
Submissions from 2005


Variations in the dietary compositions of morphologically diverse syngnathid fishes, Alan Kendrick and Glenn Hyndes


An Ecological Risk Assessment of Irrigation in the Ord River Catchment, a Highly Disturbed and Poorly Understood Area in the Wet-Dry Tropics of Australia, Mark Lund


Herbicide contamination and the potential impact to seagrass meadows in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia, Kathryn McMahon, Susan Bengston-Nash, Geoff Eaglesham, Joachin Muller, and Norm Duke


A Quantitative Dietary Study of the 'Critically Endangered' Gilbert's Potoroo Potorous Gilbertii, Vinh Nguyen, Alan Needham, and Anthony Friend


Biomass dynamics of exotic Sargassum muticum and native Halidrys siliquosa in Limfjorden, Denmark - Implications of species replacements on turnover rates, Morten Pedersen, Peter Staehr, Thomas Wernberg, and Mads Solgaard Thomsen


Nowhere to hide: Awareness and perceptions of environmental change, and their influence on relationships with place, Ruth Rogan, Moira O'Connor, and Pierre Horwitz


Recovery of Alpine Vegetation from Grazing and Drought: Data from Long-term Photoquadrats in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia, Pascal Scherrer and Catherine Marina Pickering


The short-term effects of air pollution on hospital admissions in four Australian cities, Rod Simpson, Gail Williams, Anna Petroechevsky, Trudi Best, Geoff Morgan, Lynn Denison, Andrea Hinwood, and Gerard Neville


The short-term effects of air pollution on daily mortality on four Australian cities, Rod Simpson, Gail Williams, Anna Petroechevsky, Trudi Best, Geoff Morgan, Lynn Denison, Andrea Hinwood, Gerard Neville, and Anne Neller


Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of an Amphibolis griffithii seagrass bed, A J Smit, Ann Brearley, Glenn Hyndes, Paul Lavery, and Dianne Walker


Preventing wetland soils and sediments from burning on the Swan Coastal Plain: Workshop outcomes and conclusions, Ralph D. Smith and Pierre Horwitz


Long-term effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on species composition and productivity of a southern African C4 dominated grassland in the vicinity of a CO2 exhalation, William Stock, Fulco Ludwig, Carl Morrow, Guy Midgley, Stephanie Wand, Nicky Allsopp, and Tina Bell


Temporal changes between ecological regimes in a range of primary and secondary salinised wetlands, Karen Strehlow, Jennifer Davis, Lien Sim, Jane Chambers, Stuart Halse, David Hamilton, Pierre Horwitz, Arthur McComb, and Raymond Froend


Miniview: What effects the forces required to break or dislodge macroalgae?, Mads Solgaard Thomsen and Thomas Wernberg


Contrasting influence of sea urchins on attached and drift macroalgae, Mathew Vanderklift and Gary Kendrick


Beyond disciplinary boundaries: Leptospirosis as a model of incorporating transdisciplinary approaches to understand infectious disease emergence, Joe Vinetz, Bruce Wilcox, Alonso Aguirre, Lisa X. Gollin, Alan R. Katz, Roger S. Fujioka, Kepa Maly, Pierre Horwitz, and Healani Chang


The Determination of the Best Separation Conditions for a Mixture of Preservatives of Varying Polarity Using HPLC: an ACELL Experiment, Magdalena Wajrak and Mary Boyce


Holdfast aggregation in relation to morphology, age, attachment and drag for the kelp Ecklonia radiata, Thomas Wernberg


Modification of the physical environment by an Ecklonia radiata (Laminariales) canopy and implications for associated foliose algae, Thomas Wernberg, Gary Kendrick, and Ben Toohey


The effect of wave exposure on the morphology of Ecklonia radiata, Thomas Wernberg and Mads Thomsen

Under Pressure: Does Osmotic Potential of the Culture Medium Affect Growth of Seagrasses?, Julia Wilson and Ian Bennett


