Submissions from 2012
The central role of dispersal in the maintenance and persistence of seagrass populations, G A Kendrick, M Waycott, T J Carruthers, M L Cambridge, R Hovey, S L Krauss, Paul Lavery, D H Les, R J Lowe, O M Vidal, J L Ooi, R L Orth, D L Rivers, L Ruiz-Montoya, E L Sinclair, J Statton, J L Van Dijk, and J L Verduin
Holocene subsurface temperature variability in the eastern Antarctic continental margin, J H Kim, X Crosta, V Willmott, H Renssen, J Bonnin, Peer Helmke, S Schouten, and J S Sinninghe Damste
Cryptic species of the Eucypris virens species complex (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from Europe have invaded Western Australia, Annette Koenders, Koen Martens, Stuart Halse, and Isa Schoen
Formaldehyde Personal Exposure Measurements and Time Weighted Exposure Estimates in Children, Victoria Lazenby, Andrea Hinwood, Anna Callan, and Peter Franklin
Extraction and on-line concentration of flavonoids in Brassica oleracea by capillary electrophoresis using large volume sample stacking, Iris Lee, Mary Boyce, and M C Breadmore
Improved rinsing procedure for samples containing sulfide and organic interferences in determination of arsenic by voltammetry, Paul Lewtas and Magdalena Wajrak
Stratification of soil organic C, N and C: N ratio as affected by conservation tillage in two maize fields of China, Y Lou, M Xu, Xianni Chen, Xinhua He, and K Zhao
Soil nitrate distribution, N 2O emission and crop performance after the application of N fertilizers to greenhouse vegetables, Y Lou, M Xu, Xinhua He, Y Duan, and L Li
The Collie Pit Lake District, Western Australia: An Overview, Mark Lund, Clinton Mccullough, and Naresh Radhakrishnan
Compositional variation in sugars and organic acids at different maturity stages in selected small fruits from Pakistan, T Mahmood, F Anwar, M Abbas, Mary Boyce, and N Saari
Closure planning in a developing country - a case study from the Phu Kham Mine, Laos, Southeast Asia, Amy Mauric, Clinton Mccullough, Charlie Wilson-Clark, Andrew Witcomb, and Jeff Millgate
Pit lakes as evaporative 'terminal' sinks: an approach to best available practice mine closure, Clinton Mccullough, Genevieve Marchant, Jorg Unseld, Michael Robinson, and Benjamin O'Grady
Riverine breach and subsequent decant of an acidic pit lake: evaluating the effects of riverine flow-through on lake stratification and chemistry, Clinton Mccullough, Naresh Radhakrishnan, Mark Lund, Michelle Newport, Elmien Ballot, and Digby Short
Inhibition of protein translocation at the endoplasmic reticulum promotes activation of the unfolded protein response, Craig McKibbin, Alina Mares, Michela Piacenti, Helen Williams, Peristera Roboti, Marjo Puumalainen, Anna Callan, Karolina Lesiak-Mieczkowska, Stig Linder, Hanna Harant, Stephen High, Sabine Flitsch, Roger Whitehead, and Eileithyia Swanton
Estimating Maternal and Prenatal Exposure to Glyphosate in the Community Setting, Heather Lilian Mcqueen, Anna Callan, and Andrea Hinwood
Facilitating adaptation of biodiversity to climate change: a conceptual framework applied to the world’s largest Mediterranean-climate woodland, S Prober, Kevin Thiele, Philip Rundel, Colin Yates, Sandra Berry, Margaret Byrne, Les Christidis, Carl Gosper, Pauline Grierson, Kristina Lemson, T Lyons, Craig Macfarlane, Michael O'Connor, John Scott, Rachel Standish, William Stock, Eddie Van Etten, G Wardell-Johnson, and A Watson
Flat-plate techniques for measuring reflectance of macro-algae (Ulva curvata), E Ramsey, A Rangoonwala, Mads Thomsen, and A Schwarzschild
Spectral definition of the macro-algae ulva curvata in the back-barrier bays of the eastern shore of Virginia, USA, E Ramsey, A Rangoonwalaj, Mads Thomsen, and A Schwarzschild
