Submissions from 2006
Treatment Needs of Prisoners Who are At-Risk of Self-Harming, Gregory Dear
Enhancing Prisoners' Coping Skills, Gregory Dear, Jo Borrill, Teresa Kirchner, Maria Forns, Marc Daigle, and Fiona H Biggam
Pollution minimisation practices in the Australian mining and mineral processing industries, Catherine Driussi and Janis Jansz
Technological options for waste minimisation in the mining industry, Catherine Driussi and Janis Jansz
Chapman's an humorous day's mirth, Charles Edelman
Claudius's 'effects' in Hamlet, Charles Edelman
Morose's fights at sea in Epicoene, Charles Edelman
The effect of legal judgements on responsibility taking behaviour : an exploratory study, Lilian S. Edmands
Older adults' perspective on engaging in physical activity after the age of 65 : An exploratory study, Amanda Kathleen England
The relationship between daytime experiences and nighttime marital behaviour ; Spillover of daytime emotions on marital interactions, Katherine J. Fitzsimmons
Spreading the word: Surf lifesaving overseas, Caroline Ford and Edwin Jaggard
The luck of the surf? Competition, Barry Galton and Edwin Jaggard
Interpersonal dependency in older adults and the risks of developing mood and mobility problems when receiving care at home, Deborah K. Gardner and E. Helmes
An exploration of the impact of the Family Court process on "Invisible" stepparents, Natalie Gately, Lisbeth Pike, and Paul Murphy
Addressing indigenous substance misuse and related harms, Denis Gray, Lisa Jackson Pulver, Sherry Saggers, and John Waldon
Creative writing as practice-led research, Lelia Rosalind Green
Research outputs in the creative and performing arts: 'Australianising' an international debate, Lelia Rosalind Green
Understanding celebrity and the public sphere, Lelia Rosalind Green
The relationship between body image and self-esteem in older adulthood, Lucie Guegan
New racism and inter-group attributions within a contemporary Indigenous Australian Context: Old wines in new bottles, Andrew Guilfoyle
Peers, Family, community, supervisors and governance: A review of key sites for supporting International postgraduate students transitional learning experiences, Andrew Guilfoyle
International Postgraduate transition via expectations: Interactions with quality, outcomes and diversity in the devolved system, Andrew Guilfoyle and Alison Thair
The Likely Role of Criminogenic Factors in Prisoners' Self-Harming Behaviour, Guyatt Hall, Sofia Fisher, and Gregory Dear
Women, Work and Empowerment: A Portrait of Women Workers in Two of Sri Lanka's Export Processing Zones, Peter Hancock
Barriers to Respite: A Case Study of a Sub-Group from an Older Carers Program in Western Australia, Peter Hancock, Jayne Jarvis, and Tanja L'Veena
Gender Differences in Performance of Script Analysis by Older Adults, Edward Helmes, J Bush, Donna Pike, and Deirdre Drake
Collaborative Decision Making in an Australian University: The Impossible Dream?, David Holloway and Donell Holloway
Teaching group facilitation processes in the Feminist classroom: From poststructuralist theory to activist practice, Lekkie Hopkins
Mandaly and Rangoon: Urbanisation in Burma, Nancy Hudson-Rodd
Cartooning the Iraq War: No laughing matter, Nancy Hudson-Rodd and Sundara Ramanatha Iyer
The Australian Religious and Social Context, Philip Hughes
Networks and narratives: An exploration of their relationship and potential for understanding the actual experiences of women with HIV/AIDS, Purity N. Irungu
From Beach to Boardroom: Governing Surf Lifesaving, Edwin Jaggard
Introduction [to Between the Flags: One hundred summers of Australian Surf Lifesaving], Edwin Jaggard
How private a death? Obituaries in Australia and Germany, Beate Josephi, Christine Muller, and Hans-Jurgen Friske
Depiction of Muslims in selected Australian Media: Free speech or taking sides, Nahid Kabir
Muslims in a 'White Australia': Colour or Religion?, Nahid Kabir
Students at risk: Can connections make a difference?, Nahid Kabir and Tony Rickards
"Semen Contains Vitality and Heredity, Not Germs": Seminal Discourse in the AIDS Era, S.I Khan, N Hudson-Rodd, Sherry Saggers, M.I Bhuiyan, A Bhuiya, S.A Karim, and O Rauyajin
Baby in a box, Kharnang, Norman Leslie
Background to slide series, Norman Leslie
Boys fetching water, Kharnang, Norman Leslie
Dawn, Kharnang, Norman Leslie
Dust storm, Yushu town, Norman Leslie
Evening, Kharnang, Norman Leslie
Four men playing snooker, Ziewu townsite, Yushu Prefecture, Norman Leslie
