Submissions from 2008
Meaningless play: The psychological experience of shame in computer game play, Glen Spoors
We've thrown away the pens, but are they learning? Using blogs in higher education, Katrina Strampel and Ron Oliver
History, fiction and national identity, Andrew Taylor
Men of steel or plastic cops: The use of ethnography as a transformative agent, Christine Teague and David Leith
Who Guards Our Guardians? The Use of Ethnography to Study How Railway Transit Officers Avoid Injury, Christine Teague and David Leith
HeartNET: Moving towards a transformative space?, Lynsey Uridge, Debbie Rodan, and Lelia Rosalind Green
On message or out of touch? Secure web sites and political campaigning in Australia, Ainslie Van Onselen and Peter Van Onselen
Introduction [to Liberals and power : the road ahead], Peter Van Onselen
Howard's end: The unravelling of a government, Peter Van Onselen and Philip Senior
Submissions from 2007
Behavioural reponses to the terrorism threat: Applications of the metric of fear, Anne Aly, Mark Balnaves, and Christopher Chalon
Zones of privacy: A prototype information-sharing database based on Moor's theory of privacy, Mark Balnaves and Joseph Luca
The economic role of the Jerusalem temple in Achaemenid Judah: Comparative perspectives, Peter Bedford
The Persian near east, Peter R. Bedford
Climate change: Australia and the Kyoto Protocol, Quentin Beresford
Explorations in measuring metacognition: The design of an open source assessment instrument for an online setting, Barnard Clarkson and Mark McMahon
Praxis and the reflexive creative practitioner, Christopher Crouch
25 years of reporting HIV: What lessons can Pacific journalists learn?, Trevor Cullen
HIV/AIDS and development in the Pacific, Trevor Cullen
Unlikely partners: Prefabricated 'joke' emails and the serious business of relationships, Julie Dare
Modern issues: Anthony Trollope and Australia, Jill Durey
John Winston Howard : the definitive biography, Wayne Errington and Peter van Onselen
Black and White Water, Rodney Giblett
Shooting the Sunburnt Country, the Land of Sweeping Place, the Rugged Mountain Ranges: Australian Landscape and Wilderness Photography, Rodney Giblett
Adapting to a new identity: Reconstructing the self as a heart patient, Lelia Green, Leesa Boniface, and Tami McMahon
Evaluating quality practice-led research: Still a moving target?, Lelia Rosalind Green
Bodysurfers and Australian beach culture, Ed Jaggard
Masala McGospel: A case study of CBN's solutions programme in India, Jonathan D. James and Brian P. Shoesmith
How do you get reliability out of people?, Janis Jansz
Muslims in Australia: The double edge of terrorism, Nahid Kabir
What does it mean to be un-Australian? Views of Australian Muslim students in 2006, Nahid Kabir
Why I call Australia 'Home'? A transmigrant's perspective, Nahid Kabir
Producing graduates with essential generic skills: A model for teaching and learning, Joseph Luca and Deanna Heal
Language maintenance, shift - and planning, Graham Mckay
Noun incorporation in Rembarrnga discourse, Graham Mckay
A document oriented model for the design of serious games, Mark McMahon
Explorations in metacognition: The design, development, and implementation of an online teamwork tracking environment, Mark Mcmahon and Joseph Luca
A self-assessment tool to help learners develop teamwork skills, Mark Mcmahon, Joseph Luca, and Christina John
Discursive Australia: Refugees, Australianness, and the Australian public sphere, Jane Mummery and Debbie Rodan
Australia's regional security challenges a geophysical perspective, Dennis Rumley
Securing sea lanes of communication in the Indian Ocean region, Dennis Rumley, S Chaturvedi, and M Yasin Taib
The uranium trade in the Indian Ocean region, Dennis Rumley and T Doyle
Globalisation and new security agenda: Developing a regional paradigm, Dennis Rumley and D Gopal
Introduction [to Globalisation and regional security: India and Australia], Dennis Rumley and D Gopal
Using technology to foster reflection in higher education, Katrina Strampel and Ron Oliver
"But that doesn't follow!" The elusive inference in the classroom, Alan Tapper
The generational train wreck and its aftermath, Alan Tapper
Bipolar nation: Correspondence, Peter Van Onselen
From vitriolic criticism to ungainly praise: Locating John Howard's political success, Peter Van Onselen and W Errington
The democratic state as a marketing tool: The permanent campaign in Australia, Peter Van Onselen and W Errington
Managing expectations: The Howard government's workchoices information campaign, Peter Van Onselen and Wayne Errington
