Sound Scripts

Becoming in the Practice of Acoustic Arts
This paper situates the practice of acoustic arts in abroad social perspective, examining process and agency as primary motivators in the creation of a living sonic art system. It argues that the agency of the field itself requires a re-conception of the field asa social system, with the sustainability of that system becoming a central concern. It also argues for a shift in the practical imperative from the question of how to make acoustic art to that of how to 'make a living' as an acoustic artist, and how the acoustic arts might hope to 'stay alive'. The paper leverages the ideas of German sociologist Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory, and aims to reconcile a systemic view of practice with lived experience as a researcher investigating the sonic arts from both a theoretical and practical perspective.
Recommended Citation
Noble, M. J.
Becoming in the Practice of Acoustic Arts.
Sound Scripts, 3(1).
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