Horse in Kharnang, Norman Leslie
Kharnang townsite - prayer wheels, Norman Leslie
Preparing the evening meal Kharnang, Norman Leslie
Sisters, Kharnang, Norman Leslie
The first class of children in the Gesar Sherab School, Norman Leslie
Title slide, Norman Leslie
Trindu County, Yushi Prefecture, Norman Leslie
Winter House, Kharnang, Norman Leslie
Yushu - Lhasa Road, Norman Leslie
Following Leunig and Lansdown : Poems by Elizabeth Lewis in the Tradition of Single Image Poetry, Elizabeth Lewis
Casual model of beach erosion with inland sand transport: Political and urban planning implications, Terence Love and Trudi Cooper
Development of a collaborative design-focused research approach for Interagency Cooperation addressing youth anti-social behaviour in rail environs, Terence Love, Trudi Cooper, Fred Affleck, and Angela Durey
The Art of Trash: Evaluating Troma Entertainment as Paracinema, James W. MacDonald
Time in Kyrgyzstan, Robert McPherson
Abrogated identity : Muslim representation in Hindi popular cinema 1947-2000, Noorel-nissa S. Mecklai
A formative study to develop and test a health promotion strategy for adolescents who experience grief, Miriam J. Melis
The role of implicit memory in visual word recognition: Principles and processes of long- and short-term repetition priming, Matthew Robert Merema
A novel, The nature of ice and exegesis, Writing with light : truth and meaning in visual representations of Antarctica, Robyn C. Mundy
Land whisperings and a poetics of newplace and birthplace, Glenly R. Phillips
Western Australia: July to December 2005 political chronicles, Harry C J. Phillips and Liz Kerr
Western Australia: January to June 2006 Political Chronicles, Harry Phillips and Liz Kerr
Links between community and individual resilience: Evidence from cyclone affected communities in north West Australia, Julie Ann Pooley, Lynne Cohen, and Moira O'Connor
Ethnic identity, perceived discrimination and the psychological adjustment of culturally and linguistically diverse children, Erin Louise Pratt
Tragic idiom: O.V. Vijayan's cartoons & notes on India, Sundar Ramanathaiyer and Nancy Hudson-Rodd
Writing on the body as health education for girls, Elizabeth Reid Boyd and Abigail Bray
Steel Riders : a novel for young adult readers and, An hermeneutical examination of Steel Riders, Pixi Robertson
Constituting identity of older people in retirement village advertising in Western Australia, Debbie Rodan, Christine Toye, and Zoe Chambers
Tim Winton, Richard Rossiter
A multi-systemic school-based approach for addressing childhood aggression, Kevin Runions
Sex, Drugs and indigenous young people, Sherry Saggers, Denis Gray, and Phillipa Strempel
Bullying and victimisation in primary schools: Relations between bully status, empathy, and gender, Teresa B. Sapienza
The experience of the transition to an aged-care facility: A qualitative exploration, Jenny M. Smith
Sustainability Management: The missing link in management education, Lesley Stone and Martin Brueckner
A semblance of Scotland: Scottish identity in colonial Western Australia, Leigh Straw
Examination of different levels of restorative behaviour utilising the affect, affirmation and action model, Jessica Sumner
Perceived multi-dimensional locus of control over young to older adults : A contemporary Australian cross-sectional study, Richard Syrkiewicz
Writing/Theory: A Personal View, Andrew Taylor
Evaluating the extent of John Howards political genius, Peter Van Onselen and Wayne Errington
Strengths and Weaknesses in Explorations of Howard's Decade, Peter Van Onselen and Wayne Errington
Effectiveness of the life skills program for HIV/AIDS prevention in Northern Thai housewives, Chittaya Waitayakul
The healing space : intersubjectivity, gender & bibliotherapy in Winnie-the-Pooh, The house at Pooh Corner, The wind in the willows and Peter Pan, Anna-Claire Walsh
The beach house : a novel and, Exorcising Sarah's ghosts : (re)creating the self : an accompanying essay, Karen L. Williams
Children talking to understanding aesthetics in visual art, Julie Wren and Yvonne Haig
Submissions from 2005
An observational study of bail decision-making, Alfred Allan, Maria Allan, Margaret Giles, Deirdre Drake, and Irene Froyland
Expressing opinions and feelings in aphasia: Linguistic options, Elizabeth Armstrong
Language disorder: A functional linguistic perspective, Elizabeth Armstrong
Acquired language disorders: Some functional insights, Elizabeth Armstrong, Alison Ferguson, Lynne Mortensen, and Leanne Togher