Sound Scripts

Submissions and Author Guidelines
Authors should consult the specific Call For Papers (CFP) for the relevant edition to which they are submitting.
Please follow the CFP if any discrepancies exist. As a general rule however:
1. Sound Scripts publishes short articles 3,500 to 6,000 words (exclusive of references and notes).
2. All submissions should include an Abstract of not more than 250 words.
3. Authors are asked to follow the Chicago Author-Date referencing system and use Endnotes (not in-text referencing). Those unfamiliar with Chicago are recommended to consult Sound Scripts, vol. 3 (2011), or tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html or Please note that submissions may be rejected if not properly formatted.
4. Please do not therefore include a separate List of References or Bibliography. Instead follow the rules for Chicago Endnotes, in which full details are included with the first citation; subsequent Endnote citations follow Chicago Author-Date conventions.
5. Please use Times New Roman 12 point font.
6. Paragraphs should be single-line spaced, no first line indent, justified format. Each new paragraph should be marked by a hard return, with an extra space in between paragraphs. Lay out your essay as a single column.
7. Use “double inverted comas” for run-in, short quotations of under 30 words. Use smart comas (comas which “curl inwards”). If paraphrasing, please do not employ single-coma ‘scare apostrophes’ [sic]. Only referenced, direct quotations should be surrounded by inverted comas—nothing else.
8. Format long block quotations of over 30 words as separate paragraphs, set off from the left margin by 1.27 cm. Do not use quotation marks within or around block quotations, unless there is a quote within a quote.
9. Single inverted comas for possessives only (James’; Doctor’s; but none for the plural of decades such as 1930s)
10. Please do not use contractions (no “n’t” [sic], “I’d” [sic]).
11. You may include images and score samples—though please ensure your file is not too big to email..
12. Please direct any queries in the first instance to