
Submissions from 2008


School-based Intervention Research to Reduce Bullying in Australia 1999-2007: What works, What Doesn't, and What's Promising?, Donna S. Cross, Therese M. Shaw, Natasha L. Pearce, Erin L. Erceg, Stacey K. Waters, Yolanda Pintabona, and Margaret R. Hall


Domestic Space: Virtually Underestimated?, Julie Dare


Self-talk influences vertical jump performance and kinematics in male rugby union players, Christian Edwards, David Tod, and Michael Mcguigan


The influence of consanguineous marriage on reproductive behavior and early mortality in northern coastal Sweden, 1780–1899, Inez Ergerbladh and Alan Bittles


Neurotrophic factors as a therapeutic target for Parkinson's disease, J Evans and Roger Barker

A dynamic four-dimensional model of occupational balance, Kiah Evans


The role of palliative care in supporting patients: A therapeutic community space, Colleen Fisher, M. O'Connor, and Kaye Abel


B-Vitamins Reduce Plasma Levels of beta amyloid, Leon Flicker, Ralph Martins, Jenny Thomas, John Acres, Kevin Taddei, Samuel Vasikaran, Paul Norman, Konrad Jamrozik, and Osvaldo Almeida


Research criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: genetic risk factors, blood biomarkers and olfactory dysfunction, Jonathan Foster, Hamid Sohrabi, Giuseppe Verdile, and Ralph Martins


Stepping backward can improve sprint performance over short distances, David Frost, John Cronin, and Gregory Levin


A biomechanical comparison of pneumatic and free weight resistance, David M. Frost


A Comparison of the Kinematics, Kinetics and Muscle Activity Between Pneumatic and Free Weight Resistance, David M. Frost, John B. Cronin, and Robert U. Newton


Have We Underestimated the Kinematic and Kinetic Benefits of Non-Ballistic Motion?, David M. Frost, John B. Cronin, and Robert U. Newton


Detection of muscle damage by B-mode ultrasonography : relationship between echo intensity and histological changes following injection of bupivacaine to rat hind limb muscles, Tasuku Fujikake


Changes in B-mode ultrasound echo intensity following injection of bupivacaine hydrochloride to rat hind limb muscle in relation to histological changes, Tasuku Fujikake, Robin Hart, and Kazunori Nosaka


Can Exercise Ameliorate the Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Associated with ADT?, Daniel Galvao, Robert Newton, Dennis Taaffe, and Nigel Spry


Endocrine and immune responses to resistance training in prostate cancer patients, Daniel Galvao, Kazunori Nosaka, DR Taaffe, J Peake, N Spry, K Suzuki, K Yamaya, Michael McGuigan, Linda Kristjanson, and Robert Newton


Changes in Muscle, Fat and Bone Mass After 36 Weeks of Maximal Androgen Blockade for Prostate Cancer, Daniel Galvao, Nigel Spry, Dennis Taaffe, Robert Newton, John Stanley, Tom Shannon, Chris Rowling, and Richard Prince


Reduced Muscle Strength and Functional Performance in Men With Prostate Cancer Undergoing Androgen Suppression: A Comprehensive Cross-Sectional Investigation, Daniel Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, Darryl Turner, and Robert Newton


Magnitude and contributory factors of postnatal depression: A community-based cohort study from a rural subdistrict of Bangladesh, Kaniz Gausia, Colleen Fisher, M Ali, and Jacques Oosthuizen

The Impact of Ageing in People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Emma Glasson and Alan Bittles


Association of Alleles Carried at TNFA -850 and BAT1 -22 with Alzheimer's Disease, Anastazija Gnjec, Katarzyna D'Costa, Simon Laws, Ross Hedley, Kelvin Balakrishnan, Kevin Taddei, Georgia Martins, Athena Paton, Giuseppe Verdile, Samuel Gandy, Anthony Broe, William Brooks, Hayley Bennett, Olivier Piguet, Patricia Price, Judith Miklossy, Joachim Hallmayer, Patrick McGeer, and Ralph Martins


A luteinizing hormone receptor intronic variant is significantly associated with decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease in males carrying an apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele, Ryan J. Haasl, M Reza Ahmadi, Sivan Vadakkadath Meethal, Carey E. Gleason, Sterling C. Johnson, Sanjay Asthana, Richard L. Bowen, and Craig S. Atwood


Physiological responses to cold water immersion following cycling in the heat, S Halson, Marc Quod, D Martin, A Gardener, T Ebert, and Paul Laursen


Review of evidence to guide primary health care policy and practice to prevent childhood obesity, Lydia A. Hearn, Margaret R. Miller, and Renee Campbell-Pope


Chocolate consumption and bone density in older women, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Amanda Devine, Valerie Burke, Ian M. Dick, and Richard L. Prince


