
Submissions from 2008


Eight weeks of ballistic exercise improves power independently of changes in strength and muscle fiber type expression, Jason Winchester, Jeffrey McBride, Margaret Maher, Richard Mikat, Brian Allen, Dennis Kline, and Michae R. McGuigan


The motivation to become an expert athlete: How coaches can promote long-term commitment, B. W. Young and Nikola Medic


Randomized controlled trial of the effects of calcium with or without vitamin D on bone structure and bone-related chemistry in elderly women with vitamin D insufficiency, K. Zhu, D. Bruce, N. Austin, Amanda Devine, P. R. Ebeling, and R. L. Prince


Effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on hip bone mineral density and calcium-related analytes in elderly ambulatory Australian women: A five-year randomized controlled trial, K Zhu, Amanda Devine, I M. Dick, S G. Wilson, and R L. Prince


The effects of high potassium consumption on bone mineral density in a prospective cohort study of elderly postmenopausal women, K Zhu, Amanda Devine, and RL Prince

Submissions from 2007


Is part of the mystery surrounding fatigue complicated by context?, Chris Abbiss and Paul Laursen


Hyperthermic-induced hyperventilation and associated respiratory alkalosis in humans, Chris Abbiss, Kazunori Nosaka, and Paul Laursen


Fear of falling in older women: A longitudinal study of incidence, persistence, and predictors, N. Austin, Amanda Devine, I. Dick, R. Prince, and D. Bruce


Cycle-length variants in periodized strength/power training, Daniel Baker


A series of studies on professional rugby league players, Daniel G. Baker


Oxidative Stress in a Rat Model of Chronic Gliosis, Kristyn Bates, Ralph Martins, and Alan Harvey

Advances in Physical Activity and Subjective Well-Being: International Perspectives, BG Berger, SJ Hanrahan, Elizabeth Rose, Barbara Howard, D Larkin, B Hands, H Parker, MJ MacCracken, and RE Stadulis


Physical anthropology and ethnicity in Asia: the transition from anthropometry to genome-based studies, Alan Bittles, Michael Black, and Wei Wang


Unity and diversity: Genetic studies on the population of China, M Black, Wei Wang, and Alan Bittles


Influence of concentric and eccentric resistance training on architectural adaptation in human quadriceps muscles, Anthony Blazevich, Dale Cannavan, David Coleman, and Sara Horne


Lack of human muscle architectural adaptation after short-term strength training, Anthony Blazevich, Nicholas David Gill, Nathan Deans, and Shi Zhou


Finding a New Kind of Knowledge on the HeartNET Website, Leesa N. Bonniface and Lelia Rosalind Green


Online Community -- The Near Death Experience - Masks and Miscommunication, Leesa N. Bonniface and Lelia Rosalind Green


Accident denominators relative to age groups in heavy industries of the Port Hedland region of Western Australia, John R. Bottrell


Influence of bicycle seat pressure on compression of the perineum: A MRI analysis, E. Bressel, T. Reeve, D. Parker, and John Cronin


Current understanding and future direction of the Trans-Theoretical model: The role of adolescent cognitive egocentrism, S. J. Bright, Dianne McKillop, and David Ryder


Altering the length-tension relationship with eccentric exercise: Implications for performance and injury, Matt Brughelli and John Cronin


Parasympathetic reactivation after repeated sprint exercise, M. Buchheit, Paul B. Laursen, and S. Ahmaidi


Examination of EMG normalisation methods for the study of the posterior and posterolateral neck muscles in healthy controls, Angus Burnett, Jonathan Green, Kevin Netto, and J Rodrigues


A descriptive physical profile of Western Australian male paramedics, Dale Chapman, Jeremiah Peiffer, Chris Abbiss, and Paul Laursen


Intensity of eccentric exercise, shift of optimum angle, and the magnitude of repeated-bout effect, Trevor C. Chen, Kazunori Nosaka, and Paul Sacco


Changes in running economy following downhill running, Trevor C. Chen, Kazunori Nosaka, and Jui-Hung Tu


