary journalism, Christine Boven
Communicating bushfire safety in Australia: the challenge for government of increasing community participation, Danielle J. Brady and Naomi Webb
Young African women with refugee backgrounds living in Perth, Western Australia : acculturation and community connection, Rachael Brand
Rural health professionals' perspectives on providing grief and loss support in cancer care, Lauren J. Breen and M O'Connor
Does the cognitive reflection test measure cognitive reflection? A mathematical modeling approach, Guillermo J. Campitelli and Paul Gerrans
Expertise paradigms for investigating the neural substrates of stable memories, Guillermo Campitelli and Craig Speelman
Rejected by the family for being lesbian and gay : exploring and testing factors that contribute to resilience, Geoffrey S. Carastathis
Homing : poetry ; &, An essay on the poetic leap in the late work of R.S. Thomas, Shevaun Cooley
Institutional Context and Youth Work Professionalization in Post-Welfare Societies, Trudi Cooper
Exploring Ways to Improve Online Health News Stories, Trevor A. Cullen
Health reporting: Opportunities and Challenges, Trevor A. Cullen
Online Health Information: Shortcomings and Challenges, Trevor A. Cullen
Beyond mutual acculturation. Intergroup relations among immigrants, Anglo-Australians, and Indigenous Australians, Justine K. Dandy and Rogelia Pe-Pua
Legal Avenues for Ending Impunity for the Death of Journalists in Conflict Zones: Current and Proposed International Agreements, Kayt H. Davies and Emily Crawford
Resilience: The role of optimism, perceived parental autonomy support and perceived social support in first year university students, Michelle Dawson and Julie Ann Pooley
Fathers at birth : women's experiences of their partner's presence during childbirth, Sarah Dlugosz
Online social networking behaviours, cyber bullying, mental health and behavioural functioning in Australian students, Julian J. Dooley and Adrian J. Scott
Quelle transversalites de l'enseignment du francais en Louisiane?, Celine M. Doucet
The effect of background music on emotional processing : evaluation using a dot probe paradigm, Haans Drieberg
Understanding perceptions of stalking: the impact of additional contextual information regarding the breakdown of relationships, Simon C. Duff and Adrian J. Scott
The stigmatisation of alcohol and other drug services, Kim Eaton
John Manningham at the Blackfriars Theatre, Charles Edelman
Masculinity, mass consumerism and subversive sex: A case study of Second Life's 'Zeus' gay club, Judith A. Elund
Virtual travel and the pleasure peripheries -- case study of Second Life, Judith A. Elund and Panizza R. Allmark
The use of the Communication Checklist - Adult (CC-A) for assessing the communication abilities of individuals post traumatic brain injury, David B. Fitzgerald
Ten Pounds for Adults, Kids Travel Free: An essay on the effects of migration upon the children of the British migrants to Western Australia in the 1960s and 1970s ; and , The red pipe: a novella set in Port Hedland, Karen Helen Fouweather
Reliability of clinical judgements of insight in patients with psychoses [journal article], Dylan P. Galloghly, Gregory E. Dear, and A Jablensky
Radio in Bangladesh: growth, decline and transformation, Jude William Genilo, Bikash Bhowmick, and Brian P. Shoesmith
The relationship between personal financial wellness and financial wellbeing: A structural equation modelling approach, Paul Gerrans, Craig P. Speelman, and Guillermo J. Campitelli
A City 'Set in Malarial Lakeside Swamps': Toronto and Ashbridge's Bay Marsh, Rodney J. Giblett
Applied environmental education and communication: The teaching-research nexus with environmental activism, Rodney J. Giblett
Black Swan Lake: life of a wetland, Rodney J. Giblett
Falling off the end of the world: The Luddites and Australia: background and context, Rodney J. Giblett
Family trees: Jarrah, Karri and the Gibletts of Manjimup, Rodney J. Giblett
New Orleans: A disaster waiting to happen?, Rodney J. Giblett
This Butterfly, Susie Greenhill
The creative industries: culture and policy, Leila Green
Analysing data from innovative designs, Lelia Green
In their own words: Using interview materials when writing up qualitative research, Lelia Green
What bothers Australian kids online? Children comment on bullies, porn and violence, Lelia Green, Danielle Brady, Donell Holloway, Elisabeth Staksrud, and Kjartan Ólafsson
Cooking from life: The real recipe for street food in Ha Noi, Lelia Green and Van H. Nguyen
Do Australian children trust their parents more than peers when seeking support for online activities?, Lelia R. Green and Danielle J. Brady
Young people online, Lelia R. Green and Danielle J. Brady
"It makes them streetwise": What parents and children tell themselves and each other about young people's activities online, Lelia R. Green, Donell J. Holloway, and Leslie Haddon
Biological metaphor of 'natural history' for Internet use: The child-adult social maturation journey, Lelia R. Green, Donell J. Holloway, and David Holloway
Towards a natural history of internet use? Working to overcome the implications for research of the child-adult divide, Lelia R. Green, Donell J. Holloway, and David Holloway
