Sound Scripts

The development of interactive performance systems is an active area of research in the field of live electronic music. Whilst various models and metaphors of interactivity have been proposed in the literature, the engagement of these systems in improvised performance remains under-researched. This paper explores the notion of musical interpretation in improvised human-machine performance practice from the perspective of a performer-developer. Through a consideration of the notion of the musical text, these creative artefacts and the performance practices they engender are situated within the context of interpretive musical practice. I argue that musical performances with these software systems may be seen as an instantiation of the combined musical ideas of the system developer, the musician navigating this space of ideas, and the live and interactive contributions of a machine to the performance. The paper concludes that the development of interactive software is akin to the creation a form of musical text.
Recommended Citation
Carey, B.
Musical Interpretation In Improvised Human-Machine Performance.
Sound Scripts, 6(1).
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