Reducing the effects of bullying among Aboriginal children living in rural Western Australia: annual report, Child Health Promotion Research Unit, Edith Cowan University


Characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Australian Football, Jodie Cochrane, D.G. Lloyd, A. Buttfield, H. Seward, and J. McGivern


Methodological concerns for determining power output in the jump squat, Prue Cormie, R Deane, and JM McBride


Validation of power measurement techniques in dynamic lower body resistance exercises, Prue Cormie, J.M McBride, and G.O McCaulley


The influence of body mass on calculation of power during lower body resistance exercises, Prue Cormie, JM McBride, and GO McCaulley


Identification of nestin positive putative mammary stem cells in human breastmilk, M.D Cregan, Y. Fan, A. Appelbee, Mark Brown, B. Klopcic, J. Koppen, L.R Mitoulas, K.M.E Piper, M. Choolani, Y.S Chong, and P. Hartmann


Effect of starting stance on initial sprint performance, John B. Cronin, Jonathan P. Green, Gregory T. Levin, Matt E. Brughelli, and David M. Frost

The relationship between dry-land power measures and tumble turn velocity in elite swimmers, John Cronin, J. Jones, and D. Frost


Kinematics and Kinetics of the Seated Row and Implications for Conditioning, John Cronin, J V. Jones, and J T. Hagstrom


The effect of four different vibratory stimuli on dynamic range of motion of the hamstrings, John Cronin, M Nash, and C Whatman


Does increasing maximal strength improve sprint running performance?, John Cronin, T. Ogden, T. Lawton, and Matt Brughelli


Tea drinking is associated with benefits on bone density in older women, Amanda Devine, JM Hodgson, IM Dick, and RL Prince


Salivary Cortisol, Testosterone, and T/C Ratio Responses During a 36-hole Golf Competition, Brendon K Doan, Robert Newton, William Kraemer, Young-Hoo Kwon, and Timothy Scheett


Manipulating high-intensity interval training: Effects on VO2max, the lactate threshold and 3000 m running performance in moderately trained males, F Esfarjani and Paul Laursen

A dynamic four-dimensional model of occupational balance [APOTC], Kiah Evans


A foot in two worlds': Young women and identity construction in the context of cancer, Colleen Fisher


Health's a difficult beast': The interrelationships between domestic violence, women's health and the health sector. An Australian case study, Colleen Fisher, Lynne Hunt, R Adamsam, and WE Thurston


Androgens in the Etiology of Alzheimer's Disease in Aging Men and Possible Therapeutic Interventions, Stephanie Fuller, Robert Tan, and Ralph Martins


Exercise Can Prevent and Even Reverse Adverse Effects of Androgen Suppression Treatment in Men with Prostate Cancer, Daniel Galvao, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, and Robert Newton


Validation of the Bangla version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale for a Bangladeshi sample, Kaniz Gausia, Colleen Fisher, S Algin, and Jacques Oosthuizen


Bangla translation, adaptation and piloting of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Kaniz Gausia, JD Hamadani, MM Islam, M Ali, S Algin, M Yunus, Colleen Fisher, and Jacques Oosthuizen


Resistance training in older adults : a comparison between group- and home-based exercise training for improvements in functional performance, muscle function and balance, Zoe Gibbs


The future of cell therapies in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Rocio Laguna Goya, Wei-Li Kuan, and Roger A. Barker


Does Harm Minimisation Lead to Greater Experimentation? Results from a School Smoking Intervention Trial, Gregory J. Hamilton, Donna S. Cross, Ken Resnicow, and Therese M. Shaw


Power Outputs of a Machine Squat-Jump Across a Spectrum of Loads, NK Harris, John Cronin, and WG Hopkins


Engaging Primary Health Care Providers in the Promotion of Healthy Weight Among Young Children: Barriers and Enablers for Policy and Management, Lydia A. Hearn, Margaret R. Miller, and Donna S. Cross


Assessment and enhancement of lower extremity power of athletes, Naruhiro Hori

Comparison of four different methods to measure power output during the hang power clean and the weighted jump squat, Naruhiro Hori, Robert U. Newton, Warren A. Andrews, Naoki Kawamori, Michael R. McGuigan, and Kazunori Nosaka


