Sound Scripts

Electrodrone-Glitchbeatz': Experimental Electonica in Perth 1995-2010
This paper attempts to provide an overview of the development of experimental electronic music in Perth between the mid-1990s and the end of the first decade of the new millennium, using four regular live music events as the basis for this analysis. It connects live experimental electronica in Perth to broader stylistic developments that took place over this period, but also to specific iterations of particular subcultural formations and specific communities that enacted the identity politics and social constructs connected to such. Often existing outside of the art music tradition of the city's new music scene, these live music events emerged out of popular music traditions, including various electronic and dance music styles. However, the artists who featured at these events were also invested in the aesthetic properties of noise, in the role of technology in pushing compositional and performative boundaries, and in the capacity for various aspects of the avant- garde to influence and coalesce with popular musical practice andperformance.
Recommended Citation
Trainer, A.
Electrodrone-Glitchbeatz': Experimental Electonica in Perth 1995-2010.
Sound Scripts, 5(1).
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