
Sound Scripts

Sound Scripts

Western Australian New Music Archive: An Ongoing Journey


The fifth Totally Huge Music Festival Conference Symposium was conducted in conjunction with the launch of the \Vest Australian New Music Archive (WANMA) at the State Library of Western Australia (SLWA), which is in some respects the current home of the project. This is in part because of SLWA's significant involvement as a partner on the project, but also because it's where the archive "lives". This is of course some what misleading as it is a digital archive, meaning that it lives online. However, as with any collection, it requires infrastructure, and WANMA's infrastructure is at least based around the SLWA catalogue. Amongst other things, libraries are institutions that serve communities, and my intention with this keynote is to focus on the importance of communities. In echoing the thinking and motivation behind WANMA, I'd like to approach this discussion from the perspective of communities of practice. I will provide an overview of the West Australian New Music Archive, what we aim to do with it, some of the challenges we've had in order to get us to this point, and how we arrived at collecting the variety of materials that we have.