Self-concept and attraction to physical activity: The effectiveness of an intervention programme to enhance children's level of physical activity, Barbara M. Howard


Canoe slalom - competition analysis reliability, A. Hunter, Jodie Cochrane, and A. Sachlikidis


The comparative efficacy of inhaled methoxyflurane and intranasal fentanyl for the pre hospital management of cardiac and or visceral pain, Steven Johnston


The importance of A9 dopaminergic neurons in mediating the functional benefits of fetal ventral mesencephalon transplants and levodopa-induced dyskinesias, Wei-Li Kuan, Rachel Lin, Pam Tyers, and Roger A. Barker


Reliability of time-to-exhaustion versus time-trial running tests in runners, Paul B. Laursen, Graeme T. Francis, Chris Abbiss, Michael J. Newton, and Kazunori Nosaka


Manipulating training intensity and volume in already well-trained rats: Effect on skeletal muscle oxidative and glycolytic enzymes and buffering capacity, Paul Laursen, SA Marsh, DG Jenkins, and JS Coombes


Fluctuations of isometric force after eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors of young, middle-aged, and old men, AP Lavender and Kazunori Nosaka


Fine mapping of the MAPT locus using quantitative trait analysis identifies possible causal variants in alzheimer's disease, S. M. Laws, P. Friedrich, J. Diehl-Schmid, J. Müller, T. Eisele, J. Bäuml, H. Förstl, A. Kurz, and M. Riemenschneider


The effect of concurrent resistance and endurance training on physiological and performance parameters of well trained endurance cyclists, Gregory T. Levin


Activating transcription factor 2 controls Bcl-2 promoter activity in growth plate chondrocytes, Qin Ma, Xinying Li, Dustin Vale-Cruz, Mark Brown, Frank Beier, and Phyllis LuValle


Cerebrospinal Fluid Antimicroglial Antibodies in Alzheimer Disease: A Putative Marker of an Ongoing Inflammatory Process, Amanda McRae, Ralph Martins, Justine Fonte, Rudolf Kraftsik, Lorenz Hirt, and Judith Miklossy

The effects of athletic scholarships on motivation in sport, Nikola Medic, D. E. Mack, P. M. Wilson, and J. L. Starkes


Examining relative age effects on performance achievement and participation rates in Masters athletes, Nikola Medic, J. L. Starkes, and B. W. Young


Molecular Markers of Circulating Melanoma Cells, Sandra Medic, Robert L. Pearce, Peter J. Heenan, and Melanie Ziman


An Articulated Approach to the Development and Evaluation of Automated Feedack for Online MCQ Quizzes in Human Biology, Jan Meyer, Sue Fyfe, Georgina Fyfe, Melanie Ziman, Kayty Plastow, Kathy Sanders, and Julie Hill


Current concepts in human prion protein (Prp) misfolding, Prnp gene polymorphisms and their contribution to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), K Michaelsky and Melanie Ziman


Time spent outdoors at midday and children's body mass index, E. Milne, J. A. Simpson, Robyn Johnston, B. Giles-Corti, and D. R. English


Association between physical activity and quality of life among Western Australian breast cancer survivors, H. M. Milne, S. Gordon, Andrew Guilfoyle, K. E. Wallman, and K. S. Courneya


Personal accounts of exercise and quality of life from the perspective of breast cancer survivors, HM Milne, Andrew Guilfoyle, S Gordon, KE Wallman, and KS Courneya


Protection against muscle damage following fifty drop jumps conferred by ten drop jumps, Motoyoshi Miyama and Kazunori Nosaka


Neck exercises compared to muscle activation during aerial combat maneuvers, Kevin Netto, Angus Burnett, and JL Coleman


Muscle damage and amino acid supplementation: Does it aid recovery from muscle damage?, Kazunori Nosaka


Attenuation of muscle damage by preconditioning with muscle hyperthermia 1-day prior to eccentric exercise, Kazunori Nosaka, Makii Mishan Muthalib, A Lavender, and Paul B. Laursen