Electoral violence in mid nineteenth-century England and Wales, Justin Wasserman and Edwin Jaggard
Community radio and development: Tribal audiences in South Asia, Thomas Jayaprakash Yesudhasan and Brian Shoesmith
Localising the global and globalising the local: Some changing dimensions of cultural industries and identities in Asia, Thomas Jayaprakash Yesudhasan and Brian Shoesmith
Submissions from 2006
Rob Riley: An Aboriginal leaders quest for justice, Quentin Beresford
Race and reconciliation: The Australian experience in an international context, Quentin Beresford and Marilyn Beresford
Models of Policy Development in Aboriginal Education: Issues and Discourse, Quentin Beresford and Jan Gray
Communication on a health-related website offering therapeutic support: Phase 1 of the HeartNET website, Leesa N. Bonniface, Lelia Rosalind Green, and Maurice G. Swanson
HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea: A reality check, Trevor Cullen
Pollution minimisation practices in the Australian mining and mineral processing industries, Catherine Driussi and Janis Jansz
Technological options for waste minimisation in the mining industry, Catherine Driussi and Janis Jansz
An eye for an eye: Trollope's warning for future relations between England and Ireland, Jill Durey
Chapman's an humorous day's mirth, Charles Edelman
Claudius's 'effects' in Hamlet, Charles Edelman
Morose's fights at sea in Epicoene, Charles Edelman
Spreading the word: Surf lifesaving overseas, Caroline Ford and Edwin Jaggard
The luck of the surf? Competition, Barry Galton and Edwin Jaggard
Creative writing as practice-led research, Lelia Rosalind Green
Research outputs in the creative and performing arts: 'Australianising' an international debate, Lelia Rosalind Green
Understanding celebrity and the public sphere, Lelia Rosalind Green
The framing of ATSIC Chairman Geoff Clark in the Australian, Lauren Heinritz and Beate Josephi
Collaborative Decision Making in an Australian University: The Impossible Dream?, David Holloway and Donell Holloway
From Beach to Boardroom: Governing Surf Lifesaving, Edwin Jaggard
Introduction [to Between the Flags: One hundred summers of Australian Surf Lifesaving], Edwin Jaggard
How private a death? Obituaries in Australia and Germany, Beate Josephi, Christine Muller, and Hans-Jurgen Friske
Depiction of Muslims in selected Australian Media: Free speech or taking sides, Nahid Kabir
Muslims in a 'White Australia': Colour or Religion?, Nahid Kabir
Students at risk: Can connections make a difference?, Nahid Kabir and Tony Rickards
Western Australia: July to December 2005 political chronicles, Harry C J. Phillips and Liz Kerr
Western Australia: January to June 2006 Political Chronicles, Harry Phillips and Liz Kerr
Constituting identity of older people in retirement village advertising in Western Australia, Debbie Rodan, Christine Toye, and Zoe Chambers
Tim Winton, Richard Rossiter
A semblance of Scotland: Scottish identity in colonial Western Australia, Leigh Straw
Writing/Theory: A Personal View, Andrew Taylor
Evaluating the extent of John Howards political genius, Peter Van Onselen and Wayne Errington
Strengths and Weaknesses in Explorations of Howard's Decade, Peter Van Onselen and Wayne Errington
Children talking to understanding aesthetics in visual art, Julie Wren and Yvonne Haig
Submissions from 2005
The atmosfear of terror: Affective modulation and the war on terror, Anne Aly and Mark Balnaves
The Barnardo's babies: Performativity, shame and the photograph, Susan Ash
They are simply not worth it': The global games market, media liminality and the manga revolution, Mark Balnaves and Kim Balnaves
The impact of digital persona on the future of learning: A case study on digital repositories and the sharing of information about children at risk in Western Australia, Mark Balnaves and Joseph Luca
Yu-Gi-Oh: Interactive games narratives in the era of age compression, Mark Balnaves and Kim Tomlinson-Baillie
The bridge between: Connecting the Indigenous art market to studio pedagogy, Clive Barstow
The economy of the near East in the first millennium BC, Peter Bedford
Too much or too little choice? Insecurity of choice among Australian adults, John Bellamy, Philip Hughes, and Alan Black
Social capital & the sustainability of rural or remote communities: Evidence from the Australian community survey, Alan Black and Philip Hughes
Affect and an Effective Online Therapeutic Community, Leesa N. Bonniface, Lelia Rosalind Green, and Maurice G. Swanson
Introduction [to Indigenous Peoples and Religious Change], Margaret Brock