Relationship between the kinetics and kinematics of a unilateral horizontal drop jump to sprint performance, David Jonsson Holm, Markus Stalbom, Justin W L Keogh, and John Cronin


Does performance of hang power clean differentiate performance of jumping, sprinting and changing of direction?, Naruhiro Hori, Robert U. Newton, Warren A. Andrews, Naoki Kawamori, Michael R. McGuigan, and Kazunori Nosaka


Comparison of weighted jump squat training with and without eccentric braking, Naruhiro Hori, Robert U. Newton, Naoki Kawamori, Michael R. McGuigan, Warren A. Andrews, Dale W. Chapman, and Kazunori Nosaka


Comparison between voluntary and stimulated contractions of the quadriceps femoris for growth hormone response and muscle damage, Marc Jubeau, Alessandro Sartorio, Pier Giulio Marinone, Fiorenza Agosti, J Van Hoecke, Kazunori Nosaka, and Nicola A. Maffiuletti


Sprint acceleration performance in team sports : biomechanical characteristics and training methods, Naoki Kawamori


The Effect of Strength Training on Three-Kilometer Performance in Recreational Women Endurance Runners, Cherina Kelly, Angus Burnett, and Michael Newton


Acute physiological and performance effects of a high intensity lower body resistance training session on Australian Rules Football players, David T. Kinsella


The management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Western Australians of Southern European origin, Eliena Kirov


The evaluation of midazolam on head injured patients in the prehospital setting, Dragana Klinac


Static posture assessment screen of athletes: benefits and considerations, Matthew F Kritz and John Cronin


The role of anxiety in the development of levodopa-induced dyskinesias in an animal model of Parkinson's disease, and the effect of chronic treatment with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram, W Kuan, J Zhao, and Roger Barker


The relationship between session rate of perceived exertion measures and the volume load of resistance training, Mirza Abdul Latif


Effect of physical activity on cognitive function in older adults at risk for Alzheimer disease A randomized trial, Nicola Lautenschlager, Kay Cox, Leon Flicker, Jonathan Foster, Frank van Bockxmeer, Jianguo Xiao, Kathryn Greenop, and Osvaldo Almeida


Effect of vibration treatment on symptoms associated with eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage [thesis], Wing Y. Lau


A light load eccentric exercise confers protection against a subsequent bout of more demanding eccentric exercise, Andrew Lavender and Kazunori Nosaka


Changes in markers of muscle damage of middle-aged and young men following eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors, Andrew P. Lavender and Kazunori Nosaka


Genetic Analysis of MAPT Haplotype Diversity in Frontotemporal Dementia, Simon Laws, Patricia Friedrich, Janine Diehl-Schmid, Jakob Muller, B Ibach, J Bauml, T Eisele, H Forstl, Alexander Kurz, and Matthias Riemenschneider


Lipoic Acid as an Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease, Annette Maczurek, Klaus Hager, Marlene Kenklies, Matthew Sharman, Ralph Martins, Jurgen Engel, David A. Carlson, and Gerald Munch


The effects of whole body vibration on physical and physiological capability in special populations, Karel Madou and John Cronin


Use of Session Rating of Perceived Exertion for Monitoring Resistance Exercise in Children Who Are Overweight or Obese, Michael R. McGuigan, Abdulaziz Al Dayel, David Tod, Carl Foster, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew


The relationship between isometric and dynamic strength in college football players, Michael R. Mcguigan and Jason Winchester


Isoinertial assessment of eccentric muscular strength, Cesar Meylan, John Cronin, and Kazunori Nosaka


Participation in sports, arts and racing and its relationship to message literacy and health behaviours, Christina Mills, Michael Rosenberg, Sarah French, Jenna Mitchell, and Lisa Wood


Low Back Pain Characteristics From Undergraduate Student to Working Nurse in Australia: A Cross-Sectional Survey, Tim Mitchell, Peter O'Sullivan, Angus Burnett, Leon Straker, and Cobie Rudd


Regional differences in lumbar spinal posture and the influence of low back pain, Tim Mitchell, Peter O'Sullivan, Angus Burnett, Leon Straker, and Anne Smith


Bone structural effects of variation in the TNFRSF1B gene encoding the tumor necrosis factor receptor 2, BH Mullin, RL Prince, IM Dick, FMA Islam, DJ Hart, TD Spector, Amanda Devine, F Dudbridge, and SG Wilson


Validation of an EMG-driven, graphically based isometric musculoskeletal model of the cervical spine, Kevin Netto, Angus Burnett, Jonathon Green, and Julian Rodrigues


Comparison of responses to strenuous eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors between resistance-trained and untrained men, Michael J. Newton, Greg T. Morgan, Paul Sacco, Dale W. Chapman, and Kazunori Nosaka


Gender Differences in Motor Control of the Trunk During Prolonged Ergometer Rowing, Leo Ng, Angus Burnett, and Peter O'Sullivan