Changes in power assessed by the Wingate Anaerobic Test following downhill running, Carmel Nottle and Kazunori Nosaka


Geometric indices of bone strength are associated with physical activity and dietary calcium intake in healthy older women, Michelle K. Nurzenski, N Kathryn Briffa, Roger I. Price, Benjamin C.C. Khoo, Amanda Devine, Thomas J. Beck, and Richard L. Prince


External work and peak power are reliable measures of ergometer grinding performance when tested under load, deck heel, and grinding direction conditions, S. Pearson, P. Hume, D. Slyfield, and John Cronin

Reliability of femoral blood vessel diameter measurement by B-mode ultrasonography, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, Chris Abbiss, Paul B. Laursen, and Kazunori Nosaka


Local expression of IGF-1 accelerates muscle regeneration by rapidly modulating inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, Laura Pelosi, Cristina Giacinti, Chiara Nardis, Giovanna Borsellino, Emanuele Rizzuto, Carmine Nicoletti, Francesca Wannenes, Luca Battistini, Nadia Rosenthal, Mario Molinaro, and Antonio Musarò


The clinical utility of measured kyphosis as a predictor of the presence of vertebral deformities, RL Prince, Amanda Devine, and IM Dick


A cohort study of the effect of endogenous estrogen on spine fracture risk and bone structure in elderly women and an assessment of its diagnostic usefulness, R. L. Prince, I. M. Dick, J. Beilby, S. S. Dhaliwal, and Amanda Devine


Utilization of health and medical services: factors influencing health care seeking behaviour and unmet health needs in rural areas of Kenya, Trish Prosser


The Effects of Ten Weeks of Resistance and Combined Plyometric/Sprint Training With the Meridian Elyte Athletic Shoe on Muscular Performance in Women, Nicholas A. Ratamess, William J. Kraemer, Jeff S. Volek, Duncan N. French, Martyn R. Rubin, Ana L. Gomez, Robert U. Newton, and Carl M. Maresh


No association of vacuolar protein sorting 26 polymorphisms with alzheimer's disease, M. Riemenschneider, A. Schoepfer-Wendels, P. Friedrich, L. Konta, S. M. Laws, J. C. Mueller, A. Kurz, and H. Förstl


Assessment of static balance ability in an athletic pediatric population, Cailyn Rogers

Does Attraction Towards Physical Activity Influence Self-concept or Level of Physical Activity in Children, Elizabeth Rose, Barbara Howard, D Larkin, B Hands, and H Parker


Young children's social information processing: Family antecedents and behavioral correlates, Kevin Runions and DP Keating


No association of chromatin-modifying protein 2B with sporadic frontotemporal dementia, Axel Schumacher, Patricia Friedrich, Janine Diehl-Schmid, Bernd Ibach, Tamara Eisele, Simon M. Laws, Hans Förstl, Alexander Kurz, and Matthias Riemenschneider


The Effect of Accentuated Eccentric Load on Jump Kinetics in High-Performance Volleyball Players, Jeremy Sheppard, Robert U. Newton, and Michael Mcguigan


Monitoring different types of resistance training using session rating of perceived exertion [journal article], Favil Singh, C Foster, D Tod, and Michael Mcguigan


Reliability of kinematics and kinetics associated with horizontal single leg drop jump assessment: A brief report, M. Stalbom, D.J. Holm, John Cronin, and J.W.L. Keogh


The profile and incidence of cancer in Down syndrome, Sheena Sullivan, R. Hussain, Emma Glasson, and Alan Bittles


Is the treatment and transport of asystolic cardiac arrest patients to hospital by ambulance services appropriate?, Andy Symons


Muscle damage and soreness following a 50-km cross-country ski race, Wataru Takashima, Kojiro Ishii, Kazuki Takizawa, Taichi Yamauchi, and Kazunori Nosaka


The effect of resistance training interventions in overweight and obese children, Melissa Tatasciore


Pax7 Expression in the Adult Rat Superior Colliculus Following Optic Nerve Injury, Meghan Thomas, Roger A. Barker, Lyn Beazley, and Melanie Ziman