Nitrate reductase activity in macroalgae and its vertical distribution in macroalgal epiphytes of seagrasses, Erica Young, Paul Lavery, Beverley Van Elven, Mat Dring, and John A Berges

Submissions from 2004


The influence of ammonium nitrate, pH and indole butyric acid on root induction and survival in soil of micropropagated Eucalyptus globulus, I J. Bennett, D A J McDavid, and J A McComb

Mulga (Acacia Aneura) death adjacent to haul roads in the Northern Goldfields, Western Australia, Muriel Davies and Eddie Van Etten


Operational sex ratio and mating behaviour of the myobatrachid frog Neobatrachus kunapalari, Robert Davis and J Dale Roberts


Reefs as contributors to diversity of epiphytic macroalgae assemblages in seagrass meadows, B. Van Elven, P. S. Lavery, and G. A. Kendrick

A guide to tropical seagrasses of the Indo-West Pacific, Michelle Waycott, Kathryn Mcmahon, Jane Mellors, Ainsley Calladine, and Diana Kleine

Submissions from 2003


Tailoring the separation selectivity of metal complexes and organometallic compounds resolved by capillary electrophoresis using auxiliary separation processes, Mary Boyce and Paul Haddad


Determination of flavour components in natural vanilla extracts and synthetic flavourings by mixed micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Mary Boyce, Paul Haddad, and Tomislav Sostaric


What happens when you add salt: predicting impacts of secondary salinisation on shallow aquatic ecosystems using an alternative states model, Jennifer A. Davis, Megan McGuire, Stuart Halse, David Hamilton, Pierre Horwitz, Clive Barstow, Raymond H. Froend, Michael Lyons, and Lien Sim


Functional capacities of marsupial hearts: size and mitochondrial parameters indicate higher aerobic capabilities than generally seen in placental mammals, T J Dawson, K N Webster, B Mifsud, E Raad, E Lee, and A D. Needham


Quail eggs, modelling clay eggs, imprints and small mammals in Australian woodland, Graham Fulton and Hugh A Ford


Black swan and western tiger snake: A conflict avoidance encounter, Graham Fulton and Mercedes Smith


An Intervention Trial on Short Term Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic in Drinking Water, Andrea Hinwood, Nick de Klerk, Malcolm Sim, Judy Hankin, and Jim Gerostamoulos


Risk factors for increased urinary inorganic arsenic concentrations from low arsenic concentrations in drinking water, Andrea Hinwood, Malcolm R Sim, Damien Jolley, Nick de Klerk, Elisa Bastone, Jim Gerostamoulos, and Olaf O Drummer


Fire and organic substrates: soil structure, water quality and biodiversity in far southwest Western Australia, Pierre Horwitz, Simon Judd, and Beate Sommer


Socio-ecological relationships and their consequences in coping with environmental changes in south-western Australia, Pierre Horwitz, Ruth Rogan, Keith Bradby, and Margaret Robertson


Differences in the species- and size-composition of fish assemblages in three distinct seagrass habitats with differing plant and meadow structure, Glenn Hyndes, Alan Kendrick, Lachlan D MacArthur, and Emily Stewart


Patterns in the abundance and size-distribution of syngnathid fishes among habitats in a seagrass-dominated marine environment, A J Kendrick and G A. Hyndes


Clutch hydration following ovipositions by urination may reduce dessication in thorny devil (Moloch horridus) eggs, Mitchell Ladyman and Scott Thompson


Lessons that non-scientists can teach us about the concept of energy: a human-centred approach, Monica Leggett


Food availability for the dibbler (Parantechinus apicalis) on Boullanger and Whitlock Islands, Western Australia, Susan Miller, Roberta Bencini, Harriet Mills, and Dorian Moro


Pathogens of house mice on arid Boullanger Island and subantarctic Macquarie Island, Australia, D Moro, M A. Lawson, R P Hobbs, and A C A Thompson


Translocation of captive-bred dibblers Parantechinus apicalis (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) to Escape Island, Western Australia, Dorian Moro