‘Cos I’ve always wanted to do this’ and ‘Oh that was fun’: An evaluation of the impact on resilience of the Indigenous Parenting Support mosaic and jewellery making events, Andrew Guilfoyle and Sasha Botsis
Identity on the line: The meaning of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal youth hanging out on the streets and train stations in the south-east corridor of Perth, Andrew Guilfoyle and Sasha Botsis
The HD Magazine: graphists and wordsmiths, Hanadi Haddad and Stuart Medley
Engaging with communities as a design process: redesigning the FireWatch interface, Paul Haimes, Danielle J. Brady, Barnard D. Clarkson, and Stuart Medley
Bridging the gap: scenario-based design as a solution for delayed access to users, Paul Haimes, Joo H. Jung, and Stuart Medley
Arrighi on Sino-Sudanese relations : trade, investment and diplomacy in the twenty-first century, Benjamin A. Hale
Communication disorders and indigenous Australians : a synthesis and critique of the available literature, Jasmyn Hall
Deliberate practice: Is that all it takes to become an expert? , David Z Hambrick, Frederick L. Oswald, Erik M Altmann, Elizabeth J. Meinz, Fernand Gobet, and Guillermo J. Campitelli
FDR in prisons: meeting the needs of Aboriginal clients, Karine Hamilton and Pamela J. Henry
Military Retirement: Reflections from former members of special operations forces, Kira Harris, Eyal Gringart, and Deirdre Drake
Key stakeholders’ experiences of international education at one Australian university, Sophia A. Harryba
Normal mysticism : an interdisciplinary study of Max Kudushin's rabbinic hermeneutic, Thomas L. Head
Framing anorexia : a play script and multidimensional investigation of anorexia : a play and critical essay, Louise Helfgott
Issues and barriers to the provision of FDR in prison, Pamela J. Henry and Karine Hamilton
Zero to eight: young children and their internet use, Donell Holloway, Lelia Green, and Sonia Livingstone
FireWatch: Creative responses to bushfire catastrophes, Donell J. Holloway, Lelia Green, and Danielle Brady
FireWatch: Community engagement and the communication of bushfire information, Donell J. Holloway and Lelia R. Green
Using ethnography to understand everyday media practices in Australian family life, Donell J. Holloway and Lelia R. Green
0-8: Young children's Internet use, Donell J. Holloway, Lelia R. Green, and Danielle J. Brady
"Your neighbours are your friends": An investigation into microgeographical exchanges in the remote northwest of Australia between 1987-2012, Donell J. Holloway, Lelia R. Green, and David Holloway
Developing a user friendly FireWatch site: debunking sociotechnological assumptions about Internet users in remote communities, Donell J. Holloway, Paul W. Haimes, and Lelia R. Green
The Western Australian New Music Archive: finding, accessing, remembering and performing a community of practice, Catherine A. Hope, Lelia R. Green, and Tos Mahoney
Articulating Everyday Catastrophes: Reflections on the Research Literacies of Lorri Neilsen, Lesley M. Hopkins
Spirituality and religious tolerance, Philip J. Hughes
Australia [2013], Van Ikin and Keira McKenzie
A Processability Theory (PT) -based analysis of the acquisition of Japanese morphology and syntax: A case of an intensive adult learner, Junko Iwasaki
Decoupling journalism and democracy: Or how much democracy does journalism need?, Beate U. Josephi
How much democracy does journalism need?, Beate U. Josephi
The psychological benefits of participating in group singing for members of the general public, Marianne D. Judd and Julie Ann Pooley
The ontology of the closet, Travis Kelleher
The masquerade of Mary Tudor : performance and power in sixteenth century England, Alicia Knaggs
Design thinking practice and research: Building research culture in undergraduate studies, Christopher Kueh
Service Design 101: The joy and challenge of introducing service design into an undergraduate design curriculum, Christopher Kueh, Stuart Medley, and Alun Price
Maternal Humanitarian Entrants' "Me Time": How Social Support Works in a Facilitated Playgroup, Annmarie C. La Rosa and Andrew Guilfoyle
Representation and symbolic politics in Indonesia : an analysis of billboard advertising in the legislative assembly elections of 2009, Eva Leiliyanti
Scripting therapeutic screen stories : animating the healing potential of film narratives, Andrew Levett
The development of community cable television in Taizhou and the rise of the Chinese middle class, Shangling Lin
Resilience and economic empowerment: A qualitative investigation of entrepreneurial Indonesian Women, Min Ing Loh and Rayini Dahesihsari
'You get forced to live with randoms ... and that makes you stronger as a person'. Homeless Western Australian teenagers' perspectives on their experiences of residing in crisis accommodation, Kate Maassen, Julie A. Pooley, and Myra F. Taylor
The abstraction effect on logic rules application, Guillermo Macbeth, Eugenia Razumiejczyk, and Guillermo Campitelli
Dissecting the "Dark Passenger": Reading representations of the serial killer, Alzena F. Macdonald
Serial killing, surveillance, and the state, Alzena F. Macdonald
Aboriginal English and associated varieties, Ian G. Malcolm
Aboriginal English: Some grammatical features and their implications, Ian G. Malcolm
Associative stigma among families of alcohol and other drug users, Olivia Marshall