Spino-Pelvic Kinematics and Trunk Muscle Activation in Prolonged Ergometer Rowing: Mechanical Etiology of Non-Specific Low Back Pain in Adolescent Rowers, Leo Ng, Angus Burnett, and Peter O'Sullivan


Interference with Splicing of Presenilin Transcripts has Potent Dominant Negative Effects on Presenilin Activity, Svanhild Nornes, Morgan Newman, Giuseppe Verdile, Simon Wells, Cristi Stoick-Cooper, Ben Tucker, Inna Frederich-Sleptsova, Ralph Martins, and Michael Lardelli


Muscle Soreness and Damage and the Repeated-Bout Effect, Kazunori Nosaka


Body temperature and its effect on leukocyte mobilization, cytokines and markers of neutrophil activation during and after exercise, Jonathan Peake, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, Chris Abbiss, Kazunori Nosaka, M Okutsu, Paul B. Laursen, and K Suzuki


Carbohydrate gel ingestion and immunoendocrine responses to cycling in temperate and hot conditions, Jonathan Peake, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, Christopher R. Abbiss, Kazunori Nosaka, Paul B. Laursen, and Katsuhiko Suzuki


Effect of a 5 min cold water immersion recovery on exercise performance in the heat, Jeremiah Peiffer, Chris Abbiss, Bradley Wall, Greig Watson, Kazunori Nosaka, and Paul Laursen


Short term recovery with cold water immersion following cycling in the heat, Jeremiah J. Peiffer


Physiological characteristics of masters-level cyclists, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, Chris R. Abbiss, Dale Chapman, Paul B. Laursen, and Daryl Parker


The relationship between training load and incidence of injury and illness over a pre-season at an Australian Football League Club, Benjamin Piggott


Gluteus medius: applied anatomy, dysfunction, assessment, and progressive strengthening, Laura Presswood, John Cronin, Justin W L Keogh, and Chris Whatman


Effects of ergocalciferol added to calcium on the risk of falls in elderly high-risk women, Richard L. Prince, Nicole Austin, Amanda Devine, Ian M. Dick, David Bruce, and Kun Zhu


Isokinetic Dynamometry in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Reconstruction, Yong-Hao Pua, Adam L. Bryant, Julie R. Steele, Robert Newton, and Tim V. Wrigley


Practical precooling: Effect on cycling time trial performance in warm conditions, Marc J. Quod, David Martin, Paul B. Laursen, Andrew Gardner, Shona Halson, Frank Marino, Margaret Tate, David Mainwaring, Christopher Gore, and Allan Hahn


The relationship between bowling action classification and three-dimensional lower trunk motion in fast bowlers in cricket, Craig Alan Ranson, Angus Burnett, Mark King, Nitin Patel, and Peter O'Sullivan


Acute Lumbar Stress Injury, Trunk Kinematics, Lumbar MRI and Paraspinal Muscle Morphology in Fast Bowlers in Cricket, Craig Ranson, Angus Burnett, Mark King, Peter O'Sullivan, Rosie Cornish, and Mark Batt


The lumbar paraspinal muscle morphometry of fast bowlers in cricket, Craig Ranson, Angus Burnett, Peter O'Sullivan, Mark Batt, and Robert Kerslake


Comparison of Two School-Based Smoking Prevention Programs Among South African High School Students: Results of a Randomized Trial, Ken Resnicow, Sasiragha Priscilla P. Reddy, Shamagonam James, Riyadh Gabebodeen Omardien, Nilen S. Kambaran, Heinrich G. Langner, Roger D. Vaughan, Donna Cross, Gregory Hamilton, and Tracey Nichols


P3b versus P3a: An Event-Related Potential Investigation of the Glucose Facilitation Effect, Leigh Riby, S Sunram-Lea, C Graham, Jonathan Foster, Trudi Cooper, C Moodie, and V P. Gunn

The Developmental Framework Of A Test Of Visual Perceptual Letter/Number Reversal Recognition Skills For School-Aged Children, Janet Richmond


Fluoro-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose (FDG)-PET in APOE epsilon 4 Carriers in the Australian Population, Mira Rimajova, Nat Lenzo, Jing-Shan Wu, Kristyn Bates, Andrew Campbell, Satvinder S. Dhaliwal, Michael McCarthy, Mark Rodrigues, Athena Paton, Christopher Rowe, Jonathan Foster, and Ralph Martins


Gonadotropins and Cognition in Older Women, Mark Rodrigues, Giuseppe Verdile, Jonathan Foster, Eva Hogervorst, Karen Joesbury, Satvinder Dhaliwal, Elizabeth Corder, Simon Laws, Eugene Hone, Richard Prince, Amanda Devine, Pankaj Mehta, John Beilby, Craig Atwood, and Ralph Martins