Fussy feeders: Phyllosoma larvae of the Western Rocklobster (Panulirus cygnus) demonstrate prey preference, M I Saunders, P A Thompson, A G Jeffs, Christin Sawstrom, N Sachlikidis, L E Beckley, and A M Waite
Environmental influences on virus–host interactions in an Australian subtropical reservoir, Christin Sawstrom and Peter Pollard
A review of Bennelongia De Deckker & McKenzie, 1981(Crustacea, Ostracoda) species from eastern Australia with the description of three new species, Rylan Shearn, Annette Koenders, Stuart Halse, Isa Schoen, and Koen Martens
Interactive effects of altered rainfall and simulated nitrogen deposition on seedling establishment in a global biodiversity hotspot, Rachel Standish, Joseph B Fontaine, R Harris, William Stock, and R Hobbs
Molecular delineation of species in the coral holobiont, Michael Stat, Andrew Baker, David Bourne, Adrienne Correa, Zac Forsman, Megan Huggett, Xavier Pochon, Derek Skillings, Robert Toonen, Madeleine van Oppen, and Ruth Gates
Dendroecological indicators of historical responses of pines to water and nutrient availability on a superficial aquifer in south-western Australia, William Stock, Lindsay Bourke, and Raymond Froend
Phylogenetic ecology of foliar N and P concentrations and N:P ratios across mediterranean-type ecosystems, William Stock and G Anthony Verboom
Prediction of water retention curve of a layer packed with soil particles from particle size distribution, Nobuhide Takahashi, Masataka Tsurukawa, Chikao Arai, Hiroshi Fukunaga, and Koichi Yamada
Harmful algae are not harmful to everyone, Mads Thomsen, Thibaut De Bettignies, Thomas Wernberg, M Holmer, and Bastien Debeuf
A Meta-Analysis of Seaweed Impacts on Seagrasses: Generalities and Knowledge Gaps, Mads Thomsen, Thomas Wernberg, Aschwin H. Engelen, Fernando Tuya, Mat A. Vanderklift, Marianne Holmer, Karen J. McGlathery, Francisco Arenas, Jonne Kotta, and Brian R. Silliman
Importance of topography and topsoil selection and storage in successfully rehabilitating post-closure sand mines featuring pit lakes, Eddie Van Etten, Clinton Mccullough, and Mark Lund
Diversity among Macroalgae-Consuming Fishes on Coral Reefs: A Transcontinental Comparison, Adriana Verges, Scott Bennett, and David R. Bellwood
Validation of portable digital voltammeter, pdv6000+ instrument for detection of lead in rain water samples in Esperance, Western Australia, Magdelena Wajrak and P McCafferty
Developing an empirical model of canopy water flux describing the common response of transpiration to solar radiation and VPD across five contrasting woodlands and forests, Rhys Whitley, Daniel Taylor, Catriona Macinnis-Ng, Melanie Zeppel, Isa Yunusa, Anthony O'Grady, Raymond Froend, Belinda Medlyn, and Derek Eamus
Ecohealth: Connecting Ecology, Health and Sustainability, Bruce Wilcox, Alonso Aguirre, and Pierre Horwitz
Spatial distribution of glomalin-related soil protein and its relationships with root mycorrhization, soil aggregates, carbohydrates, activity of protease and β-glucosidase in the rhizosphere of Citrus unshiu, Qiangsheng Wu, Xinhua He, YingNing Zou, KaiPing He, YaHong Sun, and MingQin Cao
Arbuscular mycorrhizas alter root system architecture of Citrus tangerine through regulating metabolism of endogenous polyamines, Q S Wu, Xinhua He, Y. N. Zou, C Y Liu, Jie XIAO, and Yan Li
Decomposition of Abies faxoniana litter varies with freeze-thaw stages and altitudes in subalpine/alpine forests of southwest China, J Zhu, Xinhua He, F Wu, Wanquin Yang, and B Tan
Submissions from 2011
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Attributes of Different Solvent Extracts from Leaves and Flowers of Akk [Calotropis Procera (Ait.) Ait. F.)], Naveed Ahmad, Farooq Anwar, Sohail Hameed, and Mary C. Boyce
Assessing the relationship between fire and grazing on soil characteristics and mite communities in a semi-arid savanna of northern Australia, Stephen Beyer, Adrianne Kinnear, Lindsay Hutley, Keith McGuinness, and Karen Gibb
Can we learn how systems work? , Fabio Boschetti, Pierre Yves-Hardy, Nicola Grigg, and Pierre Horwitz
Quantitative approaches in climate change ecology, Christopher J. Brown, David S. Schoeman, William J. Sydeman, Keith Brander, Lauren B. Buckley, Michael Burrows, Carlos M. Duarte, Pippa J. Moore, John M. Pandolfi, Elvira Poloczanska, William Venables, and Anthony J. Richardson
The pace of shifting climate in marine and terrestrial ecosystems, Michael Burrows, David Schoeman, Lauren Buckley, Pippa Moore, Elvira Poloczanska, Keith Brander, Chris Brown, John Bruno, Carlos Duarte, Benjamin Halpern, Johanna Holding, Carrie Kappel, Wolfgang Kiessling, Mary O'Connor, John Pandolfi, Camille Parmesan, Franklin Schwing, William Sydeman, and Anthony Richardson
Children's Exposure to Metals: A Community-Initiated Study, Anna Carita Callan, Matthew Winters, Caroline Barton, Mary C. Boyce, and Andrea Lee Hinwood
Responding to Emerging Challenges: Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1, Ruth Cromie, Nick Davidson, Colin Galbraith, Ward Hagemeijer, Pierre Horwitz, Rebecca Lee, Taej Mundkur, and David Stroud
Survival and Population Size of the Frog Heleioporus Albopunctatus in a Highly Modified, Agricultural Landscape, Robert Davis and J Roberts
Diversity and composition of ectomycorrhizal community on seedling roots: the role of host preference and soil origin, Qiong Ding, Yu Liang, Pierre Legendre, Xin-hua He, Ke-quan Pei, Xiao-jun Du, and Ke-ping Ma
Linking hydraulic conductivity and photosynthesis to water-source partitioning in trees versus seedlings, Paul L. Drake, Ray H. Froend, and Peter J. Franks
Long-term pig manure application reduces the requirement of chemical phosphorus and potassium in two rice-wheat sites in subtropical China, YingHua Duan, M Xu, Xinhua He, Shuanglai Li, and X Sun
Factors Affecting the Distribution of Nutrients in the Tree Organs of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis in the Arid Lands of Western Australia, Hiroyuki Hamano, Noriko Saito, Yoshiko Tanaka, Shigeru Kato, Kiyotaka Tahara, Nobuhide Takahashi, Koichi Yamada, and Toshinori Kojima
Access to Inland Waters for Tourism: Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs, Pierre Horwitz and M Carter
The relationship between water, health and global environmental change, as interpreted through five key Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), Pierre Horwitz, Lucilla Spini, Kathryn Campbell, R J Thomas, and Jo Mulongoy
Assessing practical laboratory skills in undergraduate molecular biology courses, Lynne Hunt, Annette Koenders, and Vidar Gynnild
Regulator Guidance and Legislation Relevant to Pit Lakes, Hugh Jones and Clinton Mccullough
Sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment of azo dyes: Decolourisation and amine degradability, M. Jonstrup, Naresh K. Radhakrishnan, M. Murto, and B. Mattiasson
Forces that structure plant communities: quantifying the importance of the mycorrhizal symbiosis, J. Klironomos, M. Zobel, M. Tibbett, William D. Stock, M.C. Rillig, J.L. Parrent, M. Moora, A.M. Koch, J.M. Facelli, E. Facelli, I.A. Dickie, and J.D. Bever
Assessing wetland ecosystem services and poverty interlinkages: A general framework and case study, Ritesh Kumar, Pierre Horwitz, G. Randy Milton, Sonali Sellamuttu, Sebastian Buckton, Nick Davidson, Ajit Pattnaik, Monica Zavagli, and Chris Baker
A rapid quantitative determination of phenolic acids in Brassica oleracea by capillary zone electrophoresis, Iris Lee, Mary Boyce, and Michael Breadmore
Long-term combined application of manure and NPK fertilizers influenced nitrogen retention and stabilization of organic C in Loess soil, Bin Liang, Xueyun Yang, Xinhua He, Daniel Murphy, and Jianbin Zhou
Effects of 17-year Fertilization on Soil Microbial Biomass C and N and Soluble Organic C and N in Loessial Soil During Maize Growth, Bin Liang, Xueyun Yang, Xinhua He, and Jianbin Zhou
Nitrite, Sodium Nitroprusside, Potassium Ferricyanide and Hydrogen Peroxide Release Dormancy of Amaranthus Retroflexus Seeds in a Nitric Oxide-Dependent Manner, Xuanyu Liu, Zhijun Deng, Hongyan Cheng, Xinhua He, and Songquan Song
Rapid Change of AM Fungal Community in a Rain-Fed Wheat Field With Short-Term Plastic Film Mulching Practice, Yongjun Liu, Lin Mao, Xinhua He, Gang Cheng, Xiaojun Ma, Lizhe An, and Huyuan Feng
Meeting Environmental Goals for Pit Lake Restoration - Factoring in the Biology, Mark A. Lund and Clint D. McCullough
How representative are pit lakes of regional natural water bodies? A case study from silica sand mining, Mark A. Lund and Clinton D. Mccullough
Habitat surrounding patch reefs influences the diet and nutrition of the western rock lobster, Lachlan Macarthur, D L Phillips, Glenn Hyndes, Christine Hanson, and Mathew Vanderklift
Ecological Restoration of Novel Lake Districts: New Approaches for New Landscapes, Clinton D. McCullough and Eddie J. Van Etten
Bioremediation of Acidic and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD) through organic carbon amendment by municipal sewage and green waste, Clinton Mccullough and Mark Lund
Limiting factors for crayfish and finfish in acidic coal pit lake, Clinton McCullough and Mark Lund
Recovery from the impact of light reduction on the seagrass Amphibolis griffithii, insights for dredging management, Kathryn McMahon, Paul Lavery, and Michael Mulligan
Linking Land and Sea: Different Pathways for Marine Subsidies, Kajsa Mellbrand, Paul S. Lavery, Glenn A. Hyndes, and Peter A. Hamback
Model-based Investigations of Acidity Sources and Sinks of a Pit Lake in Western Australia, Mike Mueller, katja Eulitz, Clinton McCullough, and Mark Lund
Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Mediterranean-type Ecosystems: An Ecological Assessment, Raul Ochoa-Hueso, Edith Allen, Cristina Branquinho, Cristina Cruz, Teresa Dias, Mark Fenn, Esteban Manrique, M. Perez-Corona, Lucy Sheppard, and William Stock
Sourcing Organic Materials for Pit Lake Bioremediation in Remote Mining Regions, Naresh D. Radhakrishnan, Clinton D. Mccullough, Mark A. Lund, and Michelle L. Newport
How does storage affect the quality and quantity of organic carbon in sewage for use in the bioremediation of acidic mine waters?, Naresh K. Radhakrishnan, Clinton D. Mccullough, and Mark A. Lund
Bacterial sulfate reduction based ecotechnology for remediation of acidic pit lakes, Naresh Radhakrishnan, Clinton Mccullough, and Mark Lund
Potential of sewage and green waste for acidic pit lake bioremediation, Naresh Radhakrishnan, Clinton McCullough, and Mark Lund
Evaluating the factors limiting algal biomass in acidic pit lakes of the Collie lake district, Western Australia, Naresh Radhakrishnan, Clinton McCullough, Mark Lund, and Santiago Larranaga Arrizabalaga
Establishment of Endomycorrhizal Fungi on Micropropagated Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.), Maria I. Ramirez Caro, Ian Bennett, and Nick Malajczuk
Capturing Intangible Cultural Impacts from Tourism on Aboriginal Land in Australia's Kimberley, Pascal Scherrer and Kim Doohan
Visitor management practices and operational sustainability: Expedition cruising in the Kimberley, Australia, Pascal Scherrer, Amanda J. Smith, and Ross K. Dowling
Subtidal macroalgal richness, diversity and turnover, at multiple spatial scales, along the southwestern Australian coastline, David Smale, G Kendrick, and Thomas Wernberg
Resilience of Phreatophytic Vegetation to Groundwater Drawdown: Is Recovery Possible Under a Drying Climate?, Bea Sommer and Raymond Froend
Inconsistent benefits of a freshwater protected area for artisanal fisheries and biodiversity in a South-east Asian wetland, Chongdee Srinoparatwatana and Glenn Hyndes
Gradients in the number of species at reef-seagrass ecotones explained by gradients in abundance, Fernando Tuya, Mathew Vanderklift, Thomas Wernberg, and Mads Thomsen
The Role and Value of Riparian Vegetation for Mine Pit Lakes, Eddie J.B. Van Etten
Sand mining restoration on the Swan coastal plain using topsoil : Learning from monitoring of previous rehabilitation attempts, Eddie J.B. Van Etten, Clinton D. McCullough, and Mark A. Lund
Setting Restoration Goals for Restoring Pit Lakes as Aquatic Ecosystems - A Case Study from Southwest Australia, Eddie J.B. Van Etten, Clinton D. McCullough, and Mark A. Lund
Spatial patterns in herbivory on a coral reef are influenced by structural complexity but not by algal traits, Adriana Verges, Mathew Vanderklift, C Doropoulos, and Glenn Hyndes
Inoculations with Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase vegetable yields and decrease phoxim concentrations in carrot and green onion and their soils, Fa Yuan Wang, Rui Jian Tong, Zhao Yong Shi, Xiao Feng Xu, and Xinhua He
Impacts of climate change in a global hotspot for temperate marine biodiversity and ocean warming, Thomas Wemberg, Bayden Russel, Pippa Moore, Scott Ling, Daniel Smale, Alex Campbell, Melinda Coleman, Peter Steinberg, and Gary Kendrick
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can alter some root characters and physiological status in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf.) seedlings, Qiang-Sheng Wu, Ying-Ning Zou, Xin-Hua He, and Peng Luo
Differences of hyphal and soil phosphatase activities in drought-stressed mycorrhizal trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) seedlings, Qiang-Sheng Wu, Ying-Ning N Zou, and Xinhua He
Submissions from 2010
Rooting theories of plant community ecology in microbial interactions, James D. Bever, Ian A. Dickie, Evalina Facelli, Jose M. Facelli, John Klironomos, Mari Moora, Matthias C. Rillig, William D. Stock, Mark Tibbett, and Martin Zobel
Carbon and nitrogen translocation in response to shading of the seagrass Posidonia sinuosa, Catherine J. Collier, Patricia Prado, and Paul Lavery
Phreatophytic Vegetation Response to Climatic and Abstraction-Induced Groundwater Drawdown: Examples of Long-Term Spatial and Temporal Variability in Community Response, Raymond Froend and Beate Sommer
Light reductions drive macroinvertebrate changes in Amphibolis griffithii seagrass habitat, Adam Gartner, Paul S. Lavery, Kathryn McMahon, Anne Brearley, and Helen Barwick
Differentiation of benthic marine primary producers using stable isotopes and fatty acids: Implications to food web studies, Christine E. Hanson, Glenn A. Hyndes, and Shao Fang Wang
The conservation status of freshwater crayfish: the basis for concern, listing and recovery processes, and community involvement, Pierre Horwitz
Predator-Baiting Experiments for the Conservation of Rock-Wallabies in Western Australia: 25-Year Review with Recent Advances, J E. Kinnear, C J. Krebs, Craig Pentland, P Orell, Christopher Holme, and Reino Karvinen
Quantitative determination of glucoraphanin in Brassica vegetables by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Iris Lee, Mary C. Boyce, and Michael Breadmore
Vulnerability of organic acid tolerant wetland biota to the effects of inorganic acidification, Clinton D. McCullough and Pierre Horwitz