Pathogen study of house mice on islands reveals insights into viral persistence in isolated populations, Dorian Moro and Malcolm Lawson


Microsatellite primers for the Western Pebble-mound Mouse (Pseudomys chapmani) that show cross amplification for other species of Australian rodent, Dorian Moro and Peter Spencer


Recovery of the Threatened Chuditch (Dasyurus Geoffroll): A Case STudy, Keith Morris, Brent Johnson, Peter Orell, Glen Gaikhorst, Adrian Wayne, and Dorian Moro

Review of generic no-take areas and conventional fishery closure systems and their application to the management of tropical fishery resources along north-western Australia, Stephen Newman, Glenn Hyndes, Jim Penn, Michael C Mackie, and Peter C Stephenson


Intraspecific variation in the advertisement call of the Sunset Frog Spicospina flammocaerulea (Anura: Myobatrachidae): a frog with a limited geographic distribution, Michael J Smith, J Dale Roberts, Thomas J Hammond, and Robert Davis


Surface activity of arid-adapted frogs, G G. Thompson, S A. Thompson, and J L Fraser


Assessing biodiversity with species accumulation curves; inventories of small reptiles by pit-trapping in Western Australia, Graham G. Thompson, Philip Withers, Eric R Pianka, and Scott A. Thompson


Dynamics of a cyanobacterial bloom in a hypereutrophic, stratified weir pool, Peter Thompson, Anya Waite, and Kathryn Mcmahon


Reproductive observations of a Thorny Devil, Moloch orridus, in a semi-arid environment, Scott Thompson


The western bearded dragon, Pogona minor (Squamata: Agamidae): An early lizard coloniser of rehabilitated areas, Scott Thompson and Graham Thompson


Sources of variation in consumer-diet δ15N enrichment: a meta-analysis, Mathew Vanderklift and Sergine Ponsard


Regional differences in kelp-associated algal assemblages on temperate limestone reefs in south-western Australia, Thomas Wernberg, Gary A. Kendrick, and Julia C. Phillips


Differences in recreationally targeted fishes between protected and fished areas of a coral reef marine park, Mark Westera, Paul Lavery, and Glenn Hyndes

Submissions from 2002


Solid-phase microextraction in food analysis: With particular reference to wine, M C. Boyce and E E. Spickett


Influence of Groundwater Depth on the Seasonal Sources of Water Accessed by Banksia Tree Species on a Shallow, Sandy Coastal Aquifer, Raymond Froend, Sandra Zencich, Jeffrey Turner, and Vit Gailitis


Avifauna of Mount Tomah botanic gardens and Upper Stockyard Gully in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, G. R. Fulton


Pneumaticity of the dorsal foramen and dorsal sulcus of the sternum in Austalasian Passeriformes, Graham Russell Fulton and W E Boles


Located Toxicology: The Need for Alternative Methodologies to Address Toxicological Significance, Pierre Horwitz and Pam Nichols


Use of the d15N signatures of different functional forms of macroalgae and filter-feeders to reveal temporal and spatial patterns in sewage distribution, Mahvesh Khan, Paul Lavery, and A J Smit

Creating Opportunities from Challenges in On-line Introductory Biology, Annette Koenders


Myofibrillar Protein Composition of Muscle Fibres from Regenerating and Pristine Claws of the freshwater Crayfish, Cherax Destructor, Annette Koenders, Lisa Cutler, Jan West, M Klemm, and Donald Mykles


The Effects of Moult-induced atrophy on Claw Muscle of the Yabby, Cherax Destructor, Annette Koenders, Tina Lamey, and Jan West


Ubiquitin and actin expression in claw muscles of land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, and american lobster, Homarus americanus: Differential expression of ubiquitin in two slow muscle fiber types during molt-induced atrophy, Annette Koenders, Xiaoli Yu, Ernest S. Change, and Donald L. Mykles

Invasion of Indigenous Vegetation in South-West by Leptospemum Laevigatum (Myrtaceae), Anya Lam and Eddie Van Etten


A Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Epiphytic Macroagal Assemlages of the Seagrasses Amphibolis and Posidonia Coriacea, Paul Lavery and Mathew Vanderklift


Diets and predictions of feeding rate of house mice and Lakeland Downs short-tailed mice inhabiting an arid-zone island in Western Australia, D Moro and S D Bradshaw

Comparison of Baits and Bait Stations for the Selective Control of Wild House Mice on Thevenard Island, Western Australia, Dorian Moro


Myofibrillar protein isoform expression is correlated with synaptic efficacy in slow fibres of the claw and leg opener muscles of crayfish and lobster, Donald L. Mykles, Scott Medler, Annette Koenders, and Robin Cooper


Patterns in fish assemblages 25 years after major seagrass loss, M A. Vanderklift and C A. Jacoby

Submissions from 2001


Determination of additives in food by capillary electrophoresis, Mary Boyce


Spatial variation of the d13 C signature of Ruppia megacarpa (Mason) in coastal lagoons of south-western Australia and its implication for isotopic studies, Mary C. Boyce, Paul Lavery, Pamela Weatherill, and Pierre Horwitz

The effects of reducing bird predation on canopy arthropods of marri (Eucalyptus calophylla) saplings on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, N.C.P Evelegh, J.D. Majer, and H.F. Recher


Why have birds in the woodlands of southern Australia declined?, Hugh A Ford, Geoffrey W. Barrett, Denis A. Saunders, and Harry F. Recher


Differential use of seagrass assemblages by a suite of odacid species, Glenn Hyndes and Lachlan D. MacArthur


The dynamics of unattached benthic macroalgal accumulations in the swan canning estuary, Paul Lavery and H Astill


Assessing biomass, assemblage structure and productivity of algal epiphytes on seagrasses, Paul Lavery and Gary Kendrick


The use of fick's first law for predicting porewater nutrient fluxes under diffusive conditions, Paul Lavery, Carolyn Oldham, and M Ghizaberti


Ecological significance of seagrasses: Assessment for management of environmental impact in Western Australia, Paul Lavery, Derek Walker, K A Hillman, and Alan Kendrick


Science, story, and image: a new approach to crossing the communication barrier posed by scientific jargon, Monica Leggett and M Finlay


Removing filterable reactive phosphorus from highly coloured stormwater using constructed wetlands, Mark Lund, Paul Lavery, and Raymond Froend


Evaluation and cost-benefits of controlling house mice ( mus domestics) on islands: An example from Thevenard island, Western Australia, Dorian Moro


Availability of Seed for Recruitment of Riparian Vegetation: A Comparison of a Tropical and a Temperate River Ecosystem in Australia, Neil Pettit and Raymond Froend


Long-term Changes in the Vegetation After the Cessation of Livestock Grazing in Eucalyptus Marginata (Jarrah) Woodland Remnants, Neil Pettit and Raymond Froend


Variability in Flood Disturbance and the Impact on Riparian Tree Recruitment in Two Contrasting River Systems, Neil Pettit and Raymond Froend


Identifying the Natural Flow Regime and the Relationship with Riparian Vegetation for Two Contrasting Western Australian Rivers, Neil Pettit, Raymond Froend, and Peter Davies


The Potential of Revegetation Programs to Encourage Invertebrates and Insectivorous Birds, Harry F. Recher, Anthony Craig Watson, Jonathan D. Majer, and R Graham


A checklist of canopy, bark, soil and litter fauna of the darling plateau and adjacent woodland near Perth, Western Australia, with reference to the conservation of forest and woodland fauna, Harry Recher, B. Heterick, J. D. Majer, and A. Postle


Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Response to Acidification Following Intensified Summer Droughts in a Western Australian Wetland, Beate Sommer and Pierre Horwitz


Behaviour and spatial ecology of Gilbert's dragon Lophognathus gilberti (Agamidae: Reptilia), G G. Thompson and S A. Thompson


Foraging ecology and habitat selection of the yellow-plumed honey eater lichenostomus ornatus in a western Australian woodland, Kellie Wilson and Harry F. Recher