Patterns of autobiographical memory loss in medial-temporal lobe amnesic patients, R. Shayna Rosenbaum, Morris Moscovitch, Jonathan Foster, David M. Schnyer, Fuqiang Gao, Natasha Kovacevic, Mieke Verfaellie, Sandra E. Black, and Brian Levine


Organisational survey: impact of Healthway funding on currently funded and previously funded SAR organisations, Michael Rosenberg, Sarah French, Jenna Mitchell, Christina Mills, and Lisa Wood


A review of the evaluation of healthway sponsorships, Michael Rosenberg, Christina Mills, Joanna Granich, Renee Ferguson, Sarah French, and Lisa Wood


Consanguinity and child health, Anand Saggar and Alan H. Bittles

Depression and Exercise, Jerome Sarris, David J. Kavanagh, and Robert U. Newton


Replacing dietary carbohydrate with protein and fat decreases the concentrations of small LDL and the inflammatory response induced by atherogenic diets in the guinea pig, Matthew Sharman, Maria Luz Fernandez, Tosca. L Zern, M Torres-Gonzalez, W.J. Kraemer, and Jeff. S Volek


The Effect of Training with Accentuated Eccentric Load Counter-Movement Jumps on Strength and Power Characteristics of High-Performance Volleyball Players, Jeremy Sheppard, Suki Hobson, Michael Barker, Kirstie Taylor, Dale Chapman, Michael R. McGuigan, and Robert U. Newton


Assessing the Force-Velocity Characteristics of the Leg Extensors in Well-Trained Athletes: the Incremental Load Power Profile, Jeremy M. Sheppard, Stuart Cormack, Kristie-Lee Taylor, Michael R. McGuigan, and Robert U. Newton


Relative Importance of Strength, Power, and Anthropometric Measures to Jump Performance of Elite Volleyball Players, Jeremy M. Sheppard, John B. Cronin, Tim J. Gabbett, Michael R. McGuigan, Naroa Etxebarria, and Robert U. Newton


The Impact of a high versus a low glycaemic index breakfast cereal meal on verbal episodic memory in healthy adolescents, Michael A. Smith and Jonathan Foster


Glucoregulatory and Order Effects on Verbal Episodic Memory in Healthy Adolescents After Oral Glucose Administration, Michael A. Smith and Jonathan K. Foster


Age influences the early events of skeletal muscle regeneration: studies of whole muscle grafts transplanted between young (8 weeks) and old (13-21 months) mice, Gail Smythe, Thea Shavlakadze, Peter Roberts, Marilyn Davies, John McGeachie, and Miranda Grounds


ISSN Nutritional Needs of Strength/Power Athletes, James Stoppani, Timothy Scheett, and Michael Mcguigan


Design and Implementation of a Specific Strength Program for Badminton, Sean Sturgess and Robert U. Newton


Hospitalisation for cancer and co-morbidities among people with learning disability in Australia, Sheena G. Sullivan and Rafat Hussain


The effect of glucose administration on the recollection and familiarity components of recognition memory, Sandra Sunram-Lea, Stephen Dewhurst, and Jonathan K. Foster


Pax7 is requisite for maintenance of a subpopulation of superior collicular neurons and shows a diverging expression pattern to Pax3 during superioir collicular development, Jennifer Thompson, Andreas Zembrzycki, Ahmed Mansouri, and Melanie Ziman


Infection and Alzheimer's Disease: The APOE epsilon 4 Connection and Lipid Metabolism, Nadezda Urosevic and Ralph Martins


Luteinizing Hormone Levels are Positively Correlated with Plasma Amyloid-beta Protein Levels in Elderly Men, Giuseppe Verdile, Bu Yeap, Roger Clarnette, Satvinder Dhaliwal, Melanie Burkhardt, S A Paul Chubb, Karl De Ruyck, Mark Rodrigues, Pankaj D. Mehta, Jonathan Foster, David Bruce, and Ralph Martins


Relationships between sprinting, agility, and jump ability in female athletes, Jason Vescovi and Michael R. Mcguigan


Distinct Effects of Testosterone on Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid-beta Levels, Eka Wahjoepramono, Linda Wijaya, Kevin Taddei, Georgia Martins, Matthew Howard, Karl De Ruyck, Kristyn Bates, Satvinda Dhaliwal, Giuseppe Verdile, Malcolm Carruthers, and Ralph Martins


Effect of exercise-induced hypohydration on body temperature and cycling time trial performance in the heat with adequate facing wind speed, Bradley A. Wall


Genome-Wide Discovery of Pax7 Target Genes During Development, Robert White and Melanie Ziman


Breast cancer surveillance in women with intellectual disabilities, Diane Willis, Catriona Kennedy, Lynn Kilbride, Daniel Satge, and Sheena